Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Generalized Bessel Operator and Reproducing Kernel Theory

Written By

Fethi Soltani

Reviewed: 31 May 2022 Published: 24 May 2023

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.105630

From the Edited Volume

Operator Theory - Recent Advances, New Perspectives and Applications

Edited by Abdo Abou Jaoudé

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In 1961, Bargmann introduced the classical Fock space FC and in 1984, Cholewinsky introduced the generalized Fock space F2,νC. These two spaces are the aim of many works, and have many applications in mathematics, in physics and in quantum mechanics. In this work, we introduce and study the Fock space F3,νC associated to the generalized Bessel operator L3,ν. The space F3,νC is a reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS). This is the reason for defining the orthogonal projection operator, the Toeplitz operators and the Hankel operators associated to this space. Furthermore, we give an application of the theory of extremal function and reproducing kernel of Hilbert space, to establish the extremal function associated to a bounded linear operator T:F3,νC→H, where H be a Hilbert space. Finally, we come up with some results regarding the extremal functions, when T is a difference operator and an integral operator, respectively. Finally, we remark that it is now natural to raise the problem of studying the Bessel-type Segal-Bargmann transform associated to the space F3,νC. This problem is difficult and will be an open topic. This topic requires more details for the harmonic analysis associated to the operator L3,ν. We have the idea to continue this research in a future paper.


  • Bessel-type Fock space
  • Heisenberg-type uncertainty principle
  • Toeplitz operators
  • Hankel operators
  • Tikhonov regularization problem
  • extremal function

1. Introduction

In [1], Bargmann has studied the Fock space FC, is a Hilbert space consisting of entire functions on C, square integrable with respect to the measure


This space is equipped with the inner product


and has the reproducing kernel kzw=ez¯w. In [2], Cholewinsky has constructed a generalized Fock space F2,νC consisting of even entire functions on C, square integrable with respect to the measure


where Kν, ν>0, is the modified Bessel function of the second kind and index ν, called also the Macdonald function [3]. The generalized Fock space F2,νC is associated to the Bessel operator


and has the reproducing kernel




The study of several generalizations of the Fock spaces has a long and rich history in many different settings [4, 5, 6, 7, 8]. In this work, we will try to generalize Bessel-type Fock space, to give some properties concerning Toeplitz operators and Hankel operators of this space; and to establish Heisenberg-type uncertainty principle for this generalized Fock space. The generalized Bessel operator (or hyper-Bessel operator [9]) is the third-order singular differential operator given by


where ν is a nonnegative real number. When ν=0 this operator becomes the third derivative operator for which some analysis was studied by Widder [10] and for some special value of ν the operator L3,ν appeared as a radial part of the generalized Airy equation of a nonlinear diffusion type partial differential equation in d. Recently, in a nice and long paper, Cholewinski and Reneke [11] studied and extended, for the operator L3,ν, the well known theory related to some singular differential operator of second order for which the literature is extensive. Next, Fitouhi et al. [12, 13] established a harmonic analysis related to this operator (for examples the eigenfunctions, the generalized translation, the Fourier-Airy transform, the heat equation, the heat polynomials, the transmutation operators, …). Recently the Airy operator has gained considerable interest in various field of mathematics [9, 14] and in certain parts of quantum mechanics [15]. The results of this work will be useful when discussing the Fock space associated to this operator. This space is the background of some applications in this contribution. Especially, we give an application of the theory of extremal functions and reproducing kernels of Hilbert spaces, to examine the extremal function for the Tikhonov regularization problem associated to a bounded linear operator T:F3,νCH, where H be a Hilbert space. We come up with some results regarding the extremal functions associated to a difference operator D and to an integral operator P.

The examination of the extremal functions is studied in several directions, in the Fourier analysis [16, 17], in the Sturm-Liouville hypergroups [18], and in the Fourier-Dunkl analysis [19, 20]…

The contents of the paper are as follows. In Section 2, we study the Toeplitz operators and the Hankel operators on the Bessel-type Fock space F3,νC, and we establish Heisenberg-type uncertainty principle for this space. In Section 3, we give an application of the theory of reproducing kernels to the Tikhonov regularization problem for a difference operator and for an integral operator, respectively. In the last section, we summarize the obtained results and describe the future work.


2. Bessel-type Fock space

In this section we introduce the Toeplitz and the Hankel operators on the Bessel-type Fock space F3,νC. And we establish an uncertainty inequality of Heisenberg-type on the space F3,νC.

2.1 Toeplitz and Hankel operators on F3,νC

Let zC and ωk=e2k13, k=1,2,3. A function uz is called 3-even if uωkz=uz.

