Charles Fokunang
Dr. Charles FOKUNANG obtained his Ph.D. degree in 1995 in the domain of PHYTOPATHOLOGY, sub-specialization/Option PESTICIDE CHEMISTRY, AND TOXICOLOGY), working on the evaluation of cassava genotypes for resistance to anthracnose, bacterial blight, and African cassava mosaic viruses (ACMV).under the Supervisions of Prof Tunde IKOTUN-PHYTOPATHOLOGIST, University of Ibadan, Nigeria, and (Professor ALOJUN DIXON -PLANT BREEDER –International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA)-Nigeria. This was a multi-disciplinary research work cutting across many disciplines: mycology, virology, bacteriology, genetics, and toxicology). From 1995 to 2000 Dr. Fokunang taught and did post-doctoral research in the academia at the University of Ibadan Nigeria and Athlone Institute of Technology IRELAND, and rose to the rank of senior lecturer. During his teaching career, he underwent much training in integrated pest and disease management (IPDM), toxicology, molecular biology, and drug quality control. He taught in the domain of Toxicology, crop protection and entomopathology.. He has made a scientific contribution worldwide in Phytopathology by developing -screening techniques for cassava disease diagnosis in international research organizations. - The first research group to report that Colletotrichum in cassava was seed-borne and seed transmitted, a work that led to the screening of cassava seeds for resistance to diseases. -Dr. Fokunang has also made a significant contribution to host-pathogen vector interactions in Cassava disease etiology. During this period from 1995-2000, Dr. Fokunang published over 25 publications in the domain of phytopathology, crop protection, molecular biology and toxicology In 2003 Dr. Fokunang with the quest to further his career in drug development enrolled in an MSc programme in Biotechnology, University of Reading, United Kingdom. He obtained an MSc in Biotechnology with a research project in the area of Insulin Signal Proteins for structural drug design to discover and design a molecular approach for the treatment of type II diabetes. The MSc research in Biotechnology and molecular drug design gave Dr. Fokunang the opportunity from 2003-2006, for employment into PFIZER United Kingdom, one of the biggest pharmaceutical companies in the World. He worked in PFIZER UK, Sandwich as a GENETIC AND GENOMIC TOXICOLOGIST/PHARMCOGENOMIST Pre-clinical/Clinical Drug Screening scientists. While at Pfizer he received numerous training in molecular toxicology, quality control, pharmacovigilance/toxicovigilance, bio-informatics and Bio-ethics/drug regulation. -He made a significant contribution to the drug discovery of Lead compounds for potential drug development pipelines. -Contributed to the drug development of PFIZER entry inhibitor drug MARAVIROC, for HIV therapy. In 2006 Dr. Fokunang Returned to Cameroon and was recruited through CCIU of Nov 2007, as a senior lecturer to start the Pharmacy department of Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, University of Yaoundé 1. Dr. Fokunang as a multi-disciplinary Scientist has made a great contribution in the -designing, elaboration, and teaching in the Pharmacy programmes. -He has generated many research grants for the department and build research collaboration national and internationally. He is very involved in teaching and research and the supervision of postgraduate students. Between 2008 to date - he has published one book, a book chapter, and 18 peer-reviewed publications, and more in press. Dr. Fokunang Belongs to many international bodies, and has won many international awards. His community engagements for the promotion of the sustainable development of Cameroon are many. -As a member of the National Bioethics Committee of Cameroon, he has contributed to the review of clinical trials protocols, monitoring and training. He does many consultancies nationally and internationally on crop protection for the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, and Clinical Research for the Chantal Biya Reference Center (CIRCB). Despite his teaching and research duties, Dr. Fokunang is also involved in Administrative Duties. -He is currently the Pioneer Acting Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Bamenda -and the General Coordinator of Pharmacy Programmes, Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, University of Yaounde 1. Dr. Fokunang is requesting for Change of Grade from Senior Lecturer to READER/Associate Professor/Maitre de Conference as a Career Charted Biologist/BIOTECHNOLOGIST