Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Obesity and Gut Microbiota

Written By

Arslan Ahmad, Sakhawat Riaz and Muhammad Tanveer

Submitted: 24 April 2022 Reviewed: 12 May 2022 Published: 24 June 2022

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.105397

From the Edited Volume

Effect of Microbiota on Health and Disease

Edited by Hoda El-Sayed

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Obesity is a severe worldwide health problem driven by both hereditary and environmental factors, and its prevalence is increasing year after year. According to current thinking, The bacteria in the stomach may have a part in the growth of obesity and other health comorbidities. To better fully comprehend the link between obesity but also microbiomes, we sum up the features of the intestinal microbiota in obese people, the metabolic pathway of obesity-induced by the intestinal microbiota, and the impact of biological factors on the intestinal microbiota and adiposity in this chapter. The microbiome has been shown to have a major role in the development of obesity by regulating energy metabolism. The makeup and density of intestinal flora can be influenced by diet. Simultaneously, it is suggested that the gut microbiome be used in obesity studies. Some food items have recently shown that pro capability via functional ingredients that impact the intestinal flora, attracting the interest of scientists.


  • obesity
  • weight loss
  • intestinal microbiota
  • diets

1. Introduction

Obesity is a physiological condition triggered by a mixture of hereditary and nongenetic variables, such as external cues. Obesity is classified by the World Health Organization as having a Body fat percentage of more than 30, however, the requirements vary by country. In China, for instance, obesity is classified as a BMI of 28 or more. Over one-third of the worldwide population is overweight, including over 10% obese, according to a thorough survey [1]. Obesity is estimated to reach 1.12 billion people worldwide by 2030 [2]. Obesity affects more than 500 million people worldwide, creating a major financial and public-health issue [3]. Obesity has sparked renewed worry and is now becoming a severe global health issue. Obesity is associated with abnormalities in triglycerides, insulin, inflammatory processes, and peroxidation, as well as a higher risk of heart disease, diabetes, and malignancy [4, 5]. According to a rising body of evidence, a bacterial imbalance in the gut contributes to obesity [6, 7]. Dietary changes, exercise, surgery, and medication are the most popular treatments for obesity. Traditional weight loss techniques, on the other hand, frequently fail to produce satisfying results, and obesity rates are expected to climb further [8]. Many dietary plants have been proven to reduce appetite, restrict food absorption, reduce adipogenesis, and increase energy consumption, and all have anti-obesity properties [9]. In the human intestinal mucosa, particularly the colon, the gut microbiota, which contains bacteria, fungi, Archea, and viruses, is common [10, 11]. The effect of gut microbiota on obesity has received a lot of attention in current history, and it might be a viable weight-loss strategy. The effects of food plants on gut flora have recently received a lot of emphasis. The gastrointestinal microbiota contains around 100 trillions of commensal bacteria, which is 10 times the body’s total density [12].

To keep its birthrates high, the gut flora feeds on nutritional remnants that people cannot process, mucous secreted either by the gut, and cells waste shed as food [13]. Short-chain fats, nutrients, and right things like a pro, analgesic, or oxidative chemicals will be produced by a healthy gut bacteria, along with potentially dangerous items such as neurotoxicity, malignancies, including immunotoxins [14, 15]. Such substances can infect humans, and immediately cause mutations, thus disrupting the defense but also physiological processes of humans. As a consequence, maintaining the body’s natural normal metabolic equilibrium need balanced intestinal bacteria. Obesity is regarded as a long net caloric consumption mismatch that results in excessive weight gain [16]. The interplay between biological and epigenetic variables, such as nourishment, dietary components, and/or lifestyle decisions, are to blame. Overall, the complex mechanisms that lead to obesity and its consequences are unknown, but recent research shows that it gastrointestinal tract the thousands of microorganisms that normally reside within the individual gastrointestinal tract should be taken into account [17]. Food absorption, energy management, and fat storage are all influenced by the intestinal microbiota and its microscopic genome, according to a new study.

Moreover, gut flora can alter the immune system of humans [18], and also the composition of bile salts, which can affect ingestion and physiology [19]. Obesity, cancer, and irritable bowel syndrome are hypothesized to be caused by gut microbial dysbiosis [20, 21]. Gram-negative bacteria lipopolysaccharide (LPS) may, for instance, produce an immune response in the recipient [22]. Obese people have a lesser variety of intestinal flora than lean people [23], and the huge quantity of specific gut microbiota taxa has changed in obese people [24]. Utilization of some food items could be negatively proportional to excess weight through modifying gut flora, according to epidemiological research [25, 26, 27]. As a consequence, eating dietary plants and taking advantage of their impact on gut microbiota management might be a novel method to treat obesity. These results indicate that gut bacteria may regulate the host’s energy metabolism, potentially leading to obesity and other disorders. This chapter’s vision is to offer a broad review of this hot issue, including the involvement of the intestinal microbiota with obesity.


2. Intestinal microbes

With around a hundred billion bacteria, the microorganisms in the human gastrointestinal system are large and varied. This colon is expected to have a bacterial cell density of 1011 to 1012 per ml, making it one of the world’s most densely inhabited microbial ecosystems [28]. The gut flora contains around 3 million genetic materials and hundreds of compounds, but the genome sequence only contains approximately 23,000 genes [29]. The host intestinal flora contains 10–100 trillion germs, making it challenging for biologists to characterize the whole microbiota, particularly with the classic Sanger method.

