Relationships between the daily values of
PC index was originally introduced as a characteristic of the polar cap magnetic activity generated by geoeffective solar wind coupling with the magnetosphere. Subsequent researches showed that the PC index follows changes of the solar wind electric field EKL through the field-aligned current system (R1 FAC) responding to variations of the solar wind parameters. Appearance of magnetospheric disturbances is specified by the PC index value (with a typical threshold level ~ 1.5 ± 0.5 mV/m) and by the PC index growth rate. The disturbance progression strongly follows the PC index variations, the intensity of substorms (AL) and magnetic storms (Dst) being linearly related to the PC magnitude. In view of these statistically justified relationships, the PC index is regarded at present as a proxy of the solar wind energy input into the magnetosphere. A great advantage of the PC index application over other methods, based on the satellite measurements, is a permanent on-line availability of information on the magnetic activity in both northern (PCN) and southern (PCS) polar caps, providing a means for monitoring the magnetosphere state and for nowcasting the magnetic disturbances development.
- are Solar wind—magnetosphere coupling
- magnetospheric field-aligned currents
- magnetic activity in polar caps
- PC index
- magnetopheric substorms
- magnetic storms
- monitoring
- and nowcasting
1. Introduction
The term “solar wind” is referred to flows of low-energy solar plasma including the magnetic field, which is ejected continuously by the Sun’s surface. The Earth’s magnetosphere is a result of the solar wind impact on the dipole-like geomagnetic field, the form and size of the magnetosphere being determined by the solar wind parameters such as the solar wind velocity Vsw and the solar magnetic field |B| named usually as an interplanetary magnetic field (IMF). It is totally accepted that the solar wind energy incomes into the magnetosphere, the accumulated energy being realized in form of magnetospheric substorms and magnetic storms. Geomagnetic storms are associated with formation of powerful currents flowing around the Earth at the distance of ~3–7 RE and displayed as a planetary depression of the geomagnetic field (
The polar cap magnetic activity is one of the specific manifestations of the solar wind influence on the magnetosphere, which is displayed in the high-latitude region disposed of poleward of the auroral zone. As it was shown in [5], the polar cap magnetic disturbances correlate the best with the solar wind electric field determined by formula of [6]
In this chapter the following topics, revealing the
2. Mechanism of the solar wind influence on magnetic activity in the polar caps
Magnetic alterations typical of the polar caps in periods free of magnetic disturbances in the auroral zone (substorms) were found by
Other types of magnetic disturbances typical of the sunlight summer polar cap are the “near-pole DP variation”, named as DP3 disturbances, which are observed under conditions of northward IMF [16, 18], and magnetic disturbances related to azimuthal IMF [19, 20, 21], named as DP4 disturbance [16]. The DP3 system consists of two vortices with opposite anti-sunward directed currents in the very limited near-pole area. The DP4 system includes currents flowing along geomagnetic latitudes with maximal intensity in the daytime cusp region (Ф ~ 80°), the current direction being determined by sign of the IMF azimuthal component.
Figure 1 shows current systems of DP2, DP3, and DP4 magnetic disturbances, generated under action of the southward BZS (a) and (b), northward BZN (c), and azimuthal BY (d) IMF components [16]. The multi-functional analysis of relationships between the IMF and geomagnetic variations has been fulfilled by
Mechanism of generation of the polar cap magnetic disturbances became clear when the field-aligned magnetospheric currents were detected onboard the OGO 4 spacecraft [24] and Triad spacecraft [25, 26]. These experiments have fixed a layer of the field-aligned currents on the poleward boundary of the auroral oval (Region 1 FAC system), with currents flowing into the magnetosphere in the morning sector and flowing out of the ionosphere in the evening sector, and layer of the field-aligned currents on the equatorward boundary of the auroral oval (Region 2 FAC system), with opposite directed field-aligned currents. The currents in Region 1 are observed permanently, even during the quiet conditions, whereas Region 2 currents are detected only in periods of magnetic disturbances (
The field-aligned currents of reverse polarity were found [30] in the near-pole area, at latitudes of Ф > 75°, under conditions of the IMF northward component (not shown in Figure 2). Later these currents were named as NBZ FAC system [31, 32]. The specific BY FAC system, controlled by the azimuthal BY IMF component, was separated in the daytime cusp region [33, 34, 35]. This FAC system consists of two current sheets located on the equatorward and poleward boundaries of the cusp, the current directions and intensity being determined by the IMF BY sign [34, 36]. Influence of the BY FAC system strongly distorts the effects of the regular R1 and NBZ FAC patterns.
It should be noted that R1 and R2 FAC systems presented in [24, 25, 26] were outlined by the poleward and equatorward auroral oval boundaries. The same result was obtained by [37] by measurements onboard the Viking and DMSP-F7 satellites and by [38] by measurements onboard the ISEE 1 and 2 satellites. It implies that generators of R1/R2 FAC systems are positioned within the closed magnetosphere, not on the dayside magnetopause. Results of the R1/R2 FAC mapping to the equatorial plane [27, 39] have also demonstrated that R1 and R2 field-aligned current systems are located within the closed magnetosphere. Availability of the appropriate plasma pressure gradients in the closed equatorial magnetosphere has been displayed in [40, 41].
The numerical simulations of ionospheric electric field and currents generated by field-aligned currents were fulfilled in [42, 43] with use of satellite data [25, 26] on the FAC intensity and structure and data on ionospheric conductivity in the polar caps. The results of numerical simulations have clearly demonstrated that DP2, DP3, and DP4 magnetic disturbances in the polar caps are generated by the corresponding R1, NBZ, and BY FAC systems, the R1 FAC system being presented constantly irrespective of the IMF BZ polarity. As this takes place, magnetic effect of the ionospheric Pedersen currents in the summer polar cap with high-conductive ionosphere is roughly compensated by the distant magnetic effect of the field-aligned currents, as a result, the