In this report, the adsorption of CO2 on metal organic frameworks (MOFs) is comprehensively reviewed. In Section 1, the problems caused by greenhouse gas emissions are addressed, and different technologies used in CO2 capture are briefly introduced. The aim of this chapter is to provide a comprehensive overview of CO2 adsorption on solid materials with special focus on an emerging class of materials called metal organic frameworks owing to their unique characteristics comprising extraordinary surface areas, high porosity, and the readiness for systematic tailoring of their porous structure. Recent literature on CO2 capture using MOFs is reviewed, and the assessment of CO2 uptake, selectivity, and heat of adsorption of different MOFs is summarized, particularly the performance at low pressures which is relevant to post-combustion capture applications. Different strategies employed to improve the performance of MOFs are summarized along with major challenges facing the application of MOFs in CO2 capture. The last part of this chapter is dedicated to current trends and issues, and new technologies needed to be addressed before MOFs can be used in commercial scales.
Part of the book: Greenhouse Gases