Interferometric analysis methods for measuring plasma properties are presented with emphasis on emerging trends in 2D phase reconstruction. Using recent imagery from exploded-wire experiments the relative phase profiles from independent interferograms are reconstructed. The well-known Fourier Transform Method is presented and discussed. Then, the electron and atom densities are recovered from the phase by solving a linear system of equations in the form of line-integrated density profiles. The mathematical models of the line density and phase function are described and elucidate why interferograms of plasma suffer from low contrast, high signal-to-noise ratio and poorly defined fringes. Although these effects pose challenges for phase reconstruction, the interferometric diagnostic continues to advance the plasma science.
- Abel transform
- density measurement
- Fourier transform method
- optical interferometry
- plasma properties
1. Introduction
This chapter presents an engineering perspective on recent analysis methods used to measure plasma properties from interferograms [1, 2]. The electron and atomic densities [3, 4], volume distribution, expansion velocity, and atomic polarizability [5] affect the amount of fringe line shift. To recover these properties, the basic two-step approach is to recover the relative phase difference represented by the shifted fringe lines, and to invert the relationship between the phase difference and the desired properties.
However, as described in Section 2 and unlike profilometry applications [6] where the interference pattern is stable over a lengthy observation period, the plasma medium changes rapidly and continually. For example, laser ablation methods produce an abruptly expanding plasma lobe. Whereas the electrically exploded wire produces an expanding cylindrical volume that lasts for a few hundred nanoseconds. In each case, the plasma presents an inhomogeneous, lossy and dispersive medium to the probing laser. These medium properties cause radiometric variation in the fringe pattern such as low contrast and poorly defined fringe lines.
Before addressing the fringe line analysis, Section 3 reviews the mathematical model of the phase function for light wave propagation through the plasma volume. The electromagnetic phase accrual through the inhomogeneous medium, and the plasma’s refractive index are represented with line integrals of the electron and atom densities. Thus, there are two integral operations to invert during a density measurement. The reader is referred to classic references like [1, 2, 7] for additional factors to consider when the experiment includes controlling magnetic and electric fields. Recent works with electrically exploded wires [8, 9] and dual wavelength interferometry are discussed as a means to recover both density profiles.
Then, Section 4 presents a summary of different fringe analysis methods with emphasis on the Fourier Transform Method (FTM) developed by Takeda, Ina and Kobayashi [10] and continuously improved since [11, 12]. FTM is likely the most well-known method for extracting 2D phase information from the interferogram in surface profilometry and 3D shape measurement. As eloquently described by [13] these applications also give insight into the time–space analog and the time-frequency duality represented by different interferometry experiments.
Section 4 also discusses improvements to FTM which are generally based on iterative filtering [14] or pre-filtering [15]. The latter is presented with examples from exploded wire experiments. Section 5 briefly highlights different works on plasma interferometry and recent advances in the field of plasma science from interferometry. The chapter concludes with some thoughts on how the 2D phase analysis provides a rich understanding of the plasma.
2. Plasma diagnostic setup
2.1 Plasma creation and probing laser setup
Some of the common approaches to create a laboratory plasma include laser ablation, the spark gap, and exploded wires as illustrated in Figure 1a. Each drawing shows a probing laser that traverses the plasma medium. Although not shown, the probing laser passes through an interferometer before the charge-coupled-device (CCD) camera captures the interference pattern. Figure 1a shows how a driving laser irradiates a sample of very high purity (99.99% or better). The driving laser’s power density can range from
Several recent works use exploding wires to study how the plasma forms and behaves under varying conditions [4, 8, 19]. In particular, the setup of [8] uses two interferograms at 1064 and 532 nm to measure electron and atom densities (illustrated in Figure 2a). Also, the addition of a second wire as shown in Figure 1 allows study of colliding plasma flows [20]. In Figure 2, beam splitters and mirrors are understood to change the optical path of probe laser 2.
2.2 Plasma diagnostic methods
Plasma presents electrical, optical and mechanical behaviors that are observable from the electromagnetic (EM) wave emissions in the visible through x-ray regimes and the EM wave propagation through the plasma. Schlieren, shadowgraph and interferometric images reveal temporal and spatial variation of the plasma’s index of refraction. Of interest are the interferometer methods such as [8] that measured electron and atom densities using the classical Mach-Zehnder and also the shearing air wedge interferometer [21].
