Open access peer-reviewed chapter

New Approaches to Innovation Management in the Context of Digital Transformation

Written By

Zhanna Mingaleva and Vladimir Postnikov

Submitted: 07 March 2022 Reviewed: 01 April 2022 Published: 26 May 2022

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.104769

From the Edited Volume

Digital Transformation - Towards New Frontiers and Business Opportunities

Edited by Antonella Petrillo, Fabio De Felice, Monica Violeta Achim and Nawazish Mirza

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The previous decade is rightfully called the era of digital transformation. The purpose of the study is to assess the impact of global trends on innovation activity, as well as to identify new factors influencing innovation models. A conceptual approach to the analysis of the evolution of innovation models based on the transformation of information and communication technologies for innovation based on the bibliographic analysis and integration of existing concepts and theories of innovation, digitalization and sustainable development is created. With the help of the factor method, the analysis of the main innovation models is carried out and a promising innovation model is determined. It is found out that digital technologies are the technological basis of the modern model of the innovation ecosystem. The result of the research is the author’s classification of modern factors of innovation activity that determine the directions and types of implemented innovations, as well as the role of innovation in society. The peculiarity of the study is that it has a conceptual nature, does not use the collection of empirical data, but is based on the integration of previously developed concepts and theories.


  • digital transformation
  • model of closed innovations
  • model of open innovations
  • the innovation ecosystem model
  • innovation management

1. Introduction

From the end of the twentieth century, digital technologies are actively penetrating into all spheres of society. Scientists and researchers started talking about the transition to a new model of functioning based on digital technologies - Society 5.0 and Industry 4.0 [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]. At the same time, the influence of digital transformation is felt by many countries, as well as all sectors and industries of the economy and types of enterprises.

The impact of digital technologies has also been experienced by the key process of technological business development - the innovation process [6, 7, 8]. The use of modern supercomputers, robotic complexes, VR technologies, etc. in science, research, and production has led to significant changes in the system of organization of innovation activities. Digital technologies accelerate the flow of information, reduce the cost of obtaining and exchanging information, and provide a basis for applying the open innovation model. And in turn, innovations also affect the digital economy [9].

For the sustainable implementation of innovations, and their successful and effective participation in global transformation processes, it is necessary to take into account the influence of the main trends that take place in the economy and society. Including the widespread dissemination of the concept of sustainable development. The first attempts to analyze the relationship between industry 4.0, society 5.0, and sustainable development goals are made in the modern scientific literature [10, 11, 12, 13, 14].

However, the rapid development of digital technologies comes into conflict with the applied models and methods of innovation management. Moreover, a contradiction between the level of development of digital infrastructure and the effectiveness of innovation management methods already exists in a number of countries and regions. This requires a revision of a number of conceptual approaches.

The presented work is aimed at reducing the gap in the theoretical literature on the analysis of the evolution of innovation models, identifying modern factors of innovation activity, identifying promising areas and types of innovation, and assessing the complex role of innovation in the economy and society.

The structure of the work is formed in accordance with the goal and the objectives of the research.

Section 2 contains a bibliographic description of the available literature, concepts, and theories on the relationship between innovation models and the information and digital technological basis for innovation, as well as a list of the main factors influencing innovation. Section 3 contains a description of the methodological approaches to the research and the basic limitations of the study. The main results of the study are reflected in Section 4. This section also contains some controversial issues and research results that require further discussion and empirical verification. In conclusion, the main conclusions and further directions of research are presented.

The discussion of the hypothesis will make it possible to identify and evaluate new factors of innovation activity in the conditions of digitalization of the economy and create a theoretical basis for the formation of a new approach to innovation management that corresponds (adequate) to modern trends in the development of society.


2. Theoretical

2.1 Models of innovation in innovation theories

Schumpeter is rightfully considered to be the founder of innovation theory [15]. The mechanisms of creating new knowledge and innovations always influenced human life, especially during critical moments of economic development [16, 17, 18, 19]. At the same time, innovations and the innovation process have the function of ensuring the competitiveness of the company by creating new products, new technologies for manufacturing new products, or new methods of organizing activities. Success in the competitive struggle is ensured by legal protection of innovations, which gave an advantage over other companies by providing a monopoly right to produce a specific product or possess a specific production technology, organization of activities, provision of services, etc.

