Enrico Restini

“Lorenzo Bonomo” Hospital-ASL BAT

Enrico Restini is head of the Department of Surgery and Traumatology, ASL BAT, Andria, Italy. He is a contract Professor of Surgery and Health Management and an expert in advanced technologies and their impact on health organizations (i.e., Health Technology Assessment) at Libera Università Mediterranea (LUM), Baria, Italy. He is a member of the Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons (SAGES), Italian Society of Endoscopic and New Technologies (SICE), Italian Society of Bariatric Surgery (SICOB), SIC, Italian Society of Private Hospital Surgery, and Association of Italian Hospital Surgeons (ACOI). He is a founding member of the Foundation for Research on Integrative Oncological Therapies (ARTOI), and he has been a SICE National Councilor since 2012. He has served as faculty at numerous national and international surgical congresses and is the author of fifty national and international scientific papers. His special interests include laparoscopic surgery, robotic surgery, endocrine surgery, digestive surgery, and oncological surgery.

Enrico Restini