Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Common Fixed Point Theorems in Complex-Valued Non-Negative Extended b-Metric Spaces

Written By

Naimat Ullah, Mohammed Shehu Shagari, Tahir Ahmad Khan, Aziz Ullah Khan and Muhammad Atta Ullah Khan

Submitted: 05 October 2022 Reviewed: 07 October 2022 Published: 08 March 2023

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1000575

From the Edited Volume

Topology - Recent Advances and Applications

Paul Bracken

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We define modified F.P results for mappings, according to some rational contractions and present to C.C.N.V.b-M Spaces. The relevant F.P theorems in the context of extended b-metric b-metric and classical M.Spaces are improved and expanded by our proposal. There are presented nontrivial examples to back up the hypotheses and the value of primary conclusion achieved herein.


  • C.V.M.Space
  • C.V.N.b-M.Spaces
  • fixed point
  • integral equation
  • fixed point theorems

1. Introduction

F.P.Theory is one of the quite well-accepted fields in mathematics. Theory of Banach [1] fixed point plays the main rule in the execution of solution of nonlinear phenomena. This theory presents the concept of contractive mappings and C.V.M.Space to find out the fixed point of certain function. A different kind of contractive condition that explains the fixed point theorem was presented by Kannan [2] in 1969. The difference between the Banach theorem and the mapping theory of Kannan is that whereas Kannan maps do not always require continuity, Banach mappings do require continuity for contraction. Furthermore, Chaterjea [3] also demonstrated that type of contraction. Numerous academics have improved the Banach [1], F.P.Theorem in a number of different ways (see [4, 5, 6, 7]). For additional definitions of contractive sort of mappings, see Rhoades [7]. All of the modifications of the Banach F.P.Theorem are further divided into two categories: those that replace the contractive condition with a more comprehensive one and those that increase or weaken the axioms that define the ground set. In the latter case, a few of these type of M.Spaces have names such as semimetric, pseudometric, quasimetric, K-metric, and bmetric, to name a few. In agreement with all of this, by substituting a typical co-domain for a metric in place that is, the set of real numbers, Zhang and Huang [8] originated the cone metric space idea to the literature and enhanced it in different type of metric spaces. By continuing the setting of these ideas, the authors build up a numbers of contractive mappings in F.P. Theorems are proven here in (cone metric spaces). In the setting of cone metric spaces, other writers have been developed a number of significant fixed point results (see [9, 10]). For the in-depth research study, the interested scholar may go along the study on cone M.Spaces, which was introduced by mathematics scholars named Aleksic et al. [11].

The well-known property in cone M.Spaces, F.P.Theorems using rational con-tractions cannot be extended or rendered irrelevant. Azam et al. [4] developed the concept of C.V.M.Spaces to get around this issue and set up appropriate constraints for a pair of maps to the validity of contractive type inequalities including rational expressions in common fixed points [12, 13]. It is fascinating to note that a specific class of cone metric spaces includes C.V.M.Space. A division ring is not the basis for the definition of a cone metric, which is based on the ground set, that is, Banach space. As a result, many division-related clearly showing that we cannot extrapolated them into a cone metric spaces. The rational inequality was introduced in C.V.M.Spaces and thus new results are proved over there (see, [4, 14, 15, 16]). Along these lines, in 1993 Czerwik [17] proposed the notion of b-metric space and Branciari [18], made up a change in triangular inequality to create the idea of rectangle metric space. In addition to complex-valued metric spaces, Rao [19] also proposed the concept of fixed point results on complex-valued b-metric spaces. Every C.V.b-M.Space, however, is a cone b-metric space over Banach algebra C, where the cone is normal and the normalcy coefficient is κ=1. and where the interior of the cone is not empty (i.e., solid cone). With references to C.V.b − M.Spaces, numerous authors have shown fixed point solutions for various maps that satisfy rational inequalities in the paragraphs that follow (see, for illustration, [19, 20, 21]).

Inspired by the concepts provided in [4, 17, 18], we define new F.P.Theorems for maps under particular rational constructive inequalities and introduce the notion of C.V.N.b-M.Spaces. The publications cited above, as well as a few others in the related literature, are improved and expanded upon by our idea. Our proposal enhances and expands upon the aforementioned papers as well as a few other sections of related literature.


2. Preliminaries

In this section, we review a few key ideas that are essential to present of our the primary conclusion. [4] Let C represent the number system of complex numbers and let p1,p2C. The definition of the partial order on C is:

p1p2,Rep1Rep2 and Imp1Imp2. This implies that p1p2 if one of below follows:

  • CiRep1=Rep2,Imp1<Imp2,

  • CiiRep1<Rep2,Imp1=Imp2,

  • CiiiRep1<Rep2,Imp1<Imp2,

  • CivRep1=Rep2,Imp1=Imp2.