At the same time, strict legal regulation of monopoly rights to innovation (discovery, new product, new technology, etc.) was the basis for a special approach to the organization of innovation activity, called the concept of “closed” innovation. We will not dwell on the characteristics of the closed innovation model in detail. But we would like to pay attention to only 2 points that are directly related to the topic of this study.

The first concerns the main characteristics and factors of innovation. On the basis of previous studies, the following success factors for innovation activity can be identified in the model of “closed” innovations [20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29]. They are:

  • internal R&D and technological capabilities (investment in research and development, acquisition of capital assets, etc.),

  • close cooperation with universities, research centers,

  • availability of strong public funding,

  • specific industry and production characteristics of the company, including such as energy intensity, material intensity, human capital, the absorption capacity of the industry market to adopt a new product, the size of the company, etc.,

  • technical norms and standards defining the characteristics of a new product or new technology,

  • the level and strength of competition in international markets,

  • cooperation with other private firms (private co-financing of individual research projects)

  • access to external knowledge (primarily in terms of checking innovation for patent protection), etc.

The main results of various studies show that internal R&D, acquisition of fixed assets, and technical regulations, are the main drivers of “closed” innovation. Large firms were more successful in introducing various innovations, including radical ones.

The second is the main information technology basis of innovation, which made it possible to achieve success. Computers, including supercomputers, were the information-technological and technical basis for the implementation of innovations within the framework of this model, the presence of which ensured advantage (winning) in research activities and competition [30, 31, 32, 33, 34].

However, it was the development of the information technology and technical basis for innovation that simultaneously became the reason for changing the innovation model, the basis for the transition to the open innovation model. Changes in the level of implementation of information and communication technologies in various processes of society’s life became the key points of transition from one model to another. Digital transformation has had a big impact on innovation.

The transition from the closed innovation model to the open innovation model is provoked by the massive introduction of information and computer technologies into the communication environment of society and business management. Computers became not only a powerful means of processing large amounts of data but also a means of everyday communication for ordinary people, as well as a tool for promoting products in markets [35, 36, 37, 38]. At the same time, strict legal support of monopoly rights to innovation was partially preserved in the open innovation model but led to certain transformations in the system of innovation diffusion and transfer.

As for the main factors for the success of innovation in the model of “open” innovations, the factors listed above are added to such factors as the active development of network interaction between companies and the regional community, other subjects of society, the emergence and accounting for side effects from other innovations, taking into account external effects from own innovations, more active consideration of environmental norms and standards, the emergence of requirements for social responsibility, ethics and morality [39, 40, 41, 42]. Also, in the model of “open” innovation, the role and importance of the factor of access to external knowledge have significantly increased, (external knowledge became the main source of information for scientific and research activities), as well as the role of interaction with other companies, including private ones [43].

The next major step in changing the applied model of organizing innovation activity is the emergence of an innovation ecosystem and a model that describes it. The transition to the innovation ecosystem model is based on the strengthening of the processes of digitalization of society and the economy, which began with the mass digitization of various elements, data, and processes [44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50]. As a result, such characteristics of the information and communication environment as the openness of information, the speed and ability to transfer information in the external environment, the social effect, and significance of information have become the most important factors in the management of innovation activity.

Thus, there is a clear and direct connection between the information and digital technological basis for the implementation of innovation activities and the innovation model used by companies. Digital technologies become the technological basis of the modern model of the innovation ecosystem.

However, the emergence and formation of a modern innovation management system, built on the basis of the innovation ecosystem model, is also under the influence of another global trend - the increasing application (in society and economy) of the requirements of sustainable development and climate safety of human activities.

2.2 Sustainable development as a global factor in the transformation of innovation models

The second global trend in the development of modern society, which is influenced by the transformation of the innovation model, is the concept of sustainable development and climate security of society [51, 52, 53]. The widespread adoption of the provisions of this concept and its implementation in the practice of state regulation and corporate governance changed the role and importance of companies in modern business and economy and led to the formation of an environmental assessment of innovations [54, 55, 56]. To assess the socio-environmental consequences of business activities, more and more diverse social and environmental indicators are used, and the quality of innovation activity is assessed through the statistics of “green” innovations of all types and through the concept of sustainable innovation [57, 58, 59, 60, 61]. Moreover, in recent years, the provisions of the concept and ESG regulation and the assessment of ESG factors in the framework of business processes and innovation activities have been widely applied.

