Various parts of the world affected by salinity stress [5].
Abiotic stresses are considered to be the major factors causing a decrease in crop yield globally, these stresses include high and low temperature, salinity, drought, and light stress etc. To overcome the consistent food demand for the ever-growing population, various genes from micro-organisms and non-plant sources have been expressed in transgenic plants to improve their tolerance against abiotic stresses. Gene expression in transgenic plants through conventional methods are time-consuming and laborious that’s why advanced genetic engineering methods for example Agrobacterium-mediated transformation and biolistic methods are more accurate, useful, and less time-consuming. This review provides an insight into various bacterial genes for example mtID, codA, betA, ADH, IPT, DRNF1 and ggpPS, etc. that have been successfully expressed in transgenic plants against various abiotic stress for stress tolerance enhancement and crop yield improvement which exhibited good encouraging results. Genes from yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) have been introduced in transgenic plants against drought and salinity stress. All these genes expressed from non-plant sources in plants can be very helpful to enhance crops for better yield productivity in the future to meet the demands of the consistently rising population of the world.
- abiotic stresses
- heterologous expression
- bacterial
- yeast
- fish and insect genes
1. Introduction
Plant stress is a condition in which plant growing in an unfavorable condition that mainly causes growth problems, deficiencies in crop yields, and even death when the stress-causing factors cross the limit that plants can tolerate [1]. It refers to external environmental conditions that adversely affect the overall growth, progress, or production of plants [2].
There are two types of stresses to which plants are subjected that is abiotic stress and biotic stress. The crop loss worldwide is mainly due to abiotic stress which consists of drought, cold, salinity, high environmental temperature, and radiation, etc. [3]. While biotic stresses are the attack of various pathogens on plants including bacteria, fungi, herbivores, and nematodes) etc. [4]. Due to the sessile nature of plants they cannot avoid these environmental factors but develop several mechanisms to tackle these abiotic and biotic stresses for their survival and environmental adaptation.
1.1 Abiotic stress mechanism in plants
Plants usually sense the environmental stress and then stimulate appropriate suitable response takes place, cell surface receives the stimuli and the transformation to the transcriptional system in the nucleus takes place via various pathways that help in transduction, make plants resistant to various environmental stress by the activation of molecular, biochemical, and physiological suitable response [5]. The first line of defense of plants is situated in roots to overcome abiotic stress. If the plant growing in the soil is healthy and there is biological diversity the chances of survival against the abiotic stress of the plant will be high. High salinity affects the growth and development of plants. The disruption of (Na+) and (K+) ratio in the cytoplasm is mainly the primary response shown by the plants against stress. Living microorganisms need to ensure effective growth and generate an effective environmental response, this especially very important in plants because of their immobility and encountering large changes/alterations in temperature, humidity, light, and availability of nutrients in the environment. Massive agricultural losses happen due to environmental stresses [6, 7] and the improvement of crop resistance is a major goal for crop programs.
A genetic locus that keeps productivity maintained even in serious conditions are situated within the germplasm of existing crops, their relative species that are earlier adopted to severe environments. Selective breeding in combination with other loci has improved crops yield in extremely challenging environmental conditions throughout agricultural history. An efficient advanced paradigm is the precise selection of genetic factors of stress adaptation that have been in nature for years and passes on by plants to their higher verities [8]. Abiotic stress causes biosynthetic capacity and nutrient decrease which leads to inhibition in plant growth and has been further elaborated by various researchers in their work by knowing the response to abiotic stress through various signaling pathways involving several genes, mechanism of post-transcriptional modification, and proteins. Those pathways are MAPK, ABF/bZIP, Ca2+-CBL-CIPK, and CBF/DREB which enables much stress responding transcription factors to initiate downstream signals needed for abiotic stress defense [9]. These signaling pathways can predict the effects generated by abiotic stress to control growth and plant adaptation. Recently genes have been identified which control plant growth during stress conditions for example molecular mechanism which controls leaf progress and growth under drought conditions relates both transcriptional signals to the circadian clock. Importantly (ERFs), ERF2 and ERF8 related to ethylene response factors showed to affect leaf in drought and wet conditions [10].
