Despite the enormous advantages associated with biogas technology, the level of awareness and perceptions still remain very dismay. The level of adoption is relatively low compared to the potential of the technology. This chapter therefore aimed at unravelling the awareness and perceptions of the technology at household level in Limpopo Province of South Africa. In this study, 200 households were sampled; 72 households with biogas digesters and 128 without digesters. Primary data collection was elicited with the use of open- and closed-ended questionnaires. A non-parametric test of Spearman rank correlation coefficient and chi-square were employed to show the association between the variables. Empirically, the results revealed that income earned, cost of digester, lack of awareness programmes, water and feedstock availability, technical availability and assistance, and private sector participation are among the factors limiting the dissemination, awareness and perception of the technology in the province. The study recommends interventions through more elaborate awareness and promotion programmes in disseminating the technology as well as provision of technical assistance, loans, credits and subsidies to households willing to adopt the technology.
Part of the book: Renewable Energy