Bacteria, fungi, and viruses are among the species that make up gut bacteria. Bacteria are divided into phylums, classes, groups, families, species, and individuals. Even though only a few phyla are included, there are over 160 species [30]. The most prevalent gut microbe phyla include Species, Acidobacteria, Lactobacillus, Lactobacillus, Actinobacteria, Microbacterium, and Verrucomicrobia, alongside Taxa and Eubacterium [31]. accounting for 90% of a microbial population. The Firmicutes phylum has about 200 genera, including Escherichia, Staphylococcus, Coli, Enterobacter, and Ruminicoccus. The Clostridium genus makes up roughly 95% of the Firmicutes phylum. Bacteroidetes is a bacterial family that contains well-known bacteria which including Bacteroides and Prevotella. There are fewer bacteria in the Actinobacteria phylum, with the Bifidobacterium genus dominating [31].

The Firmicutes phylum, including comprises % of the gut bacteria, encompasses more than 200 genera, Escherichia, Pseudomonas, Vibrio, Enterobacter, and Ruminicoccus are a few examples. Almost the whole Genera class is represented by the Clostridium genus. Bacteroidetes is a bacterial family that includes well-known bacteria such as Bifidobacteria and Prevotella. The Lactobacillus genus dominates the Lactobacilli phylum, which contains a smaller amount of microbes.

2.1 Individual differences

Each section of the Gastrointestinal system has a different taxonomy and functional flora, which fluctuates throughout time as a result of perinatal changes, aging, and external conditions such as antimicrobial usage.

2.2 Anatomy of the intestine

Physiological factors such as acidity and high oxygen tension, digestion flow that is quick inside the lips but slows down afterward food supply, and finally human fluids all have an impact on the microbiota [32]. The gut provides a more difficult habitat for microbes due to its short transit times (3–5 hours) and high bile concentration. The largest microbial population is located in the large intestine, which has a slow mass flow and a normal to slightly acid pH, with obligate anaerobic bacteria dominating.

2.3 Evolution and resilience

Even though a tiny amount of pathogens via maternal blood could produce a first microbiome at delivery, fetuses are assumed to be sterile during pregnancy [33]. Viruses out from the mother and the surroundings infiltrate the newborn’s intestines almost immediately. The microbiota’s makeup is influenced by cesarean delivery, antimicrobial therapy, nutrition, and ambient hygiene [34]. Bacterial flora in your intestines is extremely stable throughout maturity, shifting just a little around a core of stable colonizers. The gut physiology and nutrition of humans alter as they get older [35]. Temporary changes, however, may occur as a result of dietary factors or antibiotic treatments. Quick medication with only a solitary prescription with antibiotic therapy, such instance, alters the intestinal flora lasting up to 4 days until returning to its previous state [36]. In addition, some bacteria might take months of rehab after treatment, resulting in a loss of diversity after multiple medication exposures [37]. Dietary modifications have a similar effect on the makeup of intestinal flora. Food provides nutrients to the host as well as the microbiota, whose bacteria may be favored or injured by dietary substrates. As a result, according to one study, changes in diet in mice could responsible for 57% of the overall point mutation in gut microbes, while gene variants accounted for only 12% [38].

So far, the gutMEGA database has collected the gut microbes of 6457 taxa [39]. Firmicutes, Bacteroides, Proteus, Actinomycetes, Fusobacteria, and Verrucomicrobia comprise the bulk of the human gut microbiota [40]. Varied gut flora is ultimately beneficial; nevertheless, a lack of choice in the gut microbiome may lead to disorders such as obesity [23]. Another feature of gut health microorganisms is a delicate balance, which refers to the gut microbiota’s capacity to resist perturbation and return to health, such as following antimicrobial therapy [41].

2.4 Changes in infant and gut bacteria makeup

The mammalian gut flora is a flexible and intricate habitat that evolved including its owner [42] which accounts for around one kg of our body weight. Our intestinal bacteria populations are rapidly being recognized as an entity with physiological, immunosuppressive, and estrogen functions that lead to illnesses [43]. Each Digestive system contains around 1014 organisms ten times the level of cells in the human body and each gut flora has 500–1000 unique types of bacteria [44, 45]. The Megahits group [25] also released a list of nearly 10 million non-redundant genes derived from decoding specimens from 1267 people, showing that the microbial community includes at least 100 times the amount of genes found in the bodily genome [46, 47, 48]. An overall current population could be classified into three groups based on the nature of the gut flora [31]. The most prevalent enterotypes are Also used Prevotella, or Rotifers, with Bacteroides, Lactobacilli, and Ruminococcus leading the pack. Although enterotype differences were previously assumed to be unrelated to region, age, race, or BMI [49], they have now been connected to long-term eating habits. The gut microbiota is a symbiotic relationship that helps the human body do things it cannot. As a result, sustaining regular GI and immunological processes, as well as proper nutrition digestion, requires the gut microbiota [12, 50]. Its microbiome, for instance, ferments metabolites indigestible food elements, synthetase enzymes, and certain other critical minerals, food poisons, and carcinogens convert cholesterol and bile salts, supports immunological reaction development, controls enterocyte growth and division, controls gastrointestinal capillaries, and protects against pathogenic strains [51]. Carbohydrate composting, its generation of short-chain fatty acids, a saturation of selected surface proteins, or the formation of minerals and abundant amino acids all seem to be the main tasks of normal gut flora [52].