Without dwelling in detail on the characteristics of each of the types of innovations used today in the practical activities of various companies and organizations [62], it is important to highlight the changes in emphasis on the characteristics of innovations implemented in the innovation ecosystem model. These are, first of all, environmental or “green” innovations that ensure the achievement of sustainable development goals, elimination of climate consequences, and ensuring environmental safety [6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67]. In turn, the development of green innovations involves the formation of a new system of innovation management. The main factors of the innovation model are also changing. In the system of “green” innovations and in the innovation ecosystem model, new factors of influence appeared, such as the applied business model and value proposition as part of the company’s innovation policy, consideration and use of ESG factors in innovation activities, and the application of ESG regulation, more comprehensive consideration of the long-term consequences of innovation for nature and society, the focus of innovation on meeting environmental norms and standards, social responsibility, ethics and morality in the framework of innovation [68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79]. The importance of such factors as the openness of information, the speed and possibilities of information transfer in the external environment, the social effect, and the significance of information, which appeared in the open innovation model, increased also.

So, an analysis of global trends occurring in the society of the XXI century showed that in modern conditions digitalization and sustainability became the two inextricably linked trends and fundamental factors that have a significant impact on innovation. It is these two trends that underlie the formation and development of the modern model of innovation.

In this regard, an important theoretical and practical question that arises is the problem of identifying and assessing the significance of new factors influencing the implementation of innovation activities within the framework of a new innovation model that corresponds (adequately) to modern trends in the development of society.

Within the framework of this scientific problem, the following hypothesis was formulated.

Hypothesis 1:digitalization of the economy and the implementation of sustainable development goals make changes to the innovation management model, leading to the emergence of new factors influencing innovation.

The results of the study will expand scientific knowledge about the factors and models of innovation in modern conditions, supplementing the theoretical base with an analysis of the evolutionary development of innovation models. Also, the results of the study will add literature on the impact of digitalization on specific processes in the economy and society - innovation and on the mutual influence of digitalization processes, sustainable development, and innovation.


3. Methodological note

The presented work is conceptual in nature and is based on the integration of concepts and theories previously developed by world science [80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85]. The study is based on a thorough review of the literature on the evolution of innovation models, on other conceptual ideas in the field of the development of innovation theory, on the integration of various points of view and analysis, which were combined to develop a conceptual framework and build an analytical model [3, 86, 87, 88, 89].

The bibliographic base of the study is Web of Science, Scopus, Springer, and Google Scholar. The search was conducted on the following keywords: the AND model AND of “closed” innovations; innovation AND eco-system; the “open” innovation AND model; digital AND transformation AND of AND innovation AND activity; innovations AND in AND industry AND 4.0.; sustainable AND innovation; green AND innovation; sustainable innovation AND digital platforms.

The selection was carried out according to the following criteria: TITLE-ABS-KEY. An extended set of criteria was used, since checking only by the TITLE criterion did not give the required result in a number of cases. For example, checking by the search criteria “TITLE-ABS-KEY (digital AND transformation AND of AND innovation AND activity) AND PUBYEAR > 2009” in the Scopus system returned 470 articles, while checking only by TITLE (digital AND transformation AND of AND innovation AND activity) AND PUBYEAR >2009″ published only 1 article.

Similarly, checking with the search criteria “TITLE-ABS-KEY (innovations AND in AND industry AND 4.0) AND PUBYEAR > 2009” in the Scopus system returned 470 articles, while checking only with TITLE (innovations AND in AND industry AND 4.0) AND PUBYEAR >2009″ showed no publications with that title at all.

The literature review has a clear goal - to identify the main changes taking place in the implementation of innovative activities under the influence of digitalization processes and the implementation of sustainable development goals and to identify new factors influencing innovative activities in modern conditions.

For this purpose, scientific articles and books on the following topics were collected and analyzed: (1) the model of “closed” innovations; (2) the “open” innovation model; (3) the innovation ecosystem; (4) sustainable innovation; (5) green innovation; (6) factors of innovative activity; (7) digitalization and digital transformation of innovation activity; (8) innovations in Industry 4.0.

In total, 1659 different publications for the period 2010–2021 and January–February 2022 were studied.

