Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Study of a Dynamical Problem under Fuzzy Conformable Differential Equation

Written By

Atimad Harir, Said Melliani and Lalla Saadia Chadli

Reviewed: 15 June 2022 Published: 26 August 2022

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.105904

From the Edited Volume

Qualitative and Computational Aspects of Dynamical Systems

Edited by Kamal Shah, Bruno Carpentieri and Arshad Ali

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The notion of inclusion by generalized conformable differentiability is used to analyze fuzzy conformable differential equations (FCDE). This idea is based on expanding the class of conformable differentiable fuzzy mappings, and we use generalized lateral conformable derivatives to do so. We’ll see that both conformable derivatives are distinct and that they lead to different FCDE solutions. The approach’s utility and efficiency are demonstrated with an example.


  • fuzzy fractional differential equation
  • conformable fractional derivative
  • fuzzy number

1. Introduction

Aubin and Cellina [1] established the notion of differential inclusions systemically. They looked at the existence and qualities of differential inclusion solutions of the form [2].


In this paper we will consider the conformable fractional differential equation.


where t0a and u0 is a fuzzy number. uq is the conformable fractional derivative of u of order γ01 [3, 4, 5]. There are numerous options for defining a fuzzy fractional derivatives and, as a result, see [6, 7, 8, 9], studying Eq. (2). [10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16] constructed the generalized derivative of a set value function and investigated it, while [17, 18, 19, 20] explored the generalized conformable fractional derivative.

The objective of this research is to see if fuzzy solutions exist using conformable differential inclusion, using the generalized conformable differentiability concept This idea is based on expanding the class of differentiable fuzzy mappings, and we use lateral conformable derivatives to do so. We will see that both derivatives are different and they lead us to different solutions from an FCDE.


2. Preliminaries

We’ll go through a few definitions now that will come in handy later in the paper. Let us start with a definition. RF the class of fuzzy subsets of the real axis η:R01 satisfying the following properties:

  1. η is normal,

  2. η is convex fuzzy set,

  3. η is upper semicontinuous,

  4. η0=clxRηx>0 is compact.

Then RF is called the space of fuzzy numbers [21].

If η is a fuzzy set, we define ηκ=xRηxκ the κ-level sets of η, with 0<κ1. Also, if ηRF then κ-cut of η denoted by ηκ=η1κη2κ.

For η,νRF and λR the sum η+ν and the product λη are defined by κ01,


Let d:RF×RFR+0 by the following equation [22].


where dH is the Hausdorff metric.

The following properties are well-known see [22, 23]: η,ν,ω,ρRF and λR.


And RFd is a complete metric space.

Theorem 1. [1, 22] Let η:0aRF and ηtκ=η1κtη2κt be Seikkala differentiable. Then, η1κt and η2κt are differentiable and


Definition 1. [24] Let η:0aRF. bcηtdt,b,c0a is the fuzzy integral, defined by


for all 0κ1. In [24], if η:0aRF is continuous, it is fuzzy integrable.

Theorem 2. [22, 25] If ηRF, then:

  1. ηκ2ηκ1,if0κ1κ21;E10

  2. κk01 is a increasing sequence which converges to κ,


Alternatively, if ϒκ={η1κη2κ;κ(0,1]} is a closed real intervals i and ii, then ϒκ defined a fuzzy number ηRF such that ηκ=ϒκ..


3. Fuzzy conformable differentiability and integral

The funcion Φ:abRF is called fuzzy function. The κ-level representation of fuzzy function Φ given by Φtκ=ϕ1κtϕ2κt,tab,κ01.

Definition 2. [17] Let Φ:0aRF be a fuzzy function. γth orderfuzzy conformable derivative” of Φ is defined by


for all t>0,γ01. Let Φγt stands for TγΦt. Hence


If Φ is γ-differentiable in some 0a, and limt0+Φγt exists, then


and the limits (in the metric d).

Remark 1. [26]

  1. If Φ is γ-differentiable then the multivalued mapping Φκ is γ-differentiable for all κ01 and


where TγΦκ is denoted from the conformable fractional derivative of Φκ of order γ.

  1. ηκνκ,κ01 does not imply the existence of Hukuhara difference (H-difference) ην.

Theorem 3. [26]

Let Φ:0aRF, Φtκ=ϕ1κtϕ2κt,κ01.

  1. If Φ is γ1-differentiable, then ϕ1κt and ϕ2κt are γ-differentiable and


  2. If Φ is γ2-differentiable, then ϕ1κt and ϕ2κt are γ-differentiable and


Theorem 4. [17] Let γ01:.

  1. If Φ is 1-differentiable and Φ is γ1-differentiable, then


  2. If Φ is 2-differentiable and Φ is γ2-differentiable, then


Theorem 5. If Φ:0aRF is γ-differentiable then it is continuous.

Proof. Denote Φκt=ϕ1κtϕ2κt,κ01. Then ϕ1κt and ϕ2κt are continuous at t0, so Φ is continuous at t0.

