Hyporthodus septemfasciatus is a commercially important proliferation fish which is distributed in the coastal waters of Japan, Korea, and China. We used the fluorescent AFLP technique to check the genetic differentiations between broodstock and offspring populations. A total of 422 polymorphic bands (70.10%) were detected from the 602 amplified bands. A total of 308 polymorphic loci were checked for broodstock I (Pbroodstock I = 55.50%) coupled with 356 and 294 for broodstock II (Pbroodstock II = 63.12%) and offspring (Poffspring = 52.88%), respectively. The levels of population genetic diversities for broodstock were higher than those for offspring. Both AMOVA and Fst analyses showed that significant genetic differentiation existed among populations, and limited fishery recruitment to the offspring was detected. STRUCTURE and PCoA analyses indicated that two management units existed and most offspring individuals (95.0%) only originated from 44.0% of the individuals of broodstock I, which may have negative effects on sustainable fry production.
Part of the book: Integrated View of Population Genetics