For λC, the initial problem


admits a unique analytic solution on C (see [11]), which will be denoted by I3,νλz and expanded in a power series as




The function I3,νλz is 3-even and defined as the hypergeometric function [11],


In particular, I3,νλzeλz and I3,0λz=cos3λz=n=0λz3n3n!.

In the following we denote by

  • Oν the function (see [11], p. 12) defined for t0 by


where Kν is the Macdonald function.

  • dm3,νz, ν>0, the measure defined on C by


This weighted measure is use d by Cholewinski-Reneke in their interesting paper [11] for computing the ν-Airy heat function.

  • Lν2C, the space of measurable functions f on C satisfying


  • H3,C, the space of 3-even entire functions on C.

Let ν>0. We define the Bessel-type Fock space F3,νC, to be the pre-Hilbert space of functions in H3,CLν2C, equipped with the inner product


and the norm fF3,νCfLν2C.

If f,gF3,νC with fz=n=0anz3n and gz=n=0bnz3n, then


where αn3ν are the constants given by (1).

If fF3,νC, then fzez2/2fF3,νC, zC. The map ffz, zC, is a continuous linear functional on F3,νC. Thus from Riesz theorem [21], the space F3,νC has a reproducing kernel. The function k3,ν given for, by.


is a reproducing kernel for the Bessel-type Fock space F3,νC, that is k3,νz.F3,νC, and for all fF3,νC, we have fk3,νz.F3,νC=fz.

The space F3,νC equipped with the inner product ..F3,νC is a reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS); and the set z3nαn3νn forms a Hilbert’s basis for the space F3,νC.

In the next part of this section we study the Toeplitz operators and the Hankel operators on the Bessel-type Fock space F3,νC. These operators generalize the classical operators [5]. We consider the orthogonal projection operator Pν:Lν2CF3,νC defined for zC, by


where k3,ν is the reproducing kernel given by (3). Then we have


Let ϕLC. The multiplication operators Mϕ:Lν2CLν2C are the operators defined for zC, by


The Bessel-type Toeplitz operators Tϕ:F3,νCF3,νC are the operators defined for zC, by


Let ϕLC. Then we have


However, if ϕLC has compact support, then Tϕ is a compact operator.

Let ϕLC. The Bessel-type Hankel operators Hϕ:F3,νCLν2C are the operators defined for zC, by


Let ϕ,φLC. Then we have


2.2 Heisenberg-type uncertainty principle for F3,νC

Let U3,νC be the prehilbertian space of 3-even entire functions, equipped with the inner product


If f,gU3,νC with fz=n=0anz3n and gz=n=0bnz3n, then


The space U3,νC is a Hilbert space with Hilbert’s basis z3nαn+13νn and reproducing kernel


Using the fact that


then the space U3,νC is a subspace of the Bessel-type Fock space F3,νC.

Let M be the multiplication operator defined by


Lemma 1. For fU3,νC then L3,νf and Mf belong to F3,νC. And for f,gU3,νC one has


Proof. Let fU3,νC with fz=n=0anz3n. By straightforward calculation we obtain




and by (4) we deduce that


On the other hand for Mf one has




Therefore L3,νf and Mf belong to F3,νC.

Let f,gU3,νC with fz=n=0anz3n and gz=n=0bnz3n. From relations (4) and (5) we have


Therefore and according to (2) we obtain


This completes the proof of the lemma. □

Let V3,νC be the prehilbertian space of 3-even entire functions, equipped with the inner product


If f,gV3,νC with fz=n=0anz3n and gz=n=0bnz3n, then


The space V3,νC is a Hilbert space with Hilbert’s basis z3nαn+23νn and reproducing kernel


The space V3,νC is a subspace of the space U3,νC.

Let L3,νM the commutator operator defined by


We easily have

Lemma 2. For fV3,νC we have L3,νMfF3,νC and


We will use the following result of functional analysis.

Lemma 3. (See [22, 23]). Let A and B be self-adjoint operators on a Hilbert space H (A=A, B=B). Then we have


for all fDomAB, and all a,b.

We obtain the following Heisenberg-type uncertainty principle.

Theorem 1. Let fV3,νC. For all a,b, we have.


Proof. Let us consider the following two operators on V3,νC by


By Lemmas 1 and 2, the operators A and B satisfies the following properties.

  1. For f,gV3,νC, we have


Thus the inequality (6) follows from Lemmas 2 and 3. □


3. Reproducing kernel theory

Let T:F3,νCH be a bounded linear operator from F3,νC into a Hilbert space H. By using the theory of reproducing kernels of Hilbert space and building on the ideas of Saitoh [24, 25, 26] we examine the extremal function associated to the operator T on the Bessel-type Fock space F3,νC.