Bibliographic analysis made it possible to develop a factorial model for the evolution of innovative systems based on their digital transformation. This work is strictly conceptual and does not involve the collection of empirical data. Future empirical studies carried out will make it possible to verify the reliability and accuracy of the proposed theoretical model. Also, in the process of future verification of the proposed theoretical model, it is possible to determine the quantitative values of the strength of influence of individual factors and their groups.

At the same time, in order to preserve the freedom of choice of scientific papers used for analysis, it was decided not to conduct a systematic review of the literature, similar to reviews in other conceptual studies, for example, describing Digital Platform Ecosystems for Sustainable Innovation [90, 91, 92].


4. Research results

4.1 Factor model of the innovation ecosystem

Currently, in the theory of innovation, there are three integrated models which characterize the organization of the innovation process in different information and communication basis and principles. Such as the closed innovation model (CIM); open innovation model (OIM) and the innovation ecosystem model (IEM).

Over the past two decades, these models have been affected by two global trends: digitalization and the expansion of the scope of the sustainable development goals. The influence of these two global trends on the peculiarities of innovation activity at the present stage of development is manifested in turn through a set of factors underlying innovation management and the applied model of innovation activity [93, 94, 95, 96]. Table 1 demonstrates a list of factors affecting innovation activity in general, divided into 3 main innovation models: the closed innovation model (CIM); the open innovation model (OIM) and the innovation ecosystem model (IEM).

Influencing factorsCIMOIMIEM
Innovation Resources
Internal R&D and technological capabilities (investment in research and development, acquisition of capital assets)+++++++
Cooperation with government organizations (state funding)++++++++
Cooperation with private organizations (private co-financing)++++++++
Access to external knowledge++++++
Network interaction (with universities, scientific centers, other subjects of society, etc.)++++++
Side effects from other innovations+++++
Industrial and market conditions
Specific characteristics of the firm, including such as energy intensity, material intensity, human capital, absorptive capacity, industry affiliation, firm size, etc.+++++++
Technical norms and standards++++++++
The level and strength of competition in international markets+++++++
Environmental regulations and standards++++++
Applicable business model and value proposition+++
ESG factors and ESG regulation+++
Social and public factors
Presence of external effects from own innovations+++++
Social responsibility, ethics, and morality+++++
Long-term consequences of innovation+++
Information and communication environment
The speed and possibilities of information transfer in the external environment++++
Openness of information++++
Social effect and significance of information++++

Table 1.

The main factors of innovation activity in different innovation models.

Abbreviations: CIM - closed innovation model; OIM - open innovation model; IEM - the innovation ecosystem model.

Source: compiled by the authors.

The list of factors and the author’s assessment of their significance is compiled using the method of bibliographic analysis of scientific literature devoted to the study of factors of construction and implementation of innovative activities, as well as the method of comparative analysis of innovative models of various types [7, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102]. Modern factors (factors of the innovation ecosystem) are identified by the authors independently in the process of studying the issues of the formation of the digital economy and the creation of national innovation ecosystems [34, 103, 104, 105, 106]. Also, to identify these factors, the results and conclusions of scientific research on the transformation of the open innovation model in the conditions of creating Society 5.0 were used [3, 107, 108, 109].

The factors are divided into 4 groups depending on their participation in innovation activities and depending on environmental conditions.

The order of factors in groups is given based on their importance in the closed innovation model - the list of factors is built as their importance decreases in this model. This order is chosen from the point of view of the historical context of the analysis since it is the first historical model of closed innovations and the analysis of the order of model construction and their transformation begins from the consideration of these factors. At the same time, it allows you to trace the change in the importance of particular factors in social development, as well as the transition of society to the new operating model based on digital technology – Society 5.0 and Industry 4.0.

Not going into detail on the features of the transformation of the model of closed innovation to the open innovation model, let us pay attention to the creation and development of innovation ecosystems, which mostly reflects the trends, requirements, and features of digital transformation.

Table 1 makes it possible to come to the conclusion that in the innovation ecosystem model, the influence and impact on the effectiveness of innovation activities are increased from all factors except the factor of internal R&D. However, this decrease is rather nominal and reflects not the absolute decrease in the value of the factor, but its relative importance compared to other factors, especially new ones.

Moreover, several factors have appeared in the innovation ecosystem model that is not typical of traditional models of closed and open innovations. The emergence of these factors was caused by the influence of digital technologies and modern computer and information and communication technologies, which radically changed approaches to understanding the fundamentals of the functioning of society, business, and innovation.

