Fungi and oomycetes are the subjects of numerous current research studies. These are natural agents that can control parasitic populations, and arthropod populations with a role in the transmission of various diseases but can also eliminate various pollutants that are found in the external environment. Therefore, their conservation and exploitation are a global necessity, due to the benefits they confer on the quality of life of animals, but also of humans. Science must be aimed at finding a balance between the different constituents of the ecosystem and establishing coexistence relationships that are beneficial to all. Thus, research should be directed at investigating the potential actions of fungi and oomycetes against the various agents with which they coexist naturally in the external environment. This chapter provides information regarding the mechanism of action of these natural constituents and updates information on the species of fungi and oomycetes that have been studied so far. Thus, readers can have a base in this field and can further exploit what they have discovered to continue to improve the welfare of animals, addressing an ecological and healthy vision.
- ecological action
- fungi
- oomycetes
- cleaning
1. Introduction
Plants and animals coexist in a certain balance within the ecosystem, together with fungi, oomycetes, bacteria, viruses, and parasites.
Currently, about 75.000 species of fungi have been described, many of which are still unclassified [1]. Also, in the category of fungi, oomycetes have been included in the past. Detailed studies have highlighted their morphological and functional differences, the oomycetes being now included in the phylum
Many bacteria, viruses, and single-celled parasites can be carried by arthropods (insects, mites) or other vectors (amoebas) and can be sources of infection, causing many diseases in animals. Fungi and oomycetes can use different mechanisms by which they can eliminate these vectors. They can also be involved in the detoxification of the environment from numerous pollutants and can be considered important agents in the biocontrol of some animal parasites. In removing amoebae, fungi use hyphae that function as “sticky extensions” that capture “prey” or can parasitize internally, causing amoebae death by sporulation [4]. Sprayed in the form of a solution on the body of insects, more precisely on the body of mosquitoes, the fungi attach themselves through the conidia to their cuticle. Then begins the germination and dispersal of spores in the hemocoel. At this level, the evolutionary cycle of fungi continues with the multiplication of hyphae, which gradually kill the host by colonizing the trachea and producing toxins, after which the fungi leave their body [5, 6]. In eliminating the larval forms of some insects, the fungi also through the conidia block the siphon region and thus determine the death by asphyxiation of the hosts [6]. The same mechanisms have been reported in the elimination of evolutionary stages of ticks. An important role in the fixation and adhesion of conidia at the cuticular level is played by hydrophobins and adhesins, as proteins, but also lipase and esterase, as enzymes [7, 8, 9].
Certain pollutants, such as pesticides, can be battered by various fungi through numerous chemical processes (deoxygenation, hydroxylation, esterification, or dehydrogenation) [10]. Certain heavy metals in the environment can be inactivated by organic acids and siderophores (metabolites) of fungi [11]. Enzymes also play an important role in bioremediation, among them can be mentioned: cellulase, lipase, protease, peroxidase, amylase, chitinase, catalase, laccase, xylanase, etc. [12].
In the management of parasitic populations, especially nematode populations found in animals, fungi use complex mechanisms to eliminate these pathogens. The first stage is the recognition between the fungus and the nematode. Fungi adhere to the body of nematodes through lecithin that binds to carbohydrate receptors located in the cuticle of the parasite [13, 14]. Adhesion is facilitated by fungal spores and protein fibrils that form nematode-trapping traps. The fibrils are arranged in a network or perpendicular to the external surface of the nematodes, after which they easily penetrate their body. The penetration step involves the release of hydrolytic enzymes and the application of progressive pressure on the parasite’s cuticle [15]. After complete penetration of the cuticle, the formation and multiplication of hyphae begin. Gradually the fungi digest the nematodes internally. Nutrients are captured in the hyphae in lipid droplets or are fixed and carried by lecithin [16]. The same steps are observed in the case of oomycetes. They adhere to the surface of parasite eggs or larvae, through hyphae, after which they penetrate the egg wall or larval cuticle, releasing various enzymes (various exoglycosidases, kinases, endo-β-1,3-glucanases, and cellulases). Gradually, they digest and destroy the internal contents through hyphae and zoospores that form continuously [17].