2.5 Gestational age at birth

Due to organ development and external influences such as antibiotics, hospitalization, and enteral feeding, colonization is a concern in preterm neonates after birth [53, 54]. For these reasons, preterm birth might have had a considerable influence on gut and systemic immunity throughout pregnancy [54].

Preterm newborns have a limited range of bacteria, with more potentially hazardous microbes again from the Proteobacteria phylum’s Bacteria cell colonizing them [53] and decreased rates of strictly anaerobic bacteria like Bifidobacteria and lactobacilli [55], Bacteroides, and Atopobium [53]. Genetic factors, as well as the family’s secretor and Lewis blood type, impact the composition of infant formula, resulting in four phenotypes with varied amounts of oligosaccharide [56]. Premature children born to non-secretor mothers had greater Proteobacteria levels and lower Firmicutes levels [57]. Pratic et al. [58] investigated the makeup of colostrum that discovered that Health maintenance organizations linked with different mother phenotypes influence the gut microbiota of newborns. For example, health centers associated with secretor moms might provide a prebiotic benefit by lowering microorganisms linked to sepsis and necrotizing enterocolitis [57]. This suggests that health centers can alter gut flora, protecting premature babies against gut dysfunction and NEC [59]. Lactoferrin is a well-known component of human dairy that promotes the colonizing of preterm newborns’ stomachs with helpful bacteria, therefore improving their ecology [32].

2.6 Type of delivery

Babies acquire a gut that is identical to their mother’s gut microflora after normal delivery. The flora of the child’s large intestine and the related organisms of the vaginal tract, Bacteria, Lactobacilli, and Sneathia, were discovered to be closely linked in the development of biological baby mucus [60]. As per Biasucci et al. [61], significant bacteria such as Probiotic bacteria long and Lactobacillus catenulatum are familiar with the microbiome of perineal born neonates. E. coli, Staphylococcus, Bacteroides fragilis, and Bacteria are among the aerotolerant anaerobic bacteria found inside the infant gut [62, 63, 64].

In analyses done at 7 years old, variations in the microflora of C-section and perineal delivered infants were discovered [65]. Persistent autoimmune abnormalities like influenza, regional collagenous disorders, adolescent arthritis, irritable bowel [66], or overweight [67] have been linked to cesarean delivery.

2.7 Methods of milk feeding

As per research [68, 69], Equation babies are more likely to be contaminated with E. coli, Bacteroides, and Clostridium difficult than breastfeeding infants. In terms of Actinobacteria concentration, Bifidobacterium spp. has been connected to breastfeeding and artificial milk [70, 71]. In contrast to equation babies, breastfed infants have a more diverse and variable Probiotic bacteria microbiota [71]. Breastfeeding infants are provided microbiota for a more than 2 increase in Acidophilus cells as compared to supplemented infants [70]. Breastfed babies had a more favorable gut microbiota than pattern babies, with more Bifidobacterium spp. and less Clostridium difficile and Escherichia coli [23].

Maintaining a healthy and nourishing gut flora in the mother during pregnancy is also regarded to be a crucial factor in improving the milk microbiome composition. Oral supplements may increase the quantity of Acidophilus spp. and Lactobacilli spp. in human breast milk in vaginally delivered mothers [72].

2.8 Weaning period

When solid foods are introduced and dairy is eliminated, significant changes in gut flora occur. Probiotics, Escherichia coccoides, and Bifidobacteria are the most frequent species after childhood [73]. Apigenin muciniphila, Enterobacteriaceae, Veillonella, Mycobacterium coccoides spp., and Botulism spp. are all found in significant levels in the microbiota of one baby [74]. Around the age of three, the appearance and diversity of a toddler’s intestinal microbiota are most akin to those of adults [75]. Bacillus subtilis, Bacteroidetes, and Act are the three bacterial phyla that control the adult microbial population.

2.9 Antibiotics

Pharmaceuticals could alter the intestinal microbiota’s makeup to some extent. The influence of antibiotic molecular pathways on the makeup of the human microbiome was investigated in obey research [76], Penicillin treatment options alter the gut microbiota, increasing the prevalence of some species while decreasing the abundance of others. Bacterial diversity and abundance decreased during therapy. Antimicrobial class, frequency, length of therapy, pharmacokinetic properties, and target microorganisms all impact gut flora composition [77]. Antibiotic features such as antimicrobial actions and potency are important in the development of gut flora thus they are partly to blame for bacterial composition changes following antibiotic therapy [76]. The drug has unique properties and disposal methods, resulting in a wide range of bacteria material changes [77].

2.10 Gut microbiota variations between individuals

We’ve previously seen how single intestinal microbiota makeup changes, and now we’ll examine how it varies among individuals. Intertype’s, BMI levels, and extrinsic variables including behavior, health and body, race, and culinary or cultural traditions all impact cross variability.