Abscisic acid plays a huge role in helping plants for their environmental adaptation against cold, drought, alteration in temperature, salinity, and wounding [11]. During extreme environmental conditions, the level of Abscisic acid goes up through the ABA biosynthesis process. High-level ABA combines with receptor for the initiation of signal transduction which leads to the cellular response to stress [12]. Various mechanisms that help in the protection of plant survival against abiotic stress are very much important, yet they are activated at the cost of plant growth and its productivity which is essential for agriculture. Recent studies in molecular genetics help us to understand the basis of abiotic stress tolerance [13]. Figure 1 illustrates the various signaling pathways involved in abiotic stress mechanisms in plants [9].
1.2 Abiotic stresses (factors) that affect plants
1.2.1 Temperature
Temperature is a very important abiotic stress factor that affects plant from seed germination to reproduction [14]. Significant temperature changes can lead to permanent disturbance in the plant cycle which even leads to death. It causes plant stress by two means; extremely cold and hot temperature, severe cold conditions below the optimum temperature can cause physical and mechanical changes to the plant and leads to severe cell disruption [15]. In various areas extremely low temperature causes agricultural crop productivity and affects the cultivation process [16]. While due to uncontrolled rise in temperature affects the rate of photosynthesis, water availability to plants, and fruit ripening. Due to climatic changes an appreciable rise in temperature in the coming times will cause rainfall reduction, alteration in wind speed, and snow leads to less growing plant season and eventually will harm crop production and quality [17]. The effects of verglas/frost and high temperature have been evaluated recently on the production of Wheat (
1.2.2 Drought/water stress
To obtain maximum crops yield globally drought or water stress is a very important factor it affects plants in many ways; during the growth phase, water stress decreases leaf expansion development, photosynthetic process, the height of the plant, and the overall area of leaf. The early symptoms caused by drought stress are leaf rolling and dryness of leaf tip, cell elongation is seriously affected by drought stress water scarcity blocks stomata, and reduces transpiration [20]. It has a huge negative impact on plant growth and the potential quality of yield in the agricultural system.
1.2.3 Light stress
For plants, the energy production process through photosynthesis sunlight plays an important role. Plants adapt themselves to change in light which alter considerably at various times. That is why plants can develop certain mechanisms that help in maximum use of existing light during irradiance state while other mechanisms to escape the long-term sunlight exposure [25]. As a result of low light or reduction in solar energy significant decrease happens in metabolic rate which leads to a reduction in crop yields and lower growth rates. An increase in reactive oxygen species (ROS) and photo-damage is caused by prolonged exposure of plants to sunlight [26].
1.2.4 Salinity stress on plants
Soil salinity is considered as one of the major abiotic stress affecting the performance of crop plants adversely around the globe, it can create a cluster of diverse interactions that harms the nutrition uptake, metabolic process, and plant vulnerability to various biotic stresses as well [27]. Minerals and nutrients present in the soil have valuable importance but the unwanted existence of salts results in extreme ionic and osmotic stress in plants [22]. The cations present in inorganic soils or water includes potassium (K+), magnesium (Mg+), calcium (Ca+), and sodium (Na+) while the important anions are NO3−, HCO3−, SO42−, Cl−, and CO2–3 other components include SiO2, Al3+, Sr2+, B, Mo, and Ba2+ [28]. Enzymes inactivation, cell death, and subsequently whole plant can diminish due to high salinity [29]. Salinity stress in plants leads to a huge decrease in dry and fresh weight obtained from stem, roots, and leaves [30]. An excessive amount of salt increases osmotic pressure in plants which reduces the chances of minerals like (K+ Ca2+) and nutrient uptake for survival, such primary effects leads to secondary effects as a non-proper expansion of cell, decrease in membrane function and a significant decrease in cytosol metabolic activity [5]. According to FAO world’s 6% of the land is affected by salt. Table 1 shows the distribution of salt-affected land around the world.
