Defibrillators acquire both the ECG and the transthoracic impedance (TI) signal through defibrillation pads. TI represents the resistance of the thorax to current flow, and is measured by defibrillators to check that defibrillation pads are correctly attached to the chest of the patient. Additionally, some defibrillators use the TI measurement to adjust the energy of the defibrillation pulse. Changes in tissue composition due to redistribution and movement of fluids induce fluctuations in the TI. Blood flow during the cardiac cycle generates small fluctuations synchronized to each heartbeat. Respiration (or assisted ventilation) also causes changes in the TI. Additionally, during cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), chest compressions cause a disturbance in the electrode-skin interface, inducing artifacts in the TI signal. These fluctuations may provide useful information regarding CPR quality, length of pauses in chest compressions (no flow time), presence of circulation, etc. This chapter explores the new applications of the transthoracic impedance signal acquired through defibrillation pads during resuscitative attempts.
Part of the book: Special Topics in Resuscitation
Sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) is the sudden cessation of the heart’s effective pumping function, confirmed by the absence of pulse and breathing. Without appropriate treatment, it leads to sudden cardiac death, considered responsible for half of the global cardiac disease deaths. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is a key intervention during SCA. Current resuscitation guidelines emphasize the use of waveform capnography during CPR in order to enhance CPR quality and improve patient outcomes. Capnography represents the concentration of the partial pressure of carbon dioxide (CO2) in respiratory gases and reflects ventilation and perfusion of the patient. Waveform capnography should be used for confirming the correct placement of the tracheal tube and monitoring ventilation. Other potential uses of capnography in resuscitation involve monitoring CPR quality, early identification of restoration of spontaneous circulation (ROSC), and determination of patient prognosis. An important role of waveform capnography is ventilation rate monitoring to prevent overventilation. However, some studies have reported the appearance of high-frequency oscillations synchronized with chest compressions superimposed on the capnogram. This chapter explores the incidence of chest compression artifact in out-of-hospital capnograms, assesses its negative influence in the automated detection of ventilations, and proposes several methods to enhance ventilation detection and capnography waveform.
Part of the book: Cardiac Diseases and Interventions in 21st Century