2.11 Enterotypes

We’ve established that the gut flora composition differs across persons; now we’ll investigate how it varies between individuals. Exogenous variables including activity regularity, race, culinary and cultural habits, enterotypes, and BMI levels all play a role in these variances. Instead of an intentional integration of germs, an enterotype is a physiologically close relation between distinct species of bacteria. Although enterotypes are not as different from plasma groups in terms of structure, they are tolerant, constant through life, and may be regained if they are changed. Enterotypes appear to be mostly defined by food habits. Knowing the genesis and roles of enterotypes might help researchers better understand the links between gut flora and people’s health.

2.12 Body mass index

Many investigations [78, 79] focused on the impact of childhood obesity on intestinal flora and found that overweight or medium BMI kids had more bacterial ecology than underweight students. Intestinal flora declines with time, depending on the BMI category [78, 80]. Obese children’s microbiota has a greater Firmicutes-to-Bacteroidetes ratio than lean children’s microbiota, according to Bervoets et al. [81]. On the other hand, this obese microbiome exhibits comparably low percentages of Probiotic bacteria vulgatus and high levels of Escherichia species [81]. Adiposity is also linked to higher levels of Genus like Ruminococcaceae and decreased rates of Clostridium such as Bacteroidaceae and Enterobacter, according to Riva et al. [82]. Short-chain fatty acids were found to be higher in obese children, indicating that they used more fuel. Increased SCFA production and energy extraction from colon digestion are connected to a higher Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes ratio, indicating that intestinal flora imbalance might play a role in obesity etiology [82]. Gut flora instability is well predicted by BMI.

2.13 Ethnicity, dietary habits, and cultural habits

Although a healthy person’s microbiome is largely stable, behavior or dietary culture choices may likely alter gut microbial behavior [49]. According to a study on European children given a Western diet and Liberia children eating a diet high in grain + local vegetables with relatively low lipids and animal protein, African children’s flora contains a noticeable excess of Prevotella and Xylanibacter [83]. Shigella and E. coli bacteria are similarly underrepresented. Research [84] compared the intestinal microbiome of Hadza hunters with Italians. On either a phylum level, the Hadza gastrointestinal tract is dominated by Genus and Spirochaetes, whereas Cyanobacteria, a crucial upper octave member of the Italian gut microbiota, is almost non-existent. When the kind of food varies, biodegradation switches between carbohydrate and protein digestion. This occurred just one day after the food contacted the microorganisms in the distal intestine. Diet has a quick and long-term influence on the human microbiota, according to David et al. [85].

2.14 Exercise frequency

Bai et al. [78] discovered connections between exercise regularity and gut flora composition in a study of teenagers. Daily exercise increases gut microbial diversity by producing more SCFAs, via stimulating the production of adhesion molecules in colon epithelia, which may aid to improve gut barrier resilience, limiting mucosal leakage, and modulating cytokine secretion [78, 86].


3. Gut microbes in connection with obesity

The idea for studying obese people’s gut microorganisms came from the idea that gut flora might be a vital component of their long-term health. The earliest evidence of a link between gut flora and obesity was discovered in germless mouse studies. The quantity of fat and insulin sensitivity inside the transplanted increased even when food consumption was reduced, showing that gut microbes may help the recipient in the formation of adipose tissue [87]. Its Firmicutes ratio rose sharply in fat mice [88], showing that the obese mice’s microbiome was good at taking energy from the feed. Systems can be seen in individuals; for instance, in the guts of obese children, their ratio of Firmicutes climbed whereas the quantity of Bacteroidetes decreased [89]. The Firmicutes/Bacteroidetes ratio increased as BMI increased, according to a study of the Ukrainian population [90].

In overweight and obese people, supplementing with A. muciniphila improves metabolic indices [91]. Traditional probiotics like Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium, for example, help to maintain healthy gut flora. Crovesy et al. [92] investigated the impact of Bacteria on obesity rates but found that its beneficial benefits were genus. The frequency of Lactobacillus paracasei was shown to be interrelated to fat, but the number of Escherichia repeating unit and Lactobacillus acidophilus gasseri was shown to be favorably related to obesity. Animal studies have shown that Bifidobacterium can help people lose weight. Bifidobacterium demonstrated a strain-dependent impact on obesity in diet-induced obesity animal models [93]. Obesity is linked to a reduction in Bifidobacterium abundance in the intestine [94]. The study on intestinal flora and obesity is represented in Table 1.

Obese and Microbe FeaturesPreclinical or clinicalsubjectsReferences
Firmicutes/Bacteroidetes ratio increasedPreclinicalMice[12, 24]
ClinicalAdult Ukrainian population[51]
Increased Akkermansia population reduced body weightClinicalHuman[52]
Bifidobacteria reducedPreclinicalRats[55]
Methanobacteriales smithii and Bifidobacterium were associated with normal weightClinicalHuman[96]

Table 1.

Linkage of obesity with gut microbiomes.

3.1 Obesogenic gut microbiota

Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes, for particular, have been identified as obesity-promoting intestinal flora, which can lead to the growth of obese [97].