Regions | Total area (Mha) | Saline soil (Mha) | Percent % | Sodic soil (Mha) | Percent% |
Africa | 1899 | 39 | 2 | 34 | 1.3 |
Asia, the Pacific and Australia | 3107 | 195 | 6.3 | 249 | 8 |
Europe | 2011 | 7 | 0.3 | 73 | 3.6 |
Latin America | 2039 | 61 | 3 | 51 | 2.5 |
Near East | 1802 | 92 | 5.1 | 14 | 0.8 |
North America | 1929 | 5 | 0.2 | 15 | 0.8 |
Total |
2. Heterologous expression of genes in plants for abiotic stresses tolerance
During the past two decades the use of recombinant DNA technologies, the methods of gene transfer, and tissue culture techniques have improved the transformation and transgenics in many varieties of crop production in agriculture. Transformation techniques provide larger accessibility to the pool of genes as compared to conventional methods because the genes are inserted from bacteria, animals, viruses, yeast, fungi, and even from various synthetic chemicals prepared in the laboratory (Chahal and Gosal 2002). Various methods are used for genetic transformation of crop plants, Biolistic bombardment, and
2.1 Genetic engineering through bacterial genes in plants against abiotic stresses
Cloned genes insertion has produced transgenics against abiotic stresses in plants [32]. Many bacterial genes have been expressed in plants to confer abiotic stresses like salinity, drought, temperature, cold, and light stress. Those bacterial genes include
Abiotic stress tolerance related genes from micro-organisms are considered to be very valuable for the production of transgenic plants. A cyanobacterium (
2.1.1 The expression of mtID bacterial gene for the improvement of various abiotic stresses in plants
To improve abiotic stress tolerance in transformed tomato plants a bacterial mannitol-1-phosphate dehydrogenase (
The above work has shown that the accumulation of mannitol in several transgenic plants can improve plant tolerance against abiotic stresses. At the cellular level due to
For expression in higher plants against abiotic stress a bacterial gene that codes for mannitol-l phosphate dehydrogenase,
In Asia, Nepal, India, and almost 25 countries of Africa, finger millet (
Peanut (
The accumulation of mannitol an osmolyte plays an important role in abiotic stress. So, through the insertion of
2.1.2 RNA chaperones genes of bacteria confer abiotic stresses in transgenic plants
With a consistent increase in the world’s population, constant supply of food demands, and a decrease in water shortage alongside cultivating land, it is necessary to transform crops like rice that can grow in salt-affected areas [60]. High saline condition seriously affects the growth of rice like leaf expansion ability, root, and shoot formation [61]. The decrease in leaf expansion occurs in rice due to the low rate of osmotic turgor pressure under saline and cold conditions [62]. Results obtained from various research studies have shown that chloroplast and mitochondria in rice plants are seriously affected by salt and chilling stress [63, 64]. During abiotic stress conditions, bacterial RNA chaperones play a major role in stable messenger RNA expression, in salinity stress these bacterial genes develop transgenic rice plants that can tolerate even cold stress apart from salinity [60].
Drought is the major factor that causes crop yield reduction globally leading to socioeconomic complications. During an estimation, it was observed that a 40% loss in Maize crop is caused by drought stress alone in North America annually [65]. Maize crops are vulnerable to drought stress through-out their growing stages, effects of stresses that initiate during the flower development phases either before the start of floral events or post pollination results in a significant reduction of crop yields at the end of the season [66, 67]. In 2013 the first drought-resistant maize crop was genetically transformed by the expression of bacterial genes that codes for chaperonin showed significant improvement in resistance to water deficit stress [45].