Further, we would like to focus in more detail on the characteristics of each specific factor in order to understand their role in the process of digital transformation of innovation activity.

Analyzing the directions and power of changes in the role and influence of factors, first of all, it is necessary to assess the impact of such a group of factors as “Innovative resources”. These traditionally include investments in research and development (R&D), cooperation with public and private organizations, acquisition of capital assets and external knowledge. We also include such factors as side effects from other innovations and networking in this group, since a side effect from another innovation can become a source (resource) of basic knowledge and ideas for new developments, and networking is the basis and a powerful resource for search and innovation activities. At the same time, it should be noted that the last two factors appeared only at the stage of the open innovation model and were developed and recognized in the innovation ecosystem model.

The first of these factors is a complex and multi-element factor of the level of development and scale of the company’s internal R&D and its technological capabilities [110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115]. This complex factor is described by such indicators as investments in research and development (their volume, structure, sources), acquisition volumes, acquisition of capital assets, and qualitative indicators of R&D directions and structures. In the conditions of the closed innovation model, this factor was key to the effectiveness of the company’s innovation activity. However, in the models of open innovation and innovation ecosystem, its role is decreasing, since now companies can attract R&D resources and technological capabilities of other companies based on the formation of external links within one or more innovative projects or within the framework of long-term scientific and technical cooperation with various private firms, science-based and market-based partners [116, 117, 118, 119]. Such opportunities for external interaction have expanded especially strongly in the process of digital transformation.

The analysis of changes in the influence of the factor of cooperation with state organizations on public financing issues shows that under the conditions of applying the innovation ecosystem model, this factor acquires a specific orientation [120, 121, 122, 123, 124]. Thus, the directions of state support for research in the EU countries are currently focused on solving environmental problems and are largely associated with “green” innovations. Financing of non-“green” innovations has moved to the sphere of cooperation between private firms.

At the same time, the high importance of factors of internal investment in research activities, specialized equipment purchase, access to external knowledge, the development of cooperation with suppliers and universities was noted both in earlier studies in this area and in modern works devoted to stimulating various kinds of innovations and above all “green” innovations. Modern researchers have noted that these factors are more important for enterprises in the implementation of environmental innovation than other innovations [68, 125, 126, 127].

The following three factors of the given group (Access to external knowledge, Networking (with educational institutions, etc.), and the Side effects of other innovations) had no importance and influence in the framework of the model of closed innovation.

In the closed innovation model, access to external knowledge is of some importance, but it refers, first of all, to the analysis of patent information and data on scientific and technological research conducted by competitors concerning the development of new products and technologies, as well as their improvement. Innovations obtained by corporate research centers and laboratories are actively protected by means of patent law, and the dissemination of innovations to the external environment is carried out on the basis of licenses, patents, franchisees and other instruments for the transfer of property rights [112, 128].

In the open innovation model, based on the exchange of knowledge between different firms and their involvement in solving a single complex task, the role of the factor of access to external knowledge increased significantly [129, 130, 131].

As for the innovation ecosystem model, its functioning is impossible without broad and free access to external knowledge.

The factor of network interaction between various subjects of society in the model of the innovation ecosystem has acquired a special scope and significance [56, 116, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136]. If in the closed innovation model such interaction existed mainly between manufacturing firms and research centers and universities, then as the open innovation model and the innovation ecosystem model expanded, such networks began to cover an increasing number of economic entities and society as a whole, including not only business partners but competitors also. Modern research proved that companies involved in innovative cooperation with other firms of their industry affiliation and industry market are more actively developing and implementing “green” innovations.

Finally, as for the impact of side effects from other innovations, as can be seen from Table 1 in the closed innovation model, this factor did not matter, since innovation activity had an internal basis and an internal orientation. In the open innovation model and the innovation ecosystem model, this influence appeared and intensified due to the openness of both models and the inevitable dependence on external phenomena and processes [119, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141].

The group of factors “Industry and market conditions” is also quite important and traditional for all models. Within the framework of the innovation ecosystem model, it includes six factors, four of which strongly influenced upon innovation activity in the closed innovation model and continue to play an important role in modern conditions.

