Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Do Organizations Need Emotionally Intelligent Leadership at the Workplace?

Written By

Anurag Mishra

Submitted: 26 August 2021 Reviewed: 04 September 2021 Published: 17 October 2021

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.100294

From the Edited Volume

Leadership - New Insights

Edited by Mário Franco

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Organization is a group of people who are joining together to perform specific tasks. Every organization has a different set of policies and practices which an individual needs to follow. An organization includes teams and team members who have to perform specific tasks on a daily basis. People have to perform their work by proper communication, trust and integrity. Due to lack of these three attributes, conflicts arise among the team members which cause the conditions of anxiety, depression, anger and mood variation, improper response to top management, counter productivity and errors in tasks performance. To overcome such a situation, there is a need for an appropriate style of leadership which can help teams to perform well. The performance of a team depends upon the nature of leadership styles. The kind of leadership style adopted by leaders is sometimes not appropriate completely. To apply appropriate leadership in a particular situation, there is a need to be emotionally intelligent at the workplace. I would like to build a proper relationship between how the traits of Emotional Intelligence will influence positively on the leadership efficiency in organizations. Key findings of the study have focused on the impact of emotional intelligence on organizational growth. The given model has recommended that people with high emotional intelligence can build effective communication, trust and integrity in a team. The attempt has also been made to build a relationship between emotional intelligence and the nature of leadership styles to be adopted in organizations. The finding suggested that transformational style of leadership should be encouraged in an organization. The study of the mentioned topic will help in understanding individual and collective behavior and its effect on the quality of work.


  • Leadership
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Trust
  • Integrity
  • Communication

1. Introduction

In the current scenario, due to rapidly changing technology, organizations need to work on those areas which can provide them an edge over others at the workplace. Within an organization, team members have people with different sets of perceptions and personalities. The complexity of tasks and newer technologies have made organizations adapt to new ways of building and maintaining relationships to accomplish organizational goals. Along with the task at hand, there are feelings and emotions of employees that play a major role in building relationships. How to manage those relationships? What are the best practices to be used in organizations to build those relationships between seniors and subordinates? How to build those relationships for a longer time? These are the major challenges.

To overcome such challenges, there is a need for an adequate style of leadership practices. The proper leadership style can mobilize the team and influence the team members. Leadership can help to build confidence, provide direction to employees, increase motivation and improve efficiency of the employees. A good leadership style can provide job satisfaction, hope and optimism. A good leader can bring out the best abilities of the team members for achieving shared goals. A good leadership style can come by enhancing the level of emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is the ability of understanding the feelings and emotions of ourselves and at the same time of the people around us. The capability of understanding emotions and control of emotions can make leaders successful in the organizations. Being able to handle emotions makes it less stressful when we deal with others. A team’s emotional intelligence is related to inter-team conflict management and effectiveness of the team. In the cross-sectional study of five south Korean companies: Banking, Investment, Health care, Information technology, and Pharmaceutical industries, results stated that there is a significant relationship between Emotional intelligence and task conflict management [1].

Team leader’s emotional intelligence has a positive effect on team’s emotional intelligence. The capability of dealing with emotional ups and downs is a powerful asset for building and maintaining relationships. Emotional intelligence is a significant predictor of positive leadership outcomes. This in turn can help in the building good client relationships and business growth for an organization. Emotional intelligence is associated with leadership which can bring effective business outcomes [2].

Emotional intelligence can bring positive business, improve team work, customer service and manage diversity [3]. It is also helpful in recruitment, selection, training and development process at managerial level [4].

Positive emotions such as happiness, joy, hope and enthusiasm have a positive impact on the growth of an organization whereas negative emotions such as anger, disgust, jealousy and frustration brings negativity in an organization. Leaders need to handle their emotions based on the situation. Being emotionally intelligent can help in management of interpersonal relationships within the organizations. Leaders can be more competent in their day to day activities by being aware of the emotional states of people around them. As per previous studies, leaders having low levels of emotional intelligence have difficulty in building good relationships with peers, subordinates and superiors. However, leaders with strong minds can understand others as well and develop better working abilities. The positive leaders emotions bring positive outcomes whereas negative leaders emotions bring negative outcomes [5, 6].

