Mohammad Nusheh

Victoria University of Wellington New Zealand

Mohammad Nusheh received his B.S. (2002), M.Sc. (2005) and Ph.D. (2010) degrees in Extractive Metallurgy from Department of Materials Science and Engineering at Sharif University of Technology in Iran. After working as a Researcher at Institute of Multidisciplinary Research in Advanced Materials at Tohoku University in Japan, Dr. Nusheh joined the Islamic Azad University of Zanjan, as an Assistant Professor. He has published several papers in academic journals and conference proceedings. He received Khwarizmi Young Award for his contributions in R&D of a new technology related to the extraction of magnesium metal. The scientific activities of Dr. Nusheh cover various fields such as non-ferrous and nano-sized materials processing industries; various processing routes such as hydro and pyrometallurgical processing and recycling.

Mohammad Nusheh

1books edited

Latest work with IntechOpen by Mohammad Nusheh

Metallurgical Engineering is the science and technology of producing, processing and giving proper shape to metals and alloys and other Engineering Materials having desired properties through economically viable process. Metallurgical Engineering has played a crucial role in the development of human civilization beginning with bronze-age some 3000 years ago when tools and weapons were mostly produced from the metals and alloys. This science has matured over millennia and still plays crucial role by supplying materials having suitable properties. As the title, "Recent Researches in Metallurgical Engineering, From Extraction to Forming" implies, this text blends new theories with practices covering a broad field that deals with all sorts of metal-related areas including mineral processing, extractive metallurgy, heat treatment and casting.

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