Another method of removing nematodes is using adhesive nets, hyphae, or knobs forming constricting rings together. Through the movements and body heat, the nematodes trigger the complete tightening of the rings around them and the exteriorization of a penetrating tube where the internal multiplication of the hyphae begins [18]. Certain fungi can spread to the surface of the body of nematodes or larvae, including the wall of nematode eggs. Gradually the sporulation takes place internally, having an ovicidal, larvicidal, or adulticidal effect [19, 20]. An ovicidal effect can be exerted by fungi also through hyphae, more precisely through oppressors, secondary metabolites, and the toxins they contain [19]. The same toxins can cause paralysis of adult nematodes [19].
The following subchapters contain information related to fungal species, but also oomycetes that can be used successfully in the elimination of various animal pathogens.
2. Elimination of vectors involved in the transmission of various diseases to animals
2.1 Amoebae
Amoebae are protozoa that can live freely in very different environments or can be parasitic, surviving in different hosts. Free amoebae are present in the external environment in soil, water, and air, but are also used in various medical fields, such as dialysis centers and dentistry [21]. Parasitic amoebae (
In veterinary medicine, only four classes of free amoebae have pathogenic potential:
An important role in the circulation of certain pathogens has the amoebas of the
Numerous researchers aim to use amoebophagous fungi in the elimination of vectors and in the prevention of many diseases that can be transmitted to animals. They can act as parasites or predators. Among the fungi with the role of parasites, which invade and multiply inside the amoebae, are found
2.2 Insects
Globally, insects can be found in many habitats [62]. They have an important role in all terrestrial ecosystems, intervening in soil fertilization by circulating nutrients and seeds, but also in plant pollination. Thus, they are essential for maintaining optimal qualities in the development of agriculture [63]. Another role with a major impact on the quality of life of animals is the fact that insects are a nutritional basis for them [64]. The larval and adult stages are the most frequently consumed by animals.
In veterinary medicine, the role of insects is very important. Like amoebae, they can transmit various diseases from one animal to another.
The use of pyrethroids as insecticides is the most widely used method of control. However, recent research aims to apply fungi, in various forms, as an ecological method of controlling insect populations [80]. Ansari et al. [81] used the conidia of several species of fungi against culicid adults. The species chosen were
2.3 Ticks
Ticks are parasitic mites, which require, for the complete development and completion of the biological cycle, a blood-feed on the vertebrates involved. The tick population is extremely numerous in the warm season, being an important agent for transmitting contagious diseases to animals, but also humans. They can carry bacteria (
Biological control of ticks can be achieved by using entomopathogenic fungi. Currently, many fungi are known with a high potential to eliminate various evolutionary forms of ticks. Among them are:
Depending on the evolutionary stage, the action of certain fungi is different. Eggs are the most sensitive and nymphs are the most resistant [115, 116]. A high ovicidal action against
3. Environmental detoxification
Currently, our planet is going through continuous degradation due to the numerous pollutants accumulated in soils, waters, and air. Many of them are difficult to decompose. The current trend in research concerns the concept of bioremediation. It refers to the use of certain microbes in various habitats to metabolize various pollutants [134, 135]. Fungi have been intensively studied, their potential to cleanse the planet being recognized by many researchers. Detoxified soils are more fertile, ensuring rapid growth of plants, their nutritional qualities being better preserved. Indirectly, fungi provide animals with adequate food. The same is true of detoxifying water and air: it improves the quality of life of animals.
3.1 Heavy metals in the soil
Animals exposed for a long time to the action of heavy metals have developed developmental problems, spermatogenesis, neurological, renal, and liver problems [136]. Their carcinogenic potential has also been reported [137].