The contemporary study, have attempted to measure the relationship between EI and organizational performance. The results stated that self-awareness, self-management and awareness of others have significant impact on organizational performance [7]. However the study have recommended the future research on role of leadership styles in organization performance. Emotional intelligence is a helpful tool for conflict management, organizational commitment, team effectiveness and task performance. The study also emphasizes cross cultural transportability of EI which needs to be explored [8].

In another study it has been emphasis that employees performance is dependent upon the emotional intelligence, organization culture and adapted leadership style. However which leadership style to be adopted is the question? [9]. Emotional intelligence works as a mediating variable between leadership and organizational commitment. Emotional intelligence leaders can motivate workers to achieve organizations goals [10]. The study among academic leaders have measured the relationship between emotional intelligence and transformational style of leadership. Findings states that direct association between emotional intelligence and transformational leadership [11].

The above studies made an attempt to build a relationship between emotional intelligence and leadership within organizations. Many of the previous theories and studies have looked into the role of emotional intelligence and its positive impact on certain leadership styles in an organization. Researchers have tested and developed models of emotional intelligence for effectiveness of leadership in an organization.

However, there has not been much attention given to find out the association between emotional intelligence and leadership through the variables of trust, integrity and communication. The current study is an attempt to fulfill this gap by adopting these three major components to create an understanding whether the organizations need an emotionally intelligent leadership at the workplace?

Leadership and emotional intelligence are interrelated to each other. The current chapter is going to provide the relationship between emotional intelligence and leadership styles. Also how much do the organizations require to adapt the practices of emotional intelligence to be successful? It is going to address the importance of emotional intelligence within organizations. It will also focus on the styles of leadership which organizations should adopt. By presenting the theories on emotional intelligence and leadership styles, the primary focus has been given to a proposed model that defines the relationship between the two with an emphasis on three major variables of trust, integrity and effective communication. The underlying issues in an organization have been addressed along with suitable suggestions and practical implications.


2. Emotional intelligence

The current changing trends and globalization have raised the level of competitiveness among the organizations. The success of any organization depends upon the maturity level and job performance of employees. The level of maturity is based upon the level of emotional intelligence.

2.1 Mayer and Salovey model

Mayer and Salovey defined Emotional Intelligence (El) as “the ability to monitor one’s own and others’ feelings and emotions, to discriminate among them and to use this information to guide one’s thinking and actions”([12], p. 189). Emotional intelligence is the understanding and management of emotions in appropriate manner to respond consciously and make others comfortable at work.

According to Salovey and Mayer “emotional intelligence as the subset of social intelligence that involves the ability to monitor one’s own and others’ feelings and emotions, to discriminate among them and to use this information to guide one’s thinking and actions” ([13], pg. 5). As per above definitions we can conclude that our own feelings guide intrapersonal skills that include how to conduct oneself, Self-motivation, Inner self control and interpersonal skills which include interaction with other people in a society or in an organization. Emotional Intelligence involves the ability to monitor others moods, emotions and temperaments along with recognition of one’s own emotions for solving work related problems. Emotional intelligence can provide a better understanding in the working environment.

Further, in the year 1997, Mayer and Salovey proposed the ability based model of emotional intelligence which has been called the cognitive based model of emotional intelligence. This model has been divided into four branches known as the Four branch model” [14].

The model contains four parts:

  1. Perception, Appraisal and Expression of emotions: It includes identification of emotions and feelings of our own and people around us.

  2. Assimilation of emotions in thoughts: Assimilation of emotions encourages us to think in productive ways.

  3. Understanding and Utilizations of emotional knowledge: This component includes understanding of complex emotions and how they are linked to maintaining relationships with others.

  4. Managing of emotions: It focuses on emotional, intellectual and personal growth by monitoring feelings and emotions.

Furthermore, Mayer et al. model was purely based on cognitive ability of an individual. It provided knowledge about our inner feelings and thoughts and the capability of understanding relationships based on shift of emotions. Leaders who have higher ability to regulate their emotions are appraised and they can also express their feelings in a positive manner with others [15]. However, the model did not suggest other aspects of emotional intelligence which can help organizations to manage their productivity, improve trust, remove conflicts and motivate employees to perform in a better manner.

