México produced 745,820 tons of apple fruit in 2020 and does not supply the national demand, so imports must be made. Apple production is from July to October in the year, the highest production is in September and is destined for national consumption. In the fresh market, the highest sale price is in July and August, but as of November the price drops. For that reason, the business producers use refrigeration. The refrigerators can be 1500 cubic meters or higher, and cooled with harmless gases to avoid damage to the atmosphere, the refrigerator must have a temperature of 3.3 to 3.9° C, a CO2 concentration of less than 10% and a concentration of oxygen from 2.0 to 2.5%. In the region the best refrigerators use liquid nitrogen and can take out their apple slowly each month to supply the market at a better price. To keep the fruit in CA until January of the following year, to have prices higher than $50 Mexican pesos per kilo (2.45 US dollars).
Part of the book: Fruit Industry