[4] Let M be a set with function ψϑ:M×MC, which meet the below conditions:


then ψϑ is referred as a C.V.Metric on M and Mψϑ is known as C.V.Mspace.

Let M=M1M2, where




Define d:M×MC as follows:


where p1=u1+iv1 and p2=u2+iv2. Then, Mψϑ is a C.V.M.Space. [4] Let Mϕ be a set with mapping: ψϑ:M×MC which meet the below requirements:


then ψϑ is known as a C.V.b-Metric on M, and the Mψϑ is said to be a C.V.b − M.Space [19]. Let M=01. Define a function: ψϑ:M×MC by


for all u,vM. Then Mψϑ is a C.V.b − M.Space with μ=2. [4] Let Mϕ a set with θ:M×M1 be a mapping and the function: ψϑ:M×MC obeying the below conditions:


then ψϑ is called C.V.b-Metric on M, and the Mψϑ is known to be a C.V.b − M.Space [4]. Let MCrs, whereC(rs represents a set of continuous mappings which are real-valued, defined on [r, s] and a map ψϑ:M×M1 is


Also, define ψϑ:M×MC by


Then, Mψϑ is C.V.b − M.Space. Let Mϕ be a set, ϑ0,ϑ:M×M0 be defined by


for all u,vM, and μ1. Define a mapping: ψϑ:M×MC, if for all u,v,wM, the following assertion are valid.

Ciiψϑuv=0if  and  only  ifu=v;

Then ψϑ is known as C.V.N.E.b-Metric on M and the pair Mψϑ is known as a C.V.N.Eb-M.Space.

2.1 Ingredient of C.V.E.b − M.Space

If we setting ϑ0uv=u+v and μ=1, then we have ϑuv=1+u+v=ϑuv..

Property Ciii of 2 will be updated by


Thus, the definition 2 with respect to that condition becomes C.V extended b-M.Space.

2.2 Ingredient of C.V b-M.Spaces

If we setting ϑ0uv=0, then θuv=0+μ, where μ1, then property Ciii of 2 is


The notion of complex-valued b-metric spaces is thus defined by definition 2 with this aspect.

2.3 Ingredient of C.V.M.Spaces

Similar to that when we put μ=1, in the preceding definition, then its gives us the “C.V.M.Spaces.”

2.4 Development of ordinary M.Space

By replacing the ground set of the previous one’s C with . thus ordinary M.Spaces is defined. [19] Consider a set M=01 and let a function ψϑ:M×MC by


for all u,vM. Then, Mψϑ is a C.V.N.E.b-M.Space and letting μ=2 and ϑ0uv=0.

[16] Let Mϕ set with mapping ϑ0,ϑ:M×M0 be defined as:


Furthermore, let

  • Ciψϑuv=iuv,u,v01;

  • Ciiψϑuv=0u=vforallu,v01;

  • Ciiiψϑu0=ψϑ0u=iuforallu01.

Then, the pair Mψϑ is a C.V.N.E.b-M.Space. [16] Let M=0.ϑ:M×M0 be a mapping defined by ϑuv=1+u+v and ψϑ:M×MC to be used as


Then, Mψϑ is a C.V non-negative extended b-M.Space. A non-empty set M with E and F be a self-maps then:

Ci An element uM is known as F.Point of F if Fu = u.

Cii An element uM is known as coincidence point of F and E if Fu = Eu and we will refer t = Tu = Su to a point of coincidence of F and E.

Ciii An element uM is known as C.F.Point of F and E if u = Fu = Eu. [4] Let Mψϑ be a C.V.R.E.b − M.Space and the uk sequence in M is a convergent sequence ψϑuku0 as k..

[4] Let Mψϑ be a C.V.N.E.b-M.Space and the uk a sequence in M. This implies that uk is a Cauchy sequence ψϑukul0 as k,l.


3. Main results

Our primary results are presented below.

Theorem 1.1 A complete C.V non-negative extended b-M.Space Mψϑ, with a mapping ϑ,ϑi:M×M0i=012andϑ=ϑ0+μμ1 and F,E:mathbbMmathbbM satisfying the assertions below:

  1. ϑ1<ϑ2;

  2. limkϑuk+1ulϑ1uk+1uk+2+ϑ2uk+1uk+2<1;

  3. ψϑFuEvϑ1uvψϑuv+ϑ2uvψϑuFuψϑvEv1+ψϑuv.

Then F, E have a unique common fixed point in M..

Proof: Let u0M be any element in M. Build up a sequence uk such that


for all n0. From hypothesis and 1, we get.