2.2 Daniel Goleman model

In 1998, Daniel Goleman in his book Working with emotional intelligence came up with the new model of emotional intelligence which is called the ‘Model of Affective Regulation’. Goleman has suggested emotional intelligence is the combination of Personal Competencies and Social Competencies. Personal competencies are those which help in managing yourself and social competencies are those who can help in managing our relationships. Goleman (1998) defined El as “the capacity for recognizing our own feelings and those of others, for motivating ourselves and for managing emotions well in ourselves and in our relationships” ([16], p. 317).

Goleman has divided emotional intelligence in two major competencies:

  1. Personal competencies: These competencies help us to understand how to manage our emotions. It includes self-awareness, self-regulation and motivation. These competencies help in understanding our own emotions and develop self-confidence and trustworthiness. Similarly, it motivates us to take initiatives and provides readiness to respond to opportunities.

  2. Emotional competencies: These competencies determine how we handle relationships. Empathy makes us understand others perspectives in an organization and creates political awareness. Social skills generate leadership styles and develop team handling capabilities.

Goleman has recommended that, to be an emotionally intelligent leader, there is a need for personal and social competencies in an organization. Further, he added the concept of “Emotional competencies” which includes empathy and flexibility. From his book working with emotional intelligence -“One common mistake made by organizations is trying to install emotional competencies like a service orientation or leadership, using the same techniques that effectively teach how to create a business plan which is not enough. Changing a habit based on emotional intelligence demands an entirely new kind of learning strategy. Cultivating emotional competence requires an understanding of the fundamentals of behavior change” ([16], p. 245).

2.3 Reuven Bar-on model

Reuven Bar-On has suggested the model of “Emotional and Social Intelligence”. According to him “emotional-social intelligence is a cross-section of interrelated emotional and social competencies, skills and facilitators that determine how effectively we understand and express ourselves, understand others and relate with them, and cope with daily demands” ([17], p. 14). Bar-on’s model includes five categories of emotional intelligence respectively: intrapersonal (emotional self-awareness, assertiveness, self-esteem, self-actualization and independence), interpersonal (empathy, interpersonal relationships and social responsibility), adaptability (problem solving, reality testing, flexibility), stress management (stress tolerance, impulse control) and general mood (happiness and optimism) [17, 18].

The above three models have suggested that emotional intelligence provides a competitive advantage to organizations that can help in maintaining good relationships within teams and with business clients. This will in turn facilitate an upward trajectory of growth. Today’s business requires smart people who are not only smart at their work but also with their relationships.


3. Organizational leadership

3.1 Concepts of leadership

Organizational leadership is the strategic way of working for achievement of particular goals by influencing people to work in a productive manner. According to Conger ([19], p. 18) “ Leaders are individuals who establish direction for a working group of individuals who gain commitment from these group of members to this direction and who then motivate these members to achieve the direction’s outcomes” [19]. Similarly Stogdill stated that Leadership may be considered as the process (act) of influencing the activities of an organized group in its efforts towards goal setting and goal achievement [20].

Burns defined transformational leadership as occurring “when one or more persons engage with others in such a way that leaders and followers raise one another to higher levels of motivation and morality” Transformational leadership style inculcates morale and values among the employees ([21], p. 20).

Yukl defined transformational leadership as “the process of influencing major changes in the attitudes and assumptions of organization members and building commitment for the organization’s mission or objectives” ([22], p. 204).

Based on the above studies, Bass has segregated the transformational and transactional styles of leadership. Transactional style of leadership provides clear goals and tasks. It also focuses on accomplishment of goals that provide rewards and punishments based on outcomes whereas transformational style of leadership encourages and boosts confidence among the team members. Bass and Avolio, has described the Four “Is “of transformational leadership styles. First is Idealized Influence (II) which displays a sense of power and confidence among followers and makes others proud by being associated with leaders. Second is Inspirational Motivation (IM) where leaders believe in optimistic talk about the future and shows confidence for achieving organizational goals. Third is Intellectual Stimulation (IS) where leaders help others to look into issues from different angles and give suggestions creatively for solving problems. Finally, Individual Consideration (IC) where leaders spend time with other team members, care about followers’ needs and help them to develop their strengths [23, 24].

