Manikam Pillay


Dr Manikam Pillay is a Senior Lecturer and expert in Organisational safety and risk management. His research focuses on developing Resilience in organizations through an integration of organizational behaviour, culture, climate, high reliability, safe systems of work, and resilience management strategies. He investigate how the above can be used to advance and enhance organisational and team performance in high risk contexts such as construction, healthcare, manufacturing and mining. Mani has published over 50 technical articles and received over $170K in research grants. To date he has supervised 5 PhDs to completion. He currently heads the Resilience Management Education Evaluation and Research Services (Virtual) Lab; and is a Member of the Academy of Management, Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management, American Society of Safety Professionals, Human Factors and Ergonomics and International Association of Applied Psychology. He is also on the Editorial Board of Safety Science (Elsevier), a topic editor for Safety (MDPI); and on the Scientific Advisory Boards of Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE), Digital Modelling and Applications in Health Safety Ergonomics and Risk Management (HCII), Human Systems Engineering and Design (IHSED) Conference series, and the International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction Committee WO99 (Health and Safety in Construction). In addition, he also is a peer reviewer for Engineering Construction and Architectural Management Journal (EMERALD).

Manikam Pillay

1books edited

1chapters authored

Latest work with IntechOpen by Manikam Pillay

Occupational health and safety (OHS) is an important focus of governments and organizations throughout the world because there are over 2.78 million fatal and 374 million nonfatal work-related injuries and illnesses experienced by employees every year. Addressing these requires paying attention to the physical organizational, cultural, and social contexts amidst which work is undertaken. A multidisciplinary approach is also necessary in finding effective solutions. Interestingly, countries and regions address different aspects of OHS depending on what OHS hazards and risks are important to them. This book, based on research from Australia, Belgium, Ghana, Malaysia, Turkey, and Slovakia, examines how a range of OHS hazards are addressed in these contexts. We believe that this is an important first step in addressing an age-old OHS problem through a multiregional collaboration.

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