As in the group of innovative resources, the first of the factors of the group “Industry and market conditions” is complex and multi-element. These are specific characteristics of the company, including such as energy intensity, material intensity, human capital, absorption capacity, industry affiliation, size of the company, etc. [142, 143, 144]. In the closed innovation model, all these characteristics were crucial for choosing the object of innovation activity, the mechanism of its implementation, directions of development, etc. In the models of open innovation and innovation ecosystem, these characteristics begin to lose their significance, as the transition of innovations between industries and activities becomes easier, more active, and broader. Nevertheless, the industry affiliation of companies, as well as the structure and national jurisdiction of capital are significant factors in the innovation ecosystem model in terms of the types of innovations being implemented. Thus, modern research proved that in the case of networking based on innovative cooperation within the same industry and market, the greatest effect is obtained when interacting between foreign companies. However, the positive effect of cooperation with competitors in the field of innovation is achieved by organizing a network between local firms, as well as between competing companies in the service sector.

The second traditional factor of this group – “technological norms and standards” has become increasingly important recently [9, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149]. This is determined by the fact that increasing the uniformity of products in accordance with international norms and standards makes it possible to ensure sales on global markets without additional adaptation of technical documentation and products to the national legislation of various countries. At the same time, technological norms and standards play a more important role in open innovation and ecosystem models than in closed innovation models, when the focus was primarily on internal corporate and national norms and technical standards.

Similarly, the influence of the third factor of this group (“the level and strength of competition in international markets”) is also manifested. It becomes the most significant in the open innovation model. However, in the conditions of digitalization of production and the “erasing” national borders of many production processes, this factor loses part of its influence on innovation activity [150, 151, 152].

The factor “Applied business model and value proposition” is new in relation to the models of closed and open innovations [50, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160]. The transformation of many classical business models in all spheres of activity, which occurred under the influence of the widespread use of digital technologies and the general digitalization of production and business, means a reorientation of business to a value model of supply. Innovation activity, as one of the key business processes of the company, starts to focus on the value model of supply. At the same time, the influence of the factor of the applied business model within the framework of the innovation ecosystem model will be more pronounced in relation to local companies. This is determined by the fact that it is local firms that are more focused on creating value propositions for a specific end-user of a specific region (territory, city). Modern digital technologies make it possible to take into account the interests of the local community more specifically and to develop and promote new values more specifically, especially within the framework of product and process innovations.

Two more factors from the “Industry and market conditions” group - the factors “Environmental norms and standards” and “ESG factors and ESG regulation” are closely interrelated and are also the result of current trends [161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166]. At the same time, digitalization of all processes of environmental control, monitoring of the environmental situation, the possibility of rapid response to various events in society and nature, increasing the openness and transparency of corporate governance based on information and communication technologies, provide a technical and technological basis for the influence of these factors, which will increase over time.

The next group of factors “Social and public factors” concerns the assessment of the social consequences of innovation, the manifestation of externalities from innovation [138, 167, 168]. At the same time, the external effects factor includes only that part of the external effects that create our own innovations (external effects from other people’s innovations are taken into account in the group of “innovative resources”, which was already noted earlier). It is the presence of external effects and their significance for society as a whole that is becoming an increasingly important indicator of the social expediency of innovation. And in the model of the innovation ecosystem, this becomes a key factor in the implementation of a particular innovation. At the same time, the digital environment creates particularly favorable conditions for the widespread scaling of these effects (both positive and negative). This, accordingly, increases the importance of ethics, morality, and social responsibility of business for innovation [96, 169, 170].

In this group of factors, the factor of long-term consequences of innovations is also singled out as an independent one [140, 168]. In the digital society and the digital economy, the importance of this factor is increasing.

As for the last group of factors “Information and communication environment”, it is also new and specific primarily for the stage of digital transformation of activities. The widespread use of digital technologies has significantly increased the role and status of information and knowledge in the innovation system [101, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175]. At the same time, it is necessary to clearly distinguish the concept and factor of “external knowledge” and “information in general”. In this case, external knowledge includes specialized scientific and technical knowledge (information) related to the specific activities of the company. This factor was singled out as an independent one in the group of “innovative resources” and analyzed in sufficient detail in this paper. The development of external knowledge and information is closely related to the innovation decision-making system.

As for information in general, as well as its characteristics such as openness of information, speed, and possibilities of information transmission in the external environment, various types of effects from the dissemination of information (economic, social, socio-political, etc.) in Society 5.0, in Industry 4.0, in the model of the innovation ecosystem become more significant. At the same time, it should be noted that in both cases, the information and communication environment and the level of digitalization of society and the economy are the key basis for increasing the importance of these factors [176, 177, 178].