A good leadership style can provide mutual respect, better conflict management, transparency in work and clarity in decision making. Similarly, it also provides an ability to identify meaningfulness in work. However, for achieving such capabilities, there is a necessity to be an emotionally intelligent person.

In the current scenario, organizations are involved in the process of automations and improvement in quality of work done to achieve high demanded targets that may cause heavy workload. The good quality of work requires mental stability at the workplace. Mental stability can only come with self-confidence, flexibility in performing different tasks, self-awareness, building peer bonds and organizational awareness. As per (Goleman, pg. 220) “Research on decision making in management teams shows that having people who possess three qualities of high cognitive capabilities, diverse perspectives, and expertise leads to higher-quality decision making” [16].

The performance of a team depends upon the development and building of a competent leader. Moods and emotions of leaders impact on the performance of teams. However, an adequate style of leadership can help to build strong bonding with a team. Emotional intelligence is a measurful tool for understanding leadership effectiveness in an organization. Emotional intelligence can improve leaders ability to understand and manage the political environment [25].

In the study of Kerr et al., it has been stated that employee perceptions of supervisor’s effectiveness are strongly related to the EI of the supervisor. The overall result states that an individual’s EI is a key determinant of effective leadership [26]. Proper communication and confronting underperforming team members can only be gained by effective understanding of emotions at the workplace. The study of Ashkanasy and Dasborough have highlighted the importance of emotional intelligence and emotional awareness in an organization. Researchers have described how emotional intelligence has been incorporated into an undergraduate leadership course. The team performance is being predicted by emotional intelligence. Similarly, teaching about emotions and emotional intelligence in leadership courses can affect team performance [27]. Our emotional intelligence helps us to enhance our practical skills at the workplace. It also provides the ability to manage customer and client relationships. Emotional competencies such as trustworthiness and empathy can make an individual more successful in a team. Team performance and motivation of team members can only be built in a highly empathetic environment. If leaders are lacking emotional intelligence skills, they will be inept in leading teams or catalyzing change. The study of Humphrey and hawver have stated that during the conditions of uncertainty, leaders’ emotional response i.e. leaders’ optimistic emotional displays increase the positive moods and feelings of team members, whereas leaders’ negative mood displays results in of frustration among team members [28].

3.2 Emotional intelligence and nature of leadership

Leadership determines how members in an organization interact with each other and the level of harmony among all. Collaboration and cooperation influence all to achieve a shared goal. Similarly, the capability of leaders builds strong professional bonds and creates synergy among team members.

The study of Colbert et al. stated that transformational style of leadership by top managers provides a dyadic relationship and harmony within a team for achievement of goals [29]. The awareness of leaders for adopting style of leaderships depending upon time and situation. Further, flexibility and emotional intelligence are the tools to bring organizational excellence which is need to be covered [30].

Transformational style of leadership is an approach which inspires followers towards their work. It also provides a suitable path for performing work and motivations for achievement of it. Transformational leadership style is significantly correlated with emotional intelligence. Hur et al. studied the role of transformational leadership and team outcome. They focused on the role of emotional intelligence and its effectiveness in organizational leadership and at group level among 859 employees, working in 55 teams in a South Korean public-sector organization. Results concluded a positive relationship between transformational leadership and emotional intelligence [31]. Koman and Koman have stated that team leader influences the team performance. Also, emotional intelligence is the mediator between the role of team leader, emotional competencies and team effectiveness. The study also suggested that organizations can develop emotionally competent groups to develop or hire emotionally competent managers [32]. One study of Milhem et al. states that employee engagement is influenced by transformational leadership style. Leader’s emotional intelligence is working as a bridge between transformational leadership and employee engagement. For organizational development and employee engagement, leaders need to learn to develop high self-esteem and the art of influencing people at the workplace [33].

Transformational leadership style is more preferable as compared to transactional and laissez-faire. Emotionally intelligent leaders show concern towards their team members.

