Offshore wind provides a scalable alternative to conventional energy resources. This chapter provides an insight into various activities of Ministry of Earth Sciences for the realization of offshore wind in India. To understand the hurdles in policy frame work for offshore wind, the evolution of onshore wind policy is analyzed and suitable strategies for offshore wind are proposed. Wind resource assessment results indicated a high offshore potential at Kanyakumari, Rameshwaram, Gulf of Khambhat, and Gulf of Kutch. Commercial viability studies showed levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) of around Rs 10/kWh at identified sites for an internal rate of return (IRR) of 14%. Offshore light detection and ranging (LiDAR)-based data collection platform has been installed at Gulf of Khambhat and Kutch to obtain bankable wind data for the development of offshore wind farms. A preliminary design of substructure by exploring different concepts like monopile, jacket, and gravity-based foundations was carried out based on their suitability for site-specific environmental and soil data. The port facilities along Gujarat and Tamil Nadu coast were assessed, and installation methodology was developed considering marine spread along the Indian coast.
Part of the book: Stability Control and Reliable Performance of Wind Turbines