The expression of bacterial CSPs (cold shock proteins) exhibited improvement against cold stress in transgenic
2.1.3 The expression of ADH (alcohol dehydrogenase gene) isolated from cyanobacteria Synechocystis sp. improves salt tolerance in tobacco plants
A gene PCC 6906 (
2.1.4 Bacterial codA gene enhances tolerance against various abiotic stresses in plants
In the control of RNA CaMV35S promotor,
Tomato (
Genetically transformed tomato (
They are vulnerable to chilling stress because of lower glycinbetaine synthesis ability. The cold temperature lower than 10°C causes severe injuries to tomato plants leading to lesser yield production. Bacterial
2.1.5 The expression of IPT gene against various abiotic stresses in plants
To increase the cold stress tolerance,
To delay the process of leaf senescence would allow capturing sunlight for longer periods, which leads to photosynthetic improvement and its contribution to plant growth and enhanced seed yield. Moreover, delayed senescence would allow the slow degeneration of source tissues so that the metabolites, proteins, nutrients could be slowly and gradually released to the sink tissues. Increase in plant potential biomass, maintenance of photosynthetic process, the higher influx of nitrate, increase in the life of flowers after harvesting, improved drought resistance, and greater seeds yield are the benefits of delayed leaf senescence [72, 73]. Cytokinin; a plant hormone that plays an important role in the process of cell division, cell growth, and differentiation, and it influences various developmental and phycological characteristics in plants ranging from seed germination, the flowering period of the plant, apical dominance, developmental process of flowering, fruits and leaf senescence [74, 75]. In various plants the role of a plant hormone cytokinin in delaying leaf senescence has been reported by [73, 76, 77, 78]. A gene
In rain-fed areas drought is a major hindrance to rice crop productivity [79, 80]. To fulfill the constant demand of rice by 2030 a remarkable increase by almost 35% in yield is necessary [81] that is why the development of transgenic rice to drought stress and improved productivity is an important challenge, various studies have indicated that the expression of bacterial
2.1.6 The expression of bacterial ggpPS gene isolated from Azotobacter vinelandii for glucosyl glycerol biosynthesis confers salt and drought stress tolerance in transgenic plant
Various organisms generally accumulate compatible solutes to show response against salt and drought stress, which includes heterotrophic and cyanobacteria which shows resistance to salty environment and produces glucosyl glycerol as their major compound for protection. To know the potential of glucosyl glycerol to enhance salt resistance in higher plants, a gene
2.1.7 The expression of bacterial betA gene confers abiotic stress tolerance in transgenic plants
Drought stress exists in most of the areas where sugarcane is grown and cultivated, which has no support of irrigation system and has lower rainfall. To know psychological and biochemical mechanisms better, underlying plants response to water deficit stress, have been overcome by the development of drought-resistant plants through biotechnological techniques. To tackle water stress plants use various strategies like variations in gene expression and the accumulation of compatible solutes for survival and growth. A bacterial gene
Transgenic cotton (
The similar
Tobacco plants were also genetically transformed by the expression of this gene from
3. Gene expression from yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae ) in plants against abiotic stresses tolerance
Just like the above bacterial genes expression in plants to improve their tolerance against abiotic stresses, yeast genes have also been introduced in transgenic plants to enhance their tolerance,
3.1 Insertion of a yeast gene TPSI in transgenic tobacco plants against drought and salt stress
A gene trehalose-6-phosphate synthase from yeast was introduced in tobacco plants by the control of Cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV35S) regulation sequence.
3.2 The role of yeast HAL1 , and HAL3 genes against salt tolerance in plants
To overcome salinity stress in
In past, remarkable advancements have been made in the identification and isolation of various genes which could be used in the process of abiotic stress protection in plants. It is hard to believe that a single gene insertion would make a dramatic improvement to salt stress directly producing a fresh salt-resistant transgenic plant that could be enough for breeding purpose point of view. Yeast
For the production of transformed watermelon plants, and adjusted
3.3 HAL1 gene mode of action in (Saccharomyces cerevisiae )
Yeast (
4. Anti-freeze proteins
During the study on fishes in the waters of temperate oceans proteins that act as antifreeze elements were found, in winter the temperature of these waters reaches (−1.9°C) but fishes under these waters still survive. NaCl is the most common electrolyte in blood serum of most species, but to inhibit freezing environment it only helps in 40–50% of the examined freezing point depression [97] the other substances due to which freezing point depression occurred were marked as proteins and glycoproteins [98, 99, 100] the molecular masses of antifreeze-glycoproteins ranges from 2.6 to 34 kD. They consist of tripeptide repeats (A l a-A l a-T h r) along with the moiety of disaccharide (-Naga-Gal) having the residue of threonyl [101].
