Marjeta Čandek-Potokar

Agricultural institute of Slovenia Slovenia

Marjeta Čandek Potokar is a researcher at the Agricultural Institute of Slovenia. She graduated in Animal Science and has a PhD in Food Science. Her main research area is meat science. Current research topics comprise: (1) the local Krškopolje pig breed, (2) castration issues (boar taint, immunocastration, nutrition, product quality), (3) dry cured products, (4) carcass classification methods, and (5) use of NIRS for meat quality assessment. She has led seven national projects and participated in many EU projects (EUPIGCLASS, YOUNG-TRAIN, PIGCAS, TRUEFOOD, COST FAIM, COST IPEMA, ERA-NET SUSI); presently she coordinates H2020 project TREASURE. She is habilitted at the Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences of the University of Maribor as a lecturer of technology of animal products. She has authored over 60 SCI papers, numerous professional articles, conference contributions, and book chapters.

Marjeta Čandek-Potokar

1books edited

5chapters authored

Latest work with IntechOpen by Marjeta Čandek-Potokar

Local or autochthonous pig breeds represent a pool of genetic diversity of porcine species and a link with old-style traditional production systems and traditional pork products. These breeds were largely abandoned because they were not competitive in the concept of modern, industrial type of pig production. Despite an increased interest for local pig breeds in the past years, they remain largely untapped and the knowledge about their characteristics is limited, which was a challenge undertook in the project TREASURE in the frame of multicriteria evaluation of local pig breeds. The book represents a valuable compendium of data on census, breeding organisations, production systems, and performances with ambition to present their contemporary (preserved) phenotype.
This work has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 634476 for project with acronym TREASURE. The content of this book reflects only the authors' view and the European Union Agency is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

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