Oszkár Karádi

Oszkár Karádi acquired a general medical qualification at the University Medical School of Pécs, Hungary, in 1992. He had worked at the First Department of Medicine in the Medical University of Pécs between 1992 and 2008. He was specialized as an internalist in 2000, as a clinical oncologist in 2002, and as a gastroenterologist in 2004. He received his PhD degree in the year 1998. The topic of dissertation was the role of vagal nerve in the gastrointestinal mucosal lesions caused by nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Since 2008, he is working in the Institute of Oncotherapy, University of Pécs as an associate professor. He is a member of the National Society of Oncology in Hungary. His field of interest is the gastrointestinal tumors.

Oszkár Karádi