Silvio Carlos Rodrigues

Federal University of Uberlândia,

Silvio Carlos Rodrigues obtained a Ph.D. in Physical Geography from the University of São Paulo, Brazil, in 1998 and is a full professor at the Institute of Geography, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU), Brazil. He served as chair of the UGB in 2005–2006, secretary of the COMLAND of the IGA in 2010–2012, a full member of the CNPQ Advisory Committee on Physical Geography (CA-SA) in 2008–2010, and a full member of the Chamber of Natural Resources (CRA) with FAPEMIG in 2014–2016. Dr. Rodrigues is editor-in-chief of Sociedade & Natureza and a member of UNESCO\'s EOLSS International Editorial Council. He is also a reviewer for the Brazilian Journal of Geomorphology, Caminhos de Geografia, and Environmental Earth Sciences. He has experience in geosciences, with emphasis on geomorphology, acting mainly on the following themes: geomorphology, geomorphological cartography, soil erosion, integrated environmental analysis, and geomorphological mapping.

Silvio Carlos Rodrigues