3.2 Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes

Ruminiococcus, Candida, and Lactobacillus have been the most prevalent representatives of the phylum Firmicutes phylum Bacteroidetes in the gut bacteria, accounting for 90% of types of bacteria [44, 98]. Regulating glucagon-like peptide 1 release may aid to alleviate insulin sensitivity and obesity in way of eating obese C57BL/6 J mice given antibiotics [99]. Inside the intestines of adult C57BL/6 J rats fed a strong diet, firmicutes were found mainly [100]. In obese people and obese mice, a great proportion of Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes has just been reported as an adiposity trait of the gut microbiome [42]. Obese women having elevated toll-like receptor 5 gene expression were also shown to have a greater number of the genus [101]. Egyptian researchers examined the gut microbiome of 51 obese persons (23 kids and 28 individuals) to the gut microbiome of 28 healthy individuals in a study. In a survey of 17 children and 11 adults, researchers observed that the phyla Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes were significantly higher in the obese group (p 0.001, p = 0.003) [102]. Lactobacillus has been divided into various subgroups, each of which has been associated with obesity and the genesis of obesity. A variety of key enzymes are missing in bacteria that promote weight gain, including sugar enzymes, antioxidants, and dextrin, L-rhamnose, or acetate synthetases [103].

The three principal Bacteroidetes taxa present in the human stomach are Bacteroides, Prevotella, and Porphyromonas. Bacteroides account for more than a third of all gut bacteria, and it’s particularly prevalent in Westerners who consume a high-fat or high-sugar diet [104]. Together in a controlled trial with 138 babies aged 3 years, the utilization of Bacteroides in the intestines was found to be positively associated with bodyweight [105]. Bifidobacteria and Lactobacillus species have also been linked to weight increase in children [106, 107].

3.3 Anti-obesity gut microbiota

Certain gut microbiota species have been reported to have anti-obesity characteristics, in contrast to the obesogenic gut microbiota. In the next part, Bifid bacteria, Lactobacillus subspecies, and Bacteroidetes are investigated as anti-obesity gut microbiota.

3.4 Probiotics and obesity

C57BL/6 J mice were given Bifidobacterium lactis 420 for 12 weeks to inhibit weight gain, which may be attributed to decreased intestinal epithelial adhesion and blood LPS [108]. Probiotic lactic 420 also improved the viability and lowered the porosity of Overexpressing cells in a dose-dependent manner, suggesting that it might help with the treatment of low-grade inflammatory disorders like obesity [109]. During eight weeks, High fat-feed mice were given Bacteria bacillus bifidum BGN4 and Probiotics reticulata BORI, which significantly reduced weight gain and lowered liver triglycerides and total cholesterol, as well as blood aspartate and alanine transaminase activity [110].

Despite the reality that some Lacto strains were linked to obesity, most of the Bacillus species were found to have a pro function [98]. Lactobacillus aided fat loss in animals, whereas Bacterium gasseri aided weight loss for both obese people and animals, as per a meta-analysis [111]. Lactobacillus cultures 031 CE reduced lipid levels and the activity of aspartate transaminase and alanine transaminase in the hepatic Institute of Cancer Research mice high-fat- fat diet [110]. With down-regulating- regulating TNF-, interleukin-1, and Nuclear factor and upregulating IL-10 and tight junction, Bacteria sakei OK67 treatment to fat-fed mice greatly lower body or epididymides fat excess weight [112]. Par-, PR domain containing 16, Par- coactivator-1, growth factor protein 7, and fibroblast growth factor 21, were all increased by Bacteria consisting of a resistor 263 in Adult male rats [113].


4. Obesity mechanism induced by gut micro-biota

4.1 Energy absorption

To provide energy to their humans, obese rats consume more carbohydrates via their gut bacteria [114, 115]. When bacteria mice colonized predominantly by the obesity microbiota’ did not change their food or weight, their total body fat increased in comparison to mice colonized by the Chilean biome’ [88]. Obese people’s gut microbiota has a larger capacity for absorbing energy from meals, according to the study. Obese mice had higher lipid uptake, according to a multi-omics study. In germ-free mice, Clostridia colonization downregulates genetic variants’ fat intake [47]. In a way, the gut bacteria of fat people may produce more impact energy, leading to higher energy and weight growth. Difficult-to-digest carbohydrates are fermented by gut bacteria into short-chain fatty acids, which are either eaten or expelled in the stool. Short-chain fatty acids are necessary to maintain energy balance [116]. SCFAs have lately received a lot of attention for their positive effects on cellular integrity and lipid metabolism, although their relevance in obesity is still debatable. Intestinal permeability, metabolic disease indicators, obesity, and hypertension have all been associated with increased fecal SCFA levels [117].

4.2 Central appetite and fat accumulation

The gut microbiota has become one of the most transcription factors of intestine connection. Within the study of the morphological and molecular origins of obesity and associated illnesses, the gastrointestinal system pathway has attracted much interest. Hormonal, immunological, or neurological pathways connect both brains with the microbiome [118]. The intestinal microbiota link influences the nerve cells of said individual. The autonomic nervous system can affect the makeup and structure of the gut flora. Microbiomes affect cognitive activity in a variety of ways, including by influencing the synthesis of neuropeptides like dopamine, which are critical for gastrointestinal function regulation [119]. Lactate, a nerve terminal fuel generated by Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium, has now been demonstrated to enhance satisfaction following a meal [120]. Protracted hunger suppression controlled via hypothalamic neurotransmitter energetic pathways can be paired with short-term stomach pleasure regulation linked with bacterial proliferation [121]. Table 2 depicts the obesity process as part of gut flora.

