Deterioration of metals and alloys during service due to corrosion and wear phenomena shortens materials’ life span and structural integrity particularly in aggressive environments such as coastal and marine. This degradation also limits the use of these materials in most industrial applications. Therefore, the improvement of the quality of these materials in order to combat these challenges in industry remains critical. Surface modification techniques are employed to enhance materials’ properties to enable better performance and to extend their applications in demanding environments. Electrodeposition has been a useful method developed to improve the corrosion and mechanical properties of materials. In the present contribution, ample knowledge about electrodeposition of Zn composite/nanocomposite coatings and their characteristics are reviewed to address coastal and marine degradation of metals and alloys.
Part of the book: Applied Studies of Coastal and Marine Environments
Materials strengthened by conventional methods such as strain hardening, solute additions, precipitation and grain size refinement are often adopted in industrial processes. But there is limitation to the amount of deformation that these conventional methods can impact to a material. This study focused on the review of major mechanical properties of aluminum alloys in the presence of an ultrafine grain size into polycrystalline materials by subjecting the metal to an intense plastic straining through simple shear without any corresponding change in the cross-sectional dimensions of the sample. The effect of the heavy strain rate on the microstructure of aluminum alloys was in refinement of the coarse grains into ultrafine grain size by introducing a high density of dislocations and subsequently re-arranging the dislocations to form an array of grain boundaries. Hence, this investigation is aimed at gathering contributions on the influence of equal channel angular extrusion toward improving the mechanical properties of the aluminum alloys through intense plastic strain.
Part of the book: Aluminium Alloys
Aluminum alloy are gaining huge industrial significance because of their outstanding combination of mechanical, physical and tribological properties over the base metal. Alloying elements are selected based on their individual properties as they impact on the structure and performance characteristics. The choice of this modifier affects the materials integrity in service resulting to improved corrosion, tribological and mechanical behavior. Hence, the need to understand typically the exact inoculants that could relatively impact on the low strength, unstable mechanical properties is envisage with the help of liquid stir casting technique. In this contribution, sufficient knowledge on Al alloy produced by stir casting will be reviewed with close attention on how the structural properties impact on the mechanical performance.
Part of the book: Aluminium Alloys
The use of corrosion inhibitors has proven to be one of the effective methods of corrosion protection of metals and alloys. Aluminum alloys are good candidate materials for structural components in major industrial application owing to their excellent corrosion resistance. However in high intensity coastal and acidified medium the challenge of micro porosity and hydrogen embrittlement distributed along the interface cannot be neglected as suitable corrosion inhibitive compounds is needful without significantly reacts with the environmental components. The challenges of most effective organic and inorganic Inhibitors when dissolved in aqueous environments are increasingly due to their toxicity. Drug as inhibitive compound have been seen as suitable replacement for this high toxic organic inhibitors since both react by adsorption on a metallic surface. They are usually compounds that form film and cause the formation of precipitates on the metal surface, thereby blocking both cathodic and anodic and sites. Therefore, this study covers the general overview of impact of some drugs as corrosion inhibitive compound on aluminum for industrial applications and their environmental impact.
Part of the book: Corrosion Inhibitors, Principles and Recent Applications