Gardner and Stough have examined the components of emotional intelligence and various leadership styles among the top managers. The Multifactor Leadership questionnaire (MLQ) and Swinburne University Emotional Intelligence Test (SUEIT) was conducted among 110 senior level managers. Findings of study concluded that transformational leadership was highly correlated to emotional intelligence as compared to transactional and laissez-faire styles of leadership. The technique of emotional management is helpful in understanding the positive and negative emotions of employees and themselves [34]. Similarly Palmer et al. determined the effect of emotional intelligence on effective leadership styles among 43 Participants of the Swinburne university center for innovation and enterprise programs (CIE). The results concluded that inspirational motivation and individual consideration components of transformational leadership were significantly correlated with both the ability to monitor and manage emotions in oneself and others [35].


4. Emotional intelligence, trust, integrity and effective communication in leadership

The above study has provided the nature of emotional intelligence which can work effectively within the organizations. The study has also proven that a mostly transformational style of leadership is more effective than other kinds of leadership styles. However, the question is whether there is an awareness related to application of transformational leadership styles at the workplace? Are there any training programs about the concepts and practical implications of emotional intelligence and its relatedness with leadership styles at the workplace? Previous researchers have emphasized on the requirement of application of emotional intelligence on leadership and it can be taught (Figure 1) [36, 37].

Figure 1.

Proposed model of emotional intelligence, moderating variables and organizational leadership.

There is a significant impact of trust, integrity and effective communication in an organization. Here, I would like to propose a new model for effective leadership in an organization. This model is based on how emotional intelligence positively influences the three organizational factors of trust, integrity and effective communication. These three factors can be inculcated through practical knowledge of Emotional Intelligence which will in turn create effective and ethical leadership in organizations.

4.1 Emotional intelligence and trust in leadership

Trust in an organization can bring a collaborative working environment. Trust reduces the inferiority complex among the group members. Emotionally intelligent leaders treat all the employees in the same manner without any kind of discriminations which can improve the performance of the organization. High level of trust can build mutual respect, motivate workers to perform well and bring in a happy mood at the workplace. If team members are trustworthy and collaborative, there will be transformational or charismatic style of leadership [38].

A study among 178 employees of six manufacturing plants, reveals that transformational leadership and leaders’ emotional intelligence have a positive impact on team commitment. Similarly, effective leadership behavior is based on trust which creates team dynamics [39].

Transformational style of leadership and employee championing behavior is being influenced by trust in leadership. In an study among 175 project team members in information technology and software industry, results states that knowledge sharing and leaders trust is influence by ethical leadership. Also, project success is depend upon leaders trust and knowledge sharing [40, 41].

Trust can help to be open to the feelings with others which can reduce the feelings of anxiety, stress and burnout. Leaders need to understand the emotions in themselves and their followers for avoiding the situations like burnout and incivility at the workplace. Study of Knight et al. have revealed the significant association between emotional intelligence and trust among supervisor and staff members respectively [42].

Employees trust plays a mediating mechanism between transformational leadership and organizational performance. At individual and team level, emotional intelligence has positive impact on trust and performance. Trust works as a mediator to build relationship between emotional intelligence and performance [43, 44].

Trust in a team, which can be increased by emotional intelligence is associated with team performance and it can reduce team conflicts. Organizational learning can be achieved by emotional intelligence and trust [45, 46]. Similarly, There is a positive impact of emotional intelligence on job satisfaction and trust which is a major cause of a project’s success [47]. Followers trust is influenced by leaders emotional sincerity. Emotional sincerity significantly influences leaders trust, integrity and quality of relationship. There is a positive relationship between integrity, trust on leaders and ethical leadership. The development of leadership is based on integrity, consensus, high-value working environment. Trust and integrity can build a quality of work engagement [48, 49, 50].

4.2 Emotional intelligence and integrity in leadership

High integrity builds an innovative and transparent working environment, provides morale support, builds customer loyalty, transparency and adequate corporate culture. Organization’s success is defined by the integrity of working people. Integrity refines honesty and moral values in the leaders. When people work with others in an organization, it is necessary to act openly in their tasks and behavior. Integrity makes leaders committed towards their tasks and accountable for their job performance. Work performance is significantly impact by competency, integrity and emotional intelligence [51]. The moral and ethical values of organization depend upon integrity and accountability. Leaders who admit their mistakes, are more honest to their team members. Organizations’ partners, vendors and customers prefer a more open and honest style of communication. According to Daniel Goleman “Integrity- acting openly, honestly and consistently- sets apart outstanding performers in jobs of every kind.” 90.