This implies that


That is,


By following the same step, we have


Taking l>k, we have


This implies


Since, limkϑuk+1ulϑ1uk+1uk+2+ϑ2uk+1uk+2<1, thus the series.

k=0i=0kϑuiulϑ1uiui+11ϑ1uiui+1 converges under the ratio test. For each l, let


Conceder l>k, for which the above inequality becomes.


Which means that,


Taking k in (5), we observe that uk becomes a Cauchy sequence. Since M is complete, thus we find out uM such that ukuk..

To verify that Fu = u, take.

ψϑuFuψϑuu2k+2+ψϑu2k+2Fu=ψϑuu2k+2+ψϑEu2k+1Fu=ψϑuu2k+2+ψϑFuEu2k+1ψϑuu2k+2+ϑ1uu2k+1ψϑuu2k+1+ϑ2uu2k+1ψϑuFuψϑu2k+1Eu2k+11+ψϑuu2k+1. Then, it becomes:

ψϑuSuψϑuu2k+2+ϑ1uu2k+1ψϑuu2k+1+ϑ2uu2k+1ψϑuFuψϑu2k+1Eu2k+11+ψϑuu2k+1. By taking k implies that, ψϑuFu0. Then, we conclude that, u = Fu. repeating the same way, we can show that u = Eu. Hence, F and E have C.F.Point.

3.1 Uniqueness

To verify the uniqueness of u, let us assume that F and E have another F. Point u with uu. Then,

ψϑuu=ψϑFuEuϑ1uuψϑuu+ϑ2uuψϑuFuψϑuTu1+ψϑuu,which gives




which verified that u=u. Hence, F and E have a unique F.Point.

A complete C.V.N.E.b-M.Space Mψϑ, with ϑ,ϑi:M×M0i=012andϑ=ϑ0+μμ1 and F:MM be a function with the below conditions:

  1. ϑ1<ϑ2;

  2. limkϑuk+1umϑ1uk+1uk+2+ϑ2uk+1uk+2<1;

  3. ψϑFuFvϑ1uvψϑuv+ϑ2uvψϑuFuψϑvFv1+ψϑuv.

Hence, this leads us to the unique F.Point of F.

Proof: Letting F = E in theorem 1.1.

Let us take a result from ([4], Theorem 4) (Author A. Azam et al.) and consider M as a complete C.V.M.Space and F,E:MM. If F and E following the below inequality:


for all u,vM, where non-negative real numbers α,κ, with α+κ<1. Then F and E have a C.F.Point in M..

Proof: Put ϑ1uv=α and ϑ2uv=κ in 3.

Theorem 1.2 Let M be a complete C.V.N.E.b-M.Space, ϑ,ϑi:M×M0i=012andϑ=ϑ0+μmu1 and E:MM be mappings verifying the following assertions:

  1. ϑ1<ϑ2;

  2. limkϑuk+1ulϑ1uk+1uk+2+ϑ2uk+1uk+2<1;

  3. ψϑEkuEkvϑ1uvψϑuv+ϑ2uvψϑuEkuψϑvEkv1+ψϑuv.

Then E has a unique F.Point in M..

Proof: From 3, we observe that Ek has one and only one F.Point u, such that, Eku=u..

Thus, the result is follow below:


these give us, 1ϑ1EuuψϑEuu0. As a result, E has a unique F.Point.

Let M=C13,d>0 and for any u,yM, take


Define E:MM by


Then, for every u,vM,


By using a typical calculation, we have


Thus, for ϑ1uv=0.53,ϑ2uv=0,k=38, all the assertions of 1.2 are verified and thus, E has a unique F.Point, this implies that the integral equation has unique solution:


or the differential equation:


4. Conclusions

Inspired by the concepts provided in [4, 17, 18], we define new F.P.Theorems for maps under particular rational constructive inequalities and introduce the notion of C.V.N.b-M.Spaces. The publications cited above, as well as a few others in the related literature, are improved and expanded upon by our idea. Our proposal enhances and expands upon the aforementioned papers as well as a few other sections of related literature.


Conflict of interest

The authors declare that they have no conflict of interests.



C.C.V.R.b-M.SComplete Complex Valued Rectangular Extended b-Metric
F.P.TheoremFixed Point Theorem
C.C.V.b-M.SComplete Complex Valued Extended b-Metric Spaces
C.F.PointCommon Fixed Point
M.SpacesMetric Spaces
F.PFixed Point


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Written By

Naimat Ullah, Mohammed Shehu Shagari, Tahir Ahmad Khan, Aziz Ullah Khan and Muhammad Atta Ullah Khan

Submitted: 05 October 2022 Reviewed: 07 October 2022 Published: 08 March 2023