Theorem 2. For any hH and for any λ>0, the problem


has a unique minimizer given by


Proof. The problem (7) is solved elementarily by finding the roots of the first derivative dΦ of the quadratic and strictly convex function Φf=λfF3,νC2+TfhH2hH2. Note that for convex functions the equation dΦf=0 is a necessary and sufficient condition for the minimum at f. The calculation provides


and the assertion of the theorem follows at once. □

In this section we examine the extremal functions associated to a difference operator D; and to an integral operator P, respectively.

3.1 The difference operator

Let D be the difference operator defined by


If fz=n=0anz3n, then Dfz=n=0an+1z3n.

In this subsection, we determine the extremal function fλ,D associated to the difference operator D on the space F3,νC.

Theorem 3.

  1. The operator D maps continuously from F3,νC into F3,νC, and


  2. For fF3,νC with fz=n=0anz3n, we have


  3. For any hF3,νC and for any λ>0, the problem


    has a unique minimizer given by





  1. If fF3,νC with fz=n=0anz3n, then


  2. If f,gF3,νC with fz=n=0anz3n and gz=n=0bnz3n, then




    And therefore


  3. We put hz=n=0hnz3n and fλ,Dhz=n=0cnz3n. From (8) we have λI+DDfλ,Dhz=Dhz. By (ii) we deduce that






This completes the proof of the theorem. □

The extremal function fλ,Dh possesses the following properties.

Theorem 4. If λ>0 and hF3,νC, then


Proof. Let λ>0 and hF3,νC with hz=n=0hnz3n.

  1. From (9) we have


    And by using the fact that x+y24xy we obtain


    This proves (i).

  2. From (9) we have


Using the fact that x+y24xy we obtain


This proves (ii) and completes the proof of the theorem. □

As in the same way of Theorem 4 we also obtain.

Remark 1. If λ>0 and hF3,νC, then


The extremal function fλ,Dh possesses also the following approximation formulas.

Theorem 5. If λ>0 and hF3,νC, then




Proof. Let λ>0 and hF3,νC with hz=n=0hnz3n. From (9) we have




Using the fact that




we obtain the results from dominated convergence theorem. □

As in the same way of Theorem 5 we also obtain.

Remark 2. If λ>0 and hF3,νC, then




where h0z=h0.

3.2 The integral operator

Let P be the integral operator defined by




If fz=n=0anz3n, then Pfz=n=1an1n3z3n.

In this subsection, we determine the extremal function fλ,P associated to the integral operator P on the space F3,νC.

Theorem 6.

  1. The operator P maps continuously from F3,νC into F3,νC, and


  2. For fF3,νC with fz=n=0anz3n, we have


  3. For any hF3,νC and for any λ>0, the problem


has a unique minimizer given by





  1. If fF3,νC with fz=n=0anzn, then


  2. If f,gF3,νC with fz=n=0anz3n and gz=n=0bnz3n, then




    And therefore


  3. We put hz=n=0hnz3n and fλ,Phz=n=0cnz3n. From (8) we have λI+PPfλ,Phz=Phz. By (ii) we deduce that






This completes the proof of the theorem. □

The extremal function fλ,Ph possesses the following properties.

Theorem 7. If λ>0 and hF3,νC, then


Proof. Let λ>0 and hF3,νC with hz=n=0hnz3n.

i. From (10) we have


And by using the fact that x+y24xy we obtain


This proves (i).

ii. From (10) we have


Using the fact that x+y24xy we obtain


This proves (ii) and completes the proof of the theorem. □

As in the same way of Theorem 7 we also obtain.

Remark 3. If λ>0 and hF3,νC, then


The extremal function fλ,Ph possesses also the following approximation formulas.

Theorem 8. If λ>0 and hF3,νC, then




Proof. Let λ>0 and hF3,νC with hz=n=0hnz3n. From (10) we have




Using the fact that




we obtain the results from dominated convergence theorem. □

As in the same of Theorem 8 we also obtain.

Remark 4. If λ>0 and hF3,νC, then




4. Conclusion and perspectives

Bargmann [1] in 1961 introduced the classical Fock space FC and Cholewinsky [2] in 1984 introduced the generalized Fock space F2,νC. The Bessel-type Fock space F3,νC introduced in this work generalizes these analytic spaces. We are studied the Tikhonov regularization problem associated to this Hilbert space, and we are established the extremal function for this problem. Finally, in a future paper we have the idea to study the Bessel-type Segal-Bargmann transform, in which we will prove inversion formula, Plancherel formula and some uncertainty inequalities for this transform.


Conflicts of interest

The author declares that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper.


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Written By

Fethi Soltani

Reviewed: 31 May 2022 Published: 24 May 2023