Shyamasri Biswas

Biotechnology Kiosk

Dr. Shyamasri Biswas is co-founder, executive publisher, and chief editor of Biotechnology Kiosk, an international journal in biotechnology. She is an internationally recognized structural and molecular biologist, protein chemist, and biotechnologist and is well known worldwide for her works in solving challenging protein crystal structures of therapeutic relevance. She has published more than 100 articles in reputed journals. She received her Ph.D. in Biotechnology under the prestigious DAAD sandwich fellowship program jointly from the University of Potsdam, Germany and Banaras Hindu University, India. She was a senior scientist at UMass Worcester, North Carolina State University, and University of Florida Gainesville. She is a senior editorial board member of Proteins and Peptide Letters and a contributing editor for Vacuum Technology & Coating Magazine.

Shyamasri Biswas