4.1 AFP gene mechanism of action
Many researchers have studied the ant-freeze protein from winter flounder because of their small size and are very effective for structural mechanism requirements, there are some changes in the size and AFP amino acid composition which depends on the isolation technique from the serum of the fish [102]. Through southern blot and restriction maps of genomic clones analysis, the pattern of antifreeze protein multigene family was observed in winter flounder [103]. Most of them are equal in number to 40 AFP genes in this fish are present in 7–8 kbp DNA elements which act like tandem repeats, in every repeat, there is 1 kbp long AFP gene having same transcription shape and orientation, they also have some restriction site polymorphism ability even though the repeats are homologous. When winter flounder genomic DNA goes through the digestion phase mainly by Restriction endonuclease which normally does not cut inside the repeats, many of the AFP genes goes to 40 kbp long fragments that represent five or more repeats in tandem as clusters. After the digestion of genomic DNA, these genes reside in the fragments of extremely high mol. Weight indicating the groups of clusters in the genome [104]. By the combination of protein and DNA sequencing methods, the precursor of amino acid in the second AFP protein B gene has been observed in winter flounder. The precursor containing 82 amino acid residues is only different in three main sites to AFP, A gene that acts in the process of substitution, various other changes, all are grouped inside the DNA that codes for the mature portion of protein. In the process of post-transcriptional modification, the c-terminal glycine residue removal takes place [105].
4.2 The introduction of fish antifreeze AFP gene in transgenic plants
The quality of fruits and vegetables can be compromised by adverse effects due to the formation of ice crystals inside the frozen tissues. At lower concentrations, some proteins from the blood of fishes have shown the ability to help in the inhibition of ice crystals formation. To know whether the expression of certain genes improves freezing properties of the plant tissues, the transgenic tomato and tobacco have been produced by the expression of anti-freeze gene
AFP genes isolated from fish and insects are more useful in the inhibition of frost or crystal formation in several crop plants. AFPs isolated from insects and then their expression in plants against freezing stress are much better than those of fish because of their survival ability in freezing temperatures. AFPs can decrease water freezing level (thermal hysteresis) has generated the phenomenon that the damage could be avoided by those plants which are much more sensitive to frost at the end of autumn and the start of spring due to the expression of higher activity genes coding anti-freeze proteins allowing them to be unfrozen in extremely cold and freezing temperatures. During the last two decades, the effectiveness of this idea has been conducted in several different research studies that produce transgenic plants by the expression of various AFPs. Earlier the anti-freezing proteins isolated from fish were used in these studies but later on, as AFPs of insects with high levels of anti-freezing activity were discovered and now being used for plant transformation studies as a choice. A chemically synthesized antifreeze gene from winter flounder fish was introduced through the
Spring wheat which is vulnerable to the damage caused by frost can also be transformed to show tolerance to frost by the expression of winter flounder gene AFPs in the cytoplasm and apoplast of the plant where ice formation leads to damage at the cellular level. The transformed wheat lines which were targeted by apoplast anti-freeze proteins showed the highest anti-freezing activity and exhibited remarkable protection against frost at very lower temperatures [109].
Various marine species survive in extremely cold seawater below the freezing point temperature of their non-protected blood serum by producing anti-freezing proteins and glycoproteins [110, 111]. These proteins and glycoproteins have subsequently been considered for the neutralization of ice nucleator agents [112] to protect the cell from ice crystallization potential damage by hypothermic temperatures [113]. The introduction of these proteins in transgenic plants has been a very important tool for increasing their cold stress tolerance against freezing temperatures. In early work, an AFP gene that codes for alanine-rich, α-helical Type I AFP from winter flounder fish was introduced into tobacco plants through the
An anti-freezing gene (IIA7 cDNA) was isolated from a fish winter flounder
4.3 Transformation of plants with insects AFPs
The first transgenic plants were produced by the expression of insect AFPs [116], a chemically synthesized gene based on the anti-freezing proteins from an insect
To illustrate the activity of AFPs from beetle (
The AFPs synthesized from Spruce budworm (
The lists of genes that have been expressed in plants for abiotic stresses tolerance improvement are shown in Tables 2 and 3.