The action of fungi on heavy metals in the soil (Pb, Cd, Cu, Zn, Cr, Ni, Ag) is mediated by external temperature, but also by pH, the whole detoxification process being explained by the phenomena of bioabsorption, bioconcentration, and biotransformation [138]. Among the effective fungi are
3.2 Pesticides in wastewater
Wastewater is subject to filtration and treatment, as it can be an important source of pesticides, with harmful effects on the environment and animals. Currently, certain fungi capable of eliminating these pollutants have been identified. Hultberg and Bodin [144] used experimentally a combination of
Certain residual insecticides, such as endosulfan, can be deteriorated by
3.3 Various pollutants from soil, water, and air
Xenobiotic compounds are chemicals that enter the animal body in numerous ways (digestive, respiratory, parenteral) and are various. Reproductive problems (infertility, abortion) have been reported in animals following exposure [150]. Many plant constituents, various pesticides, medicinal products, feed additives, or industrial chemicals, are considered xenobiotics [151]. They have been successfully degraded by species of white-rot fungi (
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are found in the form of aerosol particles and can enter the body through the respiratory tract. Prolonged exposure to these constituents has devastating effects on the body. They can adversely affect the endocrine, reproductive, immune, and nervous systems. It also has a carcinogenic and teratogenic action [153].
4. Biocontrol of animal parasitosis
Parasites are pathogens that can survive in the body of animals for long periods, significantly affecting their quality of life. Depending on the class they belong to (Protozoa, Trematodes, Cestodes, Nematodes), they can be diagnosed in different age categories of the hosts [155]. There are many ways to infest animals, with a major impact on the digestive tract. In this way, the hosts can ingest from the external environment eggs or larvae of parasites. Adult forms usually survive in various animal organs. In stopping the evolutionary cycle of parasites, the veterinarian must take several preventive measures. These are undoubtedly necessary, due to the zoonotic potential of certain parasites. To eliminate and kill the adult forms, but also certain larval stages of the parasites, it is well known that various medicinal substances with the antiparasitic role are used. Of the four parasitic classes, nematodes are the most developed, and the main classes of drugs used against them are benzimidazoles, nicotinic receptor agonists, and macrocyclic lactones (avermectins, milbemycins) [156]. Cestodes are sensitive to isoquinolines (praziquantel) and trematodes to thiabendazole (benzimidazole) [157]. We mention only the helminths because they are pentiful in the animal population and the intermediate evolutionary forms resist the most in the external environment. One aspect that must be taken into account when administering the anthelmintics mentioned above is the one related to their use in farm animals. The possibility of eliminating them through milk (ruminants) must be known and indirectly, their remanence in certain secondary products must be mentioned. Macrocyclic lactones also have a long residue in the body of animals [158]. Analyzing this desideratum we can consider the elimination and the complete degradation of parasitic elements from the external environment as the main stage in stopping the biological cycle of parasites. This stage was a basis for current research in the field of biomedical sciences. Disinfectants have been tested and analyzed in numerous studies. Among those discovered so far as having a potential effect on the intermediate elements of nematodes, are those based on alcohols (ethanol, propanol), pentapotassium, and quaternary ammonium compounds [159, 160]. Alcohol-based disinfectants and more can have a corrosive effect if applied to different surfaces and instruments. Also, not enough details are known about the effect they can have on the skin of animals. Here we refer to those kept in paddocks or cages. Considering these aspects, the current research investigates the application of some fungi or oomycetes in the control of the evolutionary cycle of parasites, being an ecological and environmentally friendly method.
Ruminants are frequently parasitized with trichostrongyls. Of these,
Other researchers have investigated the action of fungi (
In horses, Araujo et al. [176] investigated the larvicidal action of 3 fungi (
A satisfactory larvicidal potential against the gastrointestinal nematode
Biocontrol in animal trematodes is still at the beginning of the research, until now the ovicidal effect of
5. Conclusions
Fungi and oomycetes are important agents in the control of animal diseases, which can seriously alter their health. Through the actions they present (insecticide, amoebicide, antiparasitic - ovicidal, larvicidal, nematicidal, and anti-pollution) according to those deduced from the scientific literature, they are key elements in ensuring the welfare of animals and improving their quality of life.
Notes/Thanks/Other declarations
Thanks go to Banat’s University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine “‘King Michael I of Romania”, for helping the author with the costs of publishing this book chapter.
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