InfluenceFeatures of MicrobesProcessReferences
Load capacity has increased.Streptomyces depletion with Sulfolobus proliferationThe expression in genes that govern lipid absorption, such as CD36, has increased.[122]
The host will have more energy.Fusobacterium, Roseburia feces, and other Cycle life grew in number, whereas Akkermansia muciniphila, Alistipes finegoldii, Bacteroides, Christensenellaceae, Methanobrevibacter, and Oscillospira dropped in the count.Short-chain fatty acids in abundance[117]
Hunger riseClostridial clusters XIVa and IV prevail in this colony.Neuropeptide levels were significantly lower in obese subjects.[123, 124, 125]
Fat accumulation has increased.Gut bacteria from normally grown mice were transferred into microbe mice.Increased synthesis of Articulate and Depositors, which activates LPL and helps triglyceride entry into the bloodstream out from the liver, suppresses Fiaf.[87]

Table 2.

Adiposity caused by gut microbes.

In 2004, it was shown that gut microbes can influence fat accumulation [87]. The gut bacteria upregulates two key signaling pathways, glycemic reaction component binding domain or cholesterol control component related proteins, causing fat to accumulate in hepatic. Lipids directly stimulate through the liver, where they can be absorbed via visceral fat, thanks to lipoprotein lipase. Fiaf, an LPL regulator, is produced by intestinal epithelial cells. Normal mouse intestinal epithelial cells have Fiaf inhibited, allowing the host to store more energy.


5. Obesity and microbiota: Connectivity to genetic makeup and transport

A combination of genetic and chemical variables impacts obesity. The microbe is thought to be influenced by inheritance. In actuality, several gene mutations might be responsible for changes in the structure but also diversity of the intestinal microbiota in obese people. A connection between twin genetic variation and distinct microbial species was discovered using whole-genome correlation. More than a dozen gut microbes have been linked to good health [126]. Genes affect bacteria, as evidenced by Probiotic bacteria and the lactose intolerance genome cluster [126] and AMY1-CN as candidate genes linked to the shape and severity of the microbial [127]. It’s also possible that the gut microbiota is handed down from mother to kid. The gastrointestinal tract of spore mice was shown to be relatively stable in succession studies. In most cases, these bacteria make up a great proportion of the gut flora of mice, suggesting that rodents get the majority of their intestinal flora from their mothers [128]. The microbial community may be detected in the womb, synovial fluid, amniotic fluid, and even mucus, according to the study, so parental microbes could have a major impact on the development of the child’s microflora [129]. Obesity is caused by a variety of causes, one of which is a bad diet. In industrialized nations and places, the consumption of high-fat and high-sugar meals has steadily increased, increasing obesity. Changes in nutrition have a profound impact on intestinal flora since gut bacteria rely on human food for survival and energy. Bacteroidetes were detected in reduced quantities in rats given a strong diet, although Firmicutes or Proteobacteria were found in higher levels. Similar changes were observed in mice who were not overweight, implying as saturated cholesterol would have a detrimental influence on this microbiota [130, 131]. The gut microbiota can be dysbiotic due to both hereditary and environmental causes. Figure 1 shows that dysregulation could indeed affect energy uptake through transcriptional but also heavily rely on short-chain lipids, and also enhance core hunger via the intestine pivot, intestines estrogen, or neuropeptides; restrict fat metabolism via signaling pathways and glycoprotein lysozyme; trigger serious swelling via immunomodulation cell proliferation but also lipoteichoic acid, and obstruct the sleep cycle by influencing. Obesity vulnerability tends to be enhanced by these variables.

Figure 1.

Obesity emerges as a result of the microbiota’s dysregulation, which is produced by the microbiota’s immediate touch with local cells.

Sleep deprivation can also contribute to obesity. Sleep deprivation can impact intestinal flora and thus cause weight gain by interrupting sleep cycles. Insomnia led to huge dietary intake and long-term alterations within gut flora, with Lactobacillaceae and Ruminococcus content levels increasing and Lactobacillaceae abundance values dropping. These factors promote peripheral and visceral white adipose tissue irritation, and glycemic control changes [132]. Stress stimulates desire that leads to overweight by the application that regulates metabolism thus promoting the ingestion of desserts and fats meals [133].

5.1 Eating flora pro impact via modifying gut flora

Fruits, veggies, peppers, cereals, grain, and tea are just a few of the foods that were demonstrated to reduce obesity through modulating the microbiota and activity in the intestine [9, 134, 135].

5.2 Fruits

Fruit is rich in phenolics, pectin, and xylose, which may help prevent obesity, cancer, and heart disease [136, 137]. A 122-person randomized trial in the United Kingdom discovered that increasing fruit and vegetable consumption altered the aspects of the human intestinal flora, with an increase through Clostridium providing a broad range of bromine and a decrease in pathogens Clostridia, which could be linked to obesity prevention [138].