Gene | Origin | Plant | Abiotic stress | Reference |
Tomato | Cold and drought | [33] | ||
Wheat | Salinity and flooding | [34] | ||
Finger millet | Drought, salinity | [36] | ||
Tobacco | Salinity | [42] | ||
Cold, light stress, and high temperatures | [68] | |||
Tomato | Chilling and high temperatures | [70] | ||
sugarcane | Cold | [40] | ||
Salinity and drought | [44] | |||
Sugarcane | Drought | [84] | ||
Maize | Chilling | [86] | ||
Salinity | [46] | |||
Canola | Drought | [43] |
Genes | Origin | Plants | Abiotic stress | Reference |
Tobacco | Drought and salinity | [89] | ||
Salinity | [92] | |||
Yeast | Tomato | Salinity | [90] | |
Winter flounder | Tomato | Freezing stress | [106] | |
Winter flounder | Potato | Frost | [108] | |
IIA7 | Tobacco | Freezing stress | [115] | |
Tobacco | Frost | [119] |
Several genes have been expressed in transgenic plants from bacteria for abiotic stresses tolerance that exhibited good results in many transgenic plants for example tomato, tobacco, finger millet, peanut, potato,
Other genes from insects, fish, and yeast have been introduced in transgenic plants that exhibited better tolerance against various abiotic stresses are shown in Table 3.
5. Conclusion
In this study, the use of various genes isolated from non-plant sources have been expressed in plants for improving their tolerance against abiotic stresses that adversely affect plant growth, and crop yield productivity are reviewed comprehensively. Gene expression in transgenic plants through conventional methods are time consuming and laborious that is why advanced genetic engineering methods for example
First of all, I am extremely thankful to ALMIGHTY ALLAH, the ever-magnificent, greatest, merciful, gracious, and pervasive, who provided me the audacity and knowledge to commence and complete this task.
I am also extremely thankful to our holy Prophet Mohammad (SAW), who is a light for humanity and who began his preaching from learning.
I convey my bottomless sense of gratitude to my supervisor Dr. Nadir Zaman associate professor, Department of Biotechnology, University of Malakand, for his welcoming support, and guidance from the beginning till the completion of the present work, who has always been kind in all phases.
I would like to express my profound sense of admiration to all teachers especially Dr. Fazal Hadi chairman department of Biotechnology for his able guidance and support throughout the B.S program, Dr. Syed Muhammad Jamal, Dr. Aftab Ali Shah, Dr. Waqar Ali, Dr. Ayaz Ali Khan, Dr. Muhammad Aasim, Dr. Tariq khan, Dr. Alam Zeb ex-chairman Department of Biotechnology, and Mr. Taqweem Ul Haq for sharing expertise and providing a friendly learning environment.
I am cordially thankful to my family for the generous support they provided me throughout my entire life and particularly through the process of pursuing the BS (Hons.) degree. Because of their unconditional love and prayers, I have the chance to complete this thesis.
I also want to express my profound gratitude to all my friends for their company and continue support.
Ala | alanine |
ABA | abscisic acid |
ADH | alcohol dehydrogenase |
AFPs | anti-freeze proteins |
Al3+ | aluminum ion |
B | boron |
Ba2+ | barium |
Ca+ | calcium |
CaMV | cauliflower mosaic virus |
CaMV35S | cauliflower mosaic virus regulatory sequence |
Cl | chlorine |
CO2–3 | carbonate |
CodA | choline oxidase gene |
CSPs | cold shock proteins |
DNA | deoxyribonucleic acid |
E. coli | Escherichia coli |
FAO | food and agriculture organization |
GG | glycinbetaine |
ggpPS | geranylgeranyl diphosphate synthase |
HAL1 | yeast gene |
HCO3 | bicarbonate |
IPT gene | isopentenyltransferase gene |
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