The basic optical setup of [8] as developed from the experiences of [4, 5] is shown in Figure 3a. The 1064-nm probing laser is passed through a harmonic doubler to produce a co-linear probing laser at 532 nm. Both beams are adjusted to illuminate and traverse the windowed vacuum chamber. The interferometer is adjusted to provide a regular fringe pattern before wire explosion. Figure 3b shows the resulting interference patterns collected at each wavelength (left: 1064 nm, right: 532 nm) at different time intervals before and after wire explosion. The shadowed regions centered near the top and bottom of each image are the electrodes, and the wire’s shadow appears in the
3. Measuring plasma properties with interferometry
3.1 Electron and atom density
In Figure 4a, the probe laser passes through the plasma column as a ray and signifies negligible refraction through the inhomogeneous medium. The interferometer (not shown between the plasma and the CCD) establishes the baseline interference pattern and the CCD camera measures the disturbed fringe pattern as caused by the plasma. The shaded discs in the column represent different cross-sectional views of the plasma. Also, the dark to light coloring of Figure 4b shows how each particle density has a radial and negative gradient. A more complete model for the density is given in [9]. Referring to Figure 2, the Cartesian reference is defined at the junction between the wire and the lower electrode.
In the discussion below, the pixel coordinates
where the time convention is
Therefore, the intensity pattern in the reference image (
where the background
After time
where the index of refraction
The index of refraction, assuming complete ionization is expressed with the atomic and electron densities
Upon substituting (4) into (3) it is clear how the fringe spacing in the interferogram is determined by
When the plasma has axial symmetry and radial density profiles as illustrated in Figure 4, Eqs (5) and (6) can be expressed in terms of the forward Abel transform
Upon expanding the phase argument of (3) with (4)–(6) as
and comparing with the phase argument of (2) the phase difference caused by the plasma is
In cases where
Otherwise, two independent wavelength measurements may be used to solve for the line-integrated densities. Then, each radial density profile is determined with Abel inversion of the respective line-integrated density [4]. Also, when the amount of line shift is normalized by the spacing between undisturbed fringe lines the resulting fringe ratio is equivalent to the normalized phase difference
The time-sequenced, 1D fringe ratios of [8] are shown in Figure 5 and were calculated by visual inspection of the average fringe shift in each image. A contour-fitting algorithm was also proposed to calculate
3.2 Expansion velocity
The expansion velocity is calculated from the change in the plasma’s radial dimension as observed over time. Schlieren imagery and shadowograms are better suited to visually observe the precise change of the plasma radius over time, but the changes are observable in the interferogram. The process is to measure the span
3.3 Ionization ratio
The ionization ratio
3.4 Polarizability
Atomic polarizability is measurable from interferometry as described in [5]. The authors of [5] use the integrated-phase technique that equates the density of a cross-sectional slice of the wire with the corresponding integrated phase inferred by the interferogram. With the linear density defined as
where the
4. Relative phase reconstruction with Fourier transform method (FTM)
4.1 Relative and absolute phase reconstruction
Before addressing the analysis methods, it is helpful to note how the measured phase is relative to a known reference. Unlike radio frequency methods, the phase reference is generally unknown in optical interferometry. Thus, the term phase reconstruction implicitly means
4.2 1D fringe analysis
When the interference pattern has a uniform behavior along one dimension such as
4.3 2D fringe analysis
The 2D fringe analysis is applicable to temporal and spatial analysis, 1D and 2D interference patterns, and straight lines and open and closed curves. Approaches to reconstruct
FTM is well-known for 2D phase reconstruction in optical metrology of surface flatness [31], surface height, strain [32] and defect [33] profilometry, surface motion [34], and 3D shape measurement. However, the spatial-carrier fringe behavior has also been used to observe extreme physical phenomenon [35] such as magnetic fields, electron waves and ultra-violet lithography, as well as beam propagation [36], plasma property measurement [37], refractive index studies of polymeric substrates [38], nano-scale surface metrology [39], corneal topography [40] and biological tissue characterization [41].
The essence of the approach is to analyze the 2D Fourier spectrum of the fringe pattern and to extract the phase function using a digital homodyne receiver process. In treating the interferogram as a 2D signal with spatial dimensions and spatial frequencies
Measure spatial frequencies
Recover the wrapped phase
Unwrap phase:
In (13),
and the background and contrast functions are specified as
In (16),
The simulated phase and interferogram are shown in Figure 6a and b. The phase profile causes fringe lines similar to what are observed with a single exploded wire. However, the radiometric effects are ignored in the example. The results of the different stages of Algorithm 1 are also shown in Figure 6c–f. The spectrum of
The DC component centered at
4.4 FTM with plasma interferometry
Figure 7 shows examples of measured plasma interferograms (left column). The images exhibit significant intensity variation and regions of very low contrast. The top and middle images have 10–15 dB SNR and the bottom image has 5 dB SNR. The spatial frequency spectra are shown in the middle column with a bounding box drawn about the positive carrier frequency. The box has dimensions of an ideal 10-dB bandwidth rectangular convolution filter. In the top image, the energy located about the upper carrier frequency is spread and overlaps with the DC content in the center of the image. Lastly, the fringe lines in some of the images show high frequency ripple caused by the interferometer.
