Dinesh Jinger

ICAR-Indian Institute of Soil and Water Conservation, India

Dr. Dinesh Jinger, a Scientist at ICAR-Indian Institute of Soil and Water Conservation, has been at Vasad, Anand, Gujarat since 2018. He graduated from Maharana Pratap University, and completed his post-graduation and doctorate at IARI, New Delhi, with his thesis on “Silicon and phosphorus fertilization in aerobic rice and its residual effect on wheat.” Recognized with numerous awards including the IARI-SRF and the Budding Scientist Award, he has handled 9 research projects, published 40 research articles, 14 book chapters, 4 edited books, and numerous other publications. He is focused on Conservation agriculture, Natural farming, and Nutrient management to enhance productivity and sustainability for small and marginal farmers. Dr. Jinger has developed innovative agri-horticulture systems in Central Gujarat to improve carbon sequestration, crop productivity, and soil health, and mitigate greenhouse gas emissions.

Dinesh Jinger

2chapters authored