Today organizations require people who are not only capable enough to perform their tasks but also to stand for others in critical conditions, taking responsibility for making mistakes and performing work in an organized manner. The integrity of people in an organization can open up new idea generation and consistent performance of workers. Integrity, courage and empathy are three main essentials of leadership [52]. Emotionally intelligent leaders carry out all the three traits in their behavior. Leaders need to make decisions on a day to day basis. Courageous leaders have the capability to put themselves in uncomfortable zones and take risks for beneficial decision making. There is a strong and significant relationship managerial integrity and employees turnover. Authenticity, constructiveness and reliability of managers helps to overcome employee turnover [53].

Ethical behavior of leaders is influenced by leaders emotional intelligence and perceived integrity. Perception of employees about a leader’s integrity is based on the actions of the leader and the moral vision implanted in an organization. Ethical decision making is based on interpretation of others’ aspects in the same manner. Highly emotional employees are more adept in taking decisions based on others aspects [54, 55]. Employees performance is significantly impacted by integrity and organization commitment. Moral cultivation for employees can help in achievement of optimal organizational goals [56].

4.3 Emotional intelligence and effective communication in leadership

Effective communication is the part of team performance and organizational success. Leaders who have a high level of communication skills can work smartly with their team members. Effective communication is necessary for resolving conflicts, confusion, and improper responses to top management. Effective style of communication can build empathy, open minded conversations, mutual respect and provide feedback between worker and supervisor. Similarly, people with good communication skills can deal with difficult situations, listen to others carefully and share information in a better manner. Leadership communication helps to creates team building and empowers organizations performance, growth and profitability [57].

Leaders who are able to build emotional bonding with their teams can build long lasting relationships with them. Effective communication and task-relation oriented leadership can provide job satisfaction, motivation and organizational commitment [58]. Among the study 43 medical staff functional (MSF) have found that organizational commitment is influenced by organizational communication and transformational leadership [59].

Leaders’ ability to be good with their interpersonal skills are a major source of communication in an organization. Interpersonal skills focus on thoughts, feelings and actions of others. Interpersonal skills can emanate a positive attitude and feelings towards each other. To gain the support from team members, leaders need to be competent with their interpersonal and intrapersonal skills. Team building provides positive communication, continuous growth, trust and leadership potential of team members [60].

Employees’ satisfaction with their supervisor is impacted by the supervisor’s competency in communication [61]. Emotionally intelligent leaders can build trust with others via interpersonal skills. Emotional intelligence skills play a significant role in development of communication and relational skills [62].

Leaders with a high level of emotional intelligence are able to provide adequate solutions to problems and can easily be adaptable to situations. The traits of negotiations and inspiring others in a group, build a strong relationship within a team. In a study Yue et al. have examined how transformational leadership, transparent communication, and organizational trust impact on employees’ openness to change among the 439 employees in the United states. The results suggested that all three factors have positive impact on employees openness to change [63].

Employees creativity and feedback for supervisors is influenced by organizations internal communication. Symmetrical internal communication is positively impacted by leadership communication at senior levels [64].

Similarly, previous studies have emphasized the focus of leader’s communication. Good communication of leaders enables and foster; create understanding and build trust which encourages followers to follow a leader. Obstacles and problems of the group can be overcome by certain types of communication competencies; group goals can be achieved by leaders via communication. Leader as a listener, educator and communicator provides positive organizational culture [65, 66, 67, 68].

Clearly, group goals can only be achieved by proper style of communication. It is a process of exchange of ideas between two people. Proper communication competencies can help to overcome existing problems and remove ego tussle within a team. The effectiveness and success of a project is based on emotional intelligence and communication among the project managers and team members. Self-awareness and social - awareness competencies can make effective internal communication [69].

Emotional intelligence can help to enhance communication skills. A lack of emotional intelligence can generate the communication problem, which can lead to problems in corporate culture [70].

Emotional intelligence plays a major role in effective communication. A study among 145 employees in educational administrations in Iran has proven that there is a strong association between organization culture, communication effectiveness and emotional intelligence [71].