From the frequency images in the middle column of Figure 7 it is easy to see how the FTM filter
4.5 Improvements to FTM
Given the various image artifacts that hinder phase reconstruction, several FTM improvements have been developed to improve the phase accuracy of interference patterns with high density fringe lines. The different approaches can be considered as pre-filtering or iterative filtering of
The pre-filtering approach proposed in [8] filters the background function
4.6 Example of electron and atomic density measurement
To demonstrate the density measurement the procedure of [8] is adapted for 2D electron and atomic density measurements. The pre-filtered interference images are shown in Figure 9a and the measurement setup and wire dimensions are given in [8]. Each phase profile is reconstructed with FTM and presented as fringe ratio (Figure 9b). From the two independent line shift measurements
is easily inverted. In (19), the dynamic atomic polarizabilities at 1064 and 532 nm are
4.7 Measurement accuracy
The accuracy of the density measurement depends on the accuracies of (1) the line shift measurement, and (2) the numerical accuracy of the Abel inversion. The numerical accuracy of the transform is determined by the specific implementation. Therefore, the direct integration methods [25] depend on the pixel size but can easily achieve double precision accuracy. Thus, the primary source of measurement error is due to the relative phase shift (i.e., line shift). A visual analysis of the fringe pattern has the best accuracy because the line shift can be measured to
An open problem is to perform a rigorous sensitivity analysis. It can be completed with modeling and simulation using the following model:
By appropriate choice of noise terms affecting
5. Advances in plasma diagnostics with interferometry
There are numerous examples of plasma diagnostics with optical and x-ray interferometry. This section highlights a few to illustrate the specific advances in plasma science. Much of the interferometry science with plasma seeks to reconstruct the signal phase and refractive index of the plasma as a means to measure the electron density. However, the various types of plasmas and interferometers have shown additional benefits of the interferometric diagnostic.
For example, Feister et al. [47] developed a temporally multi-scale interferometer to investigate the target pre-ablation by ultra intense pulses (
Since then, other works [9, 20] investigated physical behavior of expanding plasma volumes when created from two electrically exploded wires. In [9], aluminum (Al) and polymide-coated tungsten (W) plasma from a 1-kA current was observed with dual-wavelength (532 and 1064 nm) interferometry. They found that the atomization of Al expanded with a constant velocity of several km/s before stagnating in the middle region of the two wires. They concluded the Al plasma comprised mostly atoms as observed by the density calculations and comparison to the linear wire density. They also discussed how the W wires were more difficult to transition to vapor due to the higher melting point and concluded that a dual-pulse generator would be needed in future experiments. A similar study of mixing flow of two expanding plasma was reported in [20] where they also used two electrically exploded wires to study the hot plasma coronas as they collided. The modeling and simulation study showed that a thin layer between the expanding coronas can be sustained in high Mach number flows resulting from hydrodynamic mixing. It also showed how the dense core material enhances a thin shell instability but has yet to be mapped to observation.
In the recent work of [23], the spontaneous magnetic fields that arise during laser ablation were studied using simultaneous measurement of the polarization plane rotation and plasma electron density. A
6. Conclusions
Advances in plasma science greatly benefit from optical and x-ray interferometry. The first part of the chapter summarized the plasma experiment setup and the models for the plasma refractivity and the interferogram’s 2D signal phase. The Abel inversion technique was described for cases where the electron density greatly exceeds the atom density. However, the optical interferometer can cause significant radiometric variation in the image, low contrast, and low signal-to-noise. These artifacts require special attention for accurate phase reconstruction. Of the various techniques to recover the phase from a single image (e.g, principle component analysis, contour fitting of the fringe lines, and Fourier analysis), the Fourier Transform Method (FTM) is presented with detailed algorithmic steps. Additionally, recent iterative improvements to FTM and a simpler smoothing and leveling pre-filtering algorithm are highlighted. While it is less capable than the iterative method, the pre-filtering approach is demonstrated using dual-wavelength interferometry of exploded Aluminum wires.
However the plasma is formed, the interference patterns are well-suited for 2D Fourier analysis and several plasma experiments were highlighted. The experiments have confirmed previously theorized observations about the effects of bound electrons on refractive index and how precisely the plasma forms during ablation, and how it expands, emits, and eventually recombines. As bandpass and polarimetric filters and beamsplitters improve, and cameras increase in acquisition speed and sensitivity, the interferometric diagnostic will also improve to provide new and greater understanding of the plasma.
The author sincerely thanks Andrew Hamilton and Dr. Vladamir Sotnikov for support of previous work and helpful discussions, and Michael Gruesbeck and Javonne Baker for testing the smoothing and leveling algorithm. Lastly, this work was greatly improved by the review of Dr. Gennady Sarkisov whose vast experience with exploding wire experiments and plasma diagnostics motivated the initial work.
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