Mateusz Harasymczuk

Chief Aerospace Systems Engineer at Astro Tech and Bioastronautics, Director of Flight Crew Operations at Analog Astronaut Training Center. Lead instructor of EVA 105 - underwater neutral buoyancy space suit evaluation for Project PoSSUM. Former YGT engineer at European Space Agency. BSc in software engineering. MSc in Aerospace and Astronautics from Polish Air Force Academy. Copernicus Medal for creating foundations for human spaceflight in Poland. First prize for Best Educational Initiative in Global Space Balloon Challenge 2019. Technical diver (TEC50) and PADI Open Water Scuba Instructor, glider and general aviation pilot, trained in combat medicine (TCCC, ACLS) and SERE levels A and B. Co-founded, privately financed and built habitat and Analog Astronaut Training Center in Poland. Developed HabitatOS a proof of concept operating system for Moon and Mars habitats. Three times (5 weeks) analog astronaut (Crew Medical Officer, ECLSS Engineer, Executive Officer), 37 times MCC as a Principal Investigator and Capcom. PoSSUM Scientist-Astronaut with advanced courses in ‘spaceflight physiology’, ‘spacecraft egress, sea survival and rescue operations’ and ‘Lunar and Martian atmospheric and geological science and EVA tools development’. Flown parabolic flights at Novespace with Vestand experiment in 2017. At European Space Agency collaborated on Moon Village concept, habitat design, Lunar EVA procedures, and subjective time perception. Consulted 100+ organizations in project management and software engineering. Trained 7.3k+ people in software engineering during more than 1000 workshops. Led project management transformation for Center of Information Technology at Polish Ministry of Interior. Postgraduate diploma in: Extreme Medicine, Analytical Chemistry, Applied Geophysics, Air Traffic Control, European Master in Radiation Biology from SCK CEN in Belgium. Author of several books i.e. Python 3: from None to Machine Learning; Software Engineering: DevOps, CI/CD, Software quality assurance and systems architecture; Astronaut Selection and Training for Long Duration Spaceflight and Extravehicular Activity, Geophysics experiments from Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package. Designed and flight tested human centrifuge with Soyuz MS acceleration profiles for launch, ascent, reentry, descent, landing and contingencies: abort launch, ballistic reentry. Lab experience in working with, AAS, AES, ASA, ICP-AES, ICP-MS, HPLC. Field experience with XRF, IR, UV-Viz and Raman Spectroscopy. Currently involved in development, neutral buoyancy and parabolic flight tests of Advanced Crew Medical Restraint System for commercial astronaut ACLS and CPR procedures. First/Secondary adult and child care Emergency First Responder instructor.

Mateusz Harasymczuk

1chapters authored