Leaders’ effective communication style makes them more successful in an organization. Self-awareness about our emotions helps us to understand our strengths and weaknesses. Similarly, it also impacts our behavior in positive and negative manner. Emotional intelligence is significantly impacting on leaders’ communication [72, 73, 74]. Leaders who are self-aware can examine and change their behavior based on situations. Similarly, adaptability brings flexibility in the job. People who are not flexible in their job, have many difficulties in learning new things and communicating their thoughts with others. Emotionally intelligent leaders have the ability to think independently and take accurate decisions in order to reach organizational goals. Similarly, they develop healthy communication and consolidate them with positive feelings at work.


5. Conclusion

I am suggesting that organizations who wish to get growth need to constantly check their leaders’ performance and attitude at the workplace. In the above study, I have only focused on Bass’s suggested leadership style. Previous studies showed that a transformational style of leadership is more effective for organizations growth. But there are other kinds of styles of leadership which include pace-settings, transactional, Democratic, autocratic, servant style and coach style of leadership. Further studies can focus on these areas. Leadership styles vary from situation to situation. But the major challenge is whether the organizations are aware about the kind of leadership styles that need to be adopted?

Secondly, I have focused on how emotionally intelligent leaders can help in relationship building and business growth for an organization. In addition to that, how they can effectively motivate employees to work and create value for the organization. Since, there is ongoing research in the field of emotional intelligence, it can be developed by practicing. Lack of proper training about self-awareness, political awareness, stress management, client relationship building and conflict management are the major challenges in front of organizations.

Finally, in my proposed model I have focused on three major areas i.e. trust, integrity and effective communication. They are enhanced by adopting the regular practices of emotional intelligence. This will help to create effective leadership. Emotional intelligence creates a positive environment at the workplace which releases positive emotions and thoughts. Effective communication of leaders generates self-motivation in a team. Interpersonal and intrapersonal skills of a leader helps them to be proactive at work. Trust and integrity are the major catalysts in an organization which can be helpful in avoiding conflicts and burnout situations among the team. Emotionally intelligent team building activities are necessary practices which need to be followed by organizations.

5.1 Practical and theoretical contribution

5.1.1 Practical contributions

The above study has stated that leaders’ emotional intelligence can affect the productivity and growth of an organization. Involvement in the major practices of emotional intelligence can bring out effective changes in the behavior of people. Leaders who experience emotional awareness build empathetic relationships with their team members.

Another practical finding of the study is to practice and apply emotional intelligence in day to day work. To be emotionally intelligent, there is a need of understanding the complexity of emotions and then responding in an appropriate manner. Since, there is ongoing research in the field of emotional intelligence, it can be developed by practicing. Emotional intelligence program sessions and leadership training should be conducted that can help organizations to perform better at emotional level and at task performance.

5.1.2 Theoretical contribution

Theoretical perspectives of the chapter have included the contributing parts of existing theories. Factors of emotional intelligence. i.e. self and social awareness, relationship building, empathy and motivations have significantly influenced the effectiveness of leadership in organizations. The major findings of above model have suggested the interrelated link between emotional intelligence and effective leadership.

The selected factors i.e. trust, integrity and communication can build confidence in the team. Organizations, employees, client partners and existing shareholders can be benefited by effective style of communication. Similarly, organizational ethics can be established and practiced based on existing theories of emotional intelligence, trust, integrity and communication. This will in turn be helpful in boosting morale of employees, building character and organizational values. Additionally, the application of trust, integrity and communication is a novel attempt to bring more effectiveness in the emotionally intelligent leadership styles.


6. Limitations and future research

Certain limitations of the study have been addressed here for future research work. The major limitation is that I have only suggested three variables to understand the relationship between emotional intelligence and leadership. There are many other variables which can be helpful to understand the effectiveness of emotional intelligence and adapted style of leadership. Understanding about organization politics, decision making strategies of an emotionally intelligent leader and understanding about the learning curve of an employee in an empathetic manner can be a newer set of variables for future research.

Secondly, the above study is based on the suggested model for achievement of organizational effectiveness. Future research can be based on empirical findings.


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Written By

Anurag Mishra

Submitted: 26 August 2021 Reviewed: 04 September 2021 Published: 17 October 2021