4.2 Difficulties in the development of innovation models based on digital transformation

The emergence and wide distribution of innovation ecosystems at various levels confirm the conclusion that the digital environment is an important development factor and a condition that affects innovation.

However, the active introduction of the innovation ecosystem into the business model and its further development faces a number of fundamental issues related to the role of innovation as a competitive tool.

However, with the development and improvement of computer and digital technologies, the key factors of innovation activity are also changing, including the procedure for determining the copyright holder of innovation and the mechanism of protecting property rights. Thus, participation in the creation of an innovation and its practical application “erodes” the individual nature of rights, making legal protection and protection of rights more difficult and complex. Moreover, in recent years, there has been a broad discussion in the scientific community and society about who is the creator and copyright holder of the intellectual property rights in the case of participation in the creation of artificial intelligence. This is closely related to addressing the ethical issues of intellectual property protection [179, 180].

Artificial intelligence – a supercomputer with the help of which new knowledge is obtained - is beginning to be interpreted as a special subject of scientific and research activity, and not as a tool for obtaining new information and data about phenomena and processes. In the twentieth century, computers and computing technologies are perceived as a tool /technical means by which scientific research is facilitated, scientific results are obtained more accurately and quickly. However, with the development of digital technologies and the creation of self-learning and self-developing systems, ideas about protecting the intellectual property rights of a robot/artificial intelligence as an equal creator of intellectual property with human researchers began to spread. This can lead to a significant transformation of such an element of innovation activity as the mechanism for determining the right holder of innovation and the mechanism for protecting property rights, and, accordingly, change the model of innovation activity itself.

Based on different studies in the field of forecasting the directions of development of information and digital technologies, it can be assumed that a new model of innovation will be formed in the future, which will be based on robots, artificial intelligence, and self-developing computer systems [181, 182, 183, 184, 185]. Conventionally, such a new model of innovation can be called a model of “self-developing” innovation.

The stages of transformation of models of innovation activity, including a new model, the characteristics of the information and digital basis of their existence, as well as their relationship are shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1.

Evolution of innovation models and their information and digital basis. Source: Compiled by the authors.

The diagram of the evolution of innovation models presented in Figure 1 is the author’s development and requires further research both of a theoretical nature and empirical verification in order to clarify the basic parameters of the model.


5. Conclusions

In general, summing up the characteristics of the process of evolution of innovation activity models under the influence of digital transformation, the following can be distinguished.

Digitalization has had a significant impact on the process of creating innovations and implementing innovative activities and has also led to the transformation of the innovation model. To date, the evolution of innovation activity models has gone through three stages - from the closed innovation model through the open innovation model to the innovation ecosystem model. However, it should be noted that all three models continue to be actively used in business, and the choice of model primarily depends on the specifics of the products (including market features), the industry specifics of the company, its size, capital structure, form of ownership, etc.

The second important trend that has influenced the transformation of the innovation model is the broad implementation of the provisions of the concept of sustainable development and climate security. However, in the modern world, sustainability can be ensured only based on universal consideration of all factors that affect the life of society, and not only on the specific conditions of doing business. That is why, within the framework of the modern model of the innovation ecosystem, greening factors and ESG factors have appeared and gained significant influence, the transition to the use of which in the regulation of activities has become a necessary element of any business.

It should be noted that the use of computer technology has posed a number of unexpected questions to society regarding intellectual property rights. The process of intellectualization of labor (i.e., an increase in the share of intellectual labor in human economic and economic activity), on the one hand, and the increasing use of a modern computer, information and communication, and digital technologies, on the other hand, naturally lead to a change in the model of innovation management and organization of innovation activities on a new technological basis.



The work is carried out based on the task on fulfilment of government contractual work in the field of scientific activities as a part of base portion of the state task of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation to Perm National Research Polytechnic University (topic # FSNM-2020-0026). This research was partially supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation to Perm National Research Polytechnic University as part of the development of the Technology Transfer Center (topic # 075-15-2021-1378).


Conflict of interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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Written By

Zhanna Mingaleva and Vladimir Postnikov

Submitted: 07 March 2022 Reviewed: 01 April 2022 Published: 26 May 2022