If ε>0 and κ01, we have:


Dividing and multiplying by ε, we have:


Similarly, we obtain:




Similarly, we obtain:


Let h=εt01γ. Then


Similarly, we obtain:


which implies that


Similary, we obtain:


Hence, Φ is continuous at t0. □

Remark 2. If Φ:0aRF is γ-differentiable and Φγ for all γ01 is continuous, then we denote ΦC10aRF.

Theorem 6. Let γ01 and if Φ,Ψ:0aRF are γ-differentiable and λR then

  1. TγΦ+Ψt=TγΦt+TγΨtE20

  2. TγλΦt=λTγΦt.E21

proof. We present the details only for case i, since the other case is anlogous. Since Φ is γ1-differentiable it follows that Φt+εt1γΦt exists i.e. there exists u1tεt1γ such that


Analogously since Ψ is γ1-differentiable there exists v1tεt1γ such that


and we get


that is the H-difference


By similar reasoning we get that there exist u2tεt1γ and v2tεt1γ such that


and so


that is the H-difference


We observe that


Finally, by multiplying (24) and (25) with 1ε and passing to limit with limε0+ we get that Φ+Ψ is γ1-differentiable and TγΦ+Ψt=TγΦt+TγΨt The case when Φ and Ψ are γ2-differentiable is similar to the previous one. □

Definition 3. Let ΦC0aRFL10aRF, Define the fuzzy fractional integral for γ01.


where the integral is the usual Riemann improper integral.

Theorem 7. TγIγΦt, for t0, where Φ is any continuous function in the domain of Iγ.

Proof. Since Φ is continuous, then IγΦt is clearly conformable differentiable. Hence,


Theorem 8. Let γ01 and Φ be γ-differentiable in 0a and assume that the conformable derivative Φγ is integrable over 0a. Then s0a we have.


Proof. Let γ01 and κ01 be fixed. We will demonstrate this.


where Φκγ is conformable derivative of Φκ, the equation is then obtained by applying Theorems 3 and 4.


by (26) we have




where Φκ' is the derivative of Φκ, For a fuzzy mapping, the (29) is likewise true Φ:0aRF. In [1], the equality (28) now follows Theorem (8).


4. Solutions via conformable differential inclusions

We consider the fuzzy conformable differential equation.


where Φ:0a×RFRF is generated from a continuous function using Zadeh’s extension principle. ψ:0a×RR.

Let Φtu can be calculated at the level, i.e., κ01.


for all t0a,uRF and κ01. We interpret the fuzzy initial value problem (30) as a set of differential inclusions, following Diamonds [7, 10].


The reachable sets, under reasonable assumptions.


are κ-cuts of a fuzzy set ut, which we call a solution of (30). If we assume that the solutions to the initial value problem are unique, vγκt=ψtvκt,vκ0=v0, it follows that ϒκt=w1tw2t, where.


Theorem 9. The fuzzy solution and solution by differential inclusions solution using the first form are equivalent if ψ is nondecreasing with respect to the second argument.

proof. For each κ01 and γ01, we think ut]κ=u1κtu2κt and u0]κ=u01κu02κ. Since g is continuous and


then ψ(t,u1κtu2κt) is compact and connected i.e. a closed bounded interval.

As ψ is nondecreasing, we have that


As a result, the conformable differential system for boundary functions of fuzzy solution is uncoupled into two initial value problems:


This results in u1κ=w1 and u2κ=w2.

Now, we offer the following result as an extension of the preceding theorem to the class of differentiable functions with regard to the second form (17).

Theorem 10. If ψ is nonincreasing with respect to the second argument then, using the derivative in the second form (17), the fuzzy solution of (30) and the solution via differential inclusions are identical.

proof. Let κ01 and γ01, we consider.




and ψ is continuous, and ψtu1κtu2κt is a closed bounded interval. Since ψ is nonincreasing, it follows that


Consequently, from (31), we have the conformable differential system.


If uγt is consider in the form (2), we have that


The proof is complete after obtaining the differential system (32).

Example 1. Consider the fuzzy initial value problem.


Where u0 is a traingular fuzzy number u0κ=1+κ3κ. Since u2 is continuous and we are operating on RF, we can solve the equation levelwise.

Since u2 is increasing when x>0, we have to solve a conformable differential system for γ01.


where utκ=u1κu2κ.

The solutions are


We can see this u2κt< for t<13 and


for these values of t.

As a result, there is a fuzzy solution to the fuzzy initial value problem. ut for 0t<13.


5. Conclusion

The fuzzy conformable differential inclusions (FCDI) are introduced, which have been used by various authors to solve FDE for γ=1 [2, 6]. It also has the advantage that the solutions derived using FCDI appear to be more intuitive than other conformable derivative solutions first form (9), [19]. It’s also worth noting that this interpretation has a drawback in that we cannot discuss the fuzzy conformable derivative. Instead, we address this obstacle by utilizing the fuzzy conformable derivative in the second form (17), and the fuzzy solution and the solution via conformable differential inclusions are identical.


Conflicts of interest

The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.


Data availability

The data used to support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author upon request.


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Written By

Atimad Harir, Said Melliani and Lalla Saadia Chadli

Reviewed: 15 June 2022 Published: 26 August 2022