As shown in Figure 2, taking pro supplements Organic vegetables in the diet boosts pro gut flora while reducing obesity-promoting bacteria. Toxins produced by a gastrointestinal microbiota with amplitude modulation may help with weight loss by lowering ghrelin, reducing fat storage by bottom triglycerides and up-regulating adipocytes charring, enhancing gastric mucosal feature, but also reducing intestine soreness by lowering Tumor necrosis factor, Nuclear factor, or Lipid polysaccharides, and improving gut mucosal function.

Figure 2.

Mechanisms of dietary plant weight reduction benefits through gut bacteria modifications.

5.3 Grapes

Grapes are a nutrient-dense fruit that is abundant in resveratrol, a natural flavonoid with a slew of health advantages [136, 137]. In HFD-fed rats, resveratrol reduced weight growth and subcutaneous adipose weight while boosting the Bacteroidetes to Genera ratios, Streptococcus, and Probiotics while decreasing E. coli faecalis. The anti-obesity effects of resveratrol may be due to lower gene expression of medical field enzymes such as lipolysis, acylated deaminase 1, propyl hydroxylase 1, or fatty acid synthase [134]. In contrast, feeding C57BL/6 J mice grape pomace and cinnamon bark extract for 8 weeks lowered obesity by lowering fat mass, adipose irritation, and modifying gut microbiota and intestinal barrier indicators. Allobaculum and Rose bury were up-regulated in C57BL/6 J mice following treatment with combined extracts, Enzyme activities, and Lactobacillus, on the other hand, were away back [139].

5.4 Apples

Firmicutes, Bifidobacteria, E. coli, Enterobacter, Vibrio cholera, but also Probiotics were brewed with fecal matter from nutrition obese mice, and the crude extract was able to control the gut flora of organisms linked to obesity by altering the volumes of Genus, Bifidobacteria, Enterobacter, E.coli, Escherichia coli Moreover, 0.5% polymerization semi fruit fulfillment reduced budget deficit obesity in rats fed a high-fat by lowering the Genera to Bacteroidetes ratios while eightfold doubling the levels of Akkermansia [140].

5.5 Berries

Many currants, such as blueberries, black currants, and plant-feeding-feeding- feeding, have been known as the anti properties by affect the gut flora [141, 142, 143]. By lowering Tumor necrosis factor or interleukin levels, enhancing insulin production, and raising Gammaproteobacteria density in Wistar rats, blueberries powdered may protect them against High fat-induced inflammation [144].

Pro bacteria like Akkermansia and Desulfovibrio can also be increased and whole black raspberries may lower intestinal inflammation [145]. Proanthocyanidins, a polyphenols duo prevalent in strawberries, were given to adult Zealand white bunnies for twelve weeks to alleviate nutrition adiposity by raising the quantity of Bifidobacteria at the phylum level and Akkermansia at the genera [146].

5.6 Other fruits

In diabetic mice on the High - fat diet, mangoes with 10% restored the frequency of Bifidobacteria and Akkermansia, lowering intestinal microbiota coccidiosis [147]. Poly methoxy flavones and hydroxyl poly ethoxy flavones, both found in citrus peels, have been shown to reduce body mass and adipocytes bulk in high-fat-fed mice by lowering oil droplets, perilipin 1 nutrients, and glycosides controlling signal sequence 1, as well as raising Prevotella and reducing rc4–4 microbes within rat digestive tract [148].

5.7 Vegetables

In terms of attributes, a chloroplast component found in all green vegetable tissue has been shown to enhance weight reduction in rats by boosting Bacteroides fragilis while boosting hunger [149]. In cross-sectional research with healthy females, increasing soluble fiber intake from veggies and fruits was proven to reduce tall weight gain and increase Ruminococcaceae abundance, and improved respiration [26].

5.8 Legumes

In nutrition obese mice, pea flour had a considerable anti-obesity impact and enhanced the Bacteroidetes to Firmicutes ratio [150]. Soy proteins are known to reduce rat fat mass or fat percentage by 10%, enhance hepatotoxicity and tertiary bile acids, and enhance Lactobacillus prevalence while reducing Blautia, and Lachnospiraceae richness [151]. Likewise, mung bean proteins, that are high in 8-globulin, are said to reduce adiposity formation and excess weight caused by the HFD, as well as ketoacidosis [152]. Mung bean proteins, on the other hand, were linked to an increase in Bifidobacteria and just a decline in Genus, a raise in intestine glucosidase potential associated tiers, and a higher primary biliary total acidity.

5.9 Tea

Tea has been a popular beverage for a long time. Tea has recently shown anti-obesity capabilities through a variety of means, including lowering fat accumulation in cells and changing gut microbiota [153]. However, dosing of C57BL/6 J mice with crude extract of green, oolong, and black tea indicated that these tea extracts improved glycemic control and also decreased weight gain through modifying the gut microbiota. The Rikenellaceae and Desulfovibrionaceae families were decreased in number, leading to greater SCFA levels, lower lipopolysaccharide tiers, and improved glucose metabolism [154]. By enhancing the percentages of Genus to Bifidobacteria and Bifidobacteria to Lactobacilli, and also flattening the looks of lipid metabolism and offensive genetic makeup in white adipose tissue, kefir black tea effectively reduced weight gain but also abdominal obesity in obese rats without any influence on caloric intake [155].

