Yuri Malakhov

International Science and Technology Center Russia

Graduated from the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, MEPhI, (National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI”). Degreed for Candidate of Physics (PhD) in Experimental Nuclear Physics. From 1972 up to 1995 Dr. Malakhov worked at MEPhI, Department of Experimental Nuclear Physics. In 1980 Dr. Malakhov took his post-doctoral course in Japan, at the Institute for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo. In 1983-1984 he worked as a visiting scientist at CERN, Geneva, Switzerland. From March 1996 up until now Dr. Malakhov has been working at the International Science and Technology Center, ISTC, Moscow, Russia. Dr. Malakhov was a moderator of the ISTC Initiative “Ultra-High Intensity Light Science and Technologies” that was launched in 2008. This initiative is aimed at the development of an international partnership in the domain of high power and high intensity lasers.

Yuri Malakhov

1chapters authored