5.10 Spices, turmeric and chili

Herbs have such a longstanding experience of usage in food flavoring, while polyphenol found in spices has been demonstrated to get a variety of bioactivity, Anti-obesity, anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, and anti-bacterial growth suppression are only a few of the benefits [156, 157]. Turmeric contains curcumin, which is a key bioactive component with a lengthy range of health benefits. Turmeric has been demonstrated to have a significant effect on the public of certain intestinal microbiota in mice, notably Lactobacilli, Bacteroidaceae, and Rikenella, which have both been linked to obesity-related illnesses [135]. Curcumin decreased weight gain in obese menopausal rats without affecting estrogen levels and improved gut microbiota diversity [158].

Because capsaicin is a key component of chili’s bioactive components, it’s one of the most popular hot flavors. According to studies [159], capsaicin reduced weight gain and inactivated the muscarinic receptor type 1 in rats on the High - fat diet. Capsaicin reduced microorganisms and increased Aeruginosa muciniphila in high-fat-fed mice [160].

5.11 Obesity and short-chain fatty acids

The most prevalent compounds in gut flora are sterols, which have some important pharmacological roles in keeping the host alive. By functioning as a link between the intestinal microbiota and the host, these chemicals influence barrier function, irritation regulation, bile salt conversion, immunological activity, and infection control. Despite their modest levels in the vascular, acetate and benzoate have direct impacts on organs by activating the hormonal and neurologic systems. For example, pectin is both a fossil fuel for epithelium and a histone deacetylase inhibitor that affects gene expression and cell destiny [161]. In adults, phytic acid suppresses fatty acid synthesis while simultaneously acting as a moderate pro in the gut [162]. Likewise, the microbiota’s citric acid serves a variety of physiologic purposes. It is a precursor for lipid production [163], and an appetite suppressant via a primary hypothalamus pathway [164].

Short-chain fatty acids, primarily butyric acid, provide around 70% of fuel to the epithelium [165]. Acetic, propionic, and butyric acids can thus operate as both anabolic nutrients and chemical messengers in a wide range of cell activities [34].

Indigestible carbohydrate fibfibersres provide an extra biochemical energy source for the gut flora. Sulfonamides, the major metabolic byproducts, can be used for Vivo lipid or glycogen production [12]. The change in Short-chain- chain fatty acids levels in obese could be attributed to intestinal bacteria in the gut microbiome. This complex microbial population has a higher metabolic ability and performs a variety of tasks in the human gut [87].

The gut bacteria aid in the breakdown of raw carbohydrates into readily digestible oligosaccharides, as well as villus epithelial triglyceride lipase activity and Short-chain fatty acids synthesis [166], both of which are important for the host’s nutrition and energy management. Intestinal bacteria may contribute to obesity by increasing nutrition and altering host lipid metabolic activity, as well as fueling homeostasis through its metabolites [167]. It’s not unexpected that changes in intestinal flora diversity, with Firmicutes being more numerous in obese than lean patients, cause problems with energy uptake and management [28]. In the Netherlands, obese and overweight people exhibited higher fecal matter Short-chain- chain fatty acids concentrations and more Genera than their slim equivalents, according to research. Obese people are expected to yield more colon SCFA, implying a higher microbial power harvest [168, 169], confirming the theory that changes in SCFA levels in obesity are caused by dysregulation in the colon microbiome. Even more clearly, the gut flora influences weight control via SCFAs, altering energy imbalance and DNA synthesis through miRNAs [79].


6. Conclusion

Every person’s gut microbiota is unique to them. In the formative years (4–36 months), intestine maturity shapes fundamental native flora, which is influenced by that does, birth gestation age, type of delivery, milky nursing techniques, weaning duration, lifestyle, and dietary and sociocultural practices. The gut microbiota, which plays a vital role in individual energy balance, is connected to obesity. Because some gut microorganisms associated with Lactobacillus, Genera, and Bifidobacteria are linked to weight increase, whereas Bifidobacterium, most Lactobacillus, and some Bifidobacteria have anti-obesity functions, the effects of intestinal microbiota on obesity development are species-dependent. Obesity is linked to a dysregulation of gut flora. Obesity has indeed been connected to a variety of bacteria in the intestine. They raise the recipient’s elastic modulus, and hypothalamic desire, including fat deposition, promoting the start and progression of obesity. Because of the diversity and variety of gut microbes, the strategy whereby it induces obesity needs to be researched further. Adiposity is the outcome of the interaction of genetic and environmental factors. A range of dietary items, including fruits (grapes, apples, and berries), vegetables, spices, legumes, cereals, and tea, have been demonstrated to modify the composition in some recent experimental and epidemiological investigations. Obese and overweight persons have greater amounts of Short-chain-chain fatty acids and more Genera in their feces than slender ones. Future research will concentrate on research methodology using survey strategy to best investigate the function of the intestinal flora link, substitute research of conservation concerns to spot possible microbial delegates of gut bacteria related to diet, and specific microbiomes regulation for obese people.



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Conflict of interest

There is no conflict of interest as declared by all authors.


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Written By

Arslan Ahmad, Sakhawat Riaz and Muhammad Tanveer

Submitted: 24 April 2022 Reviewed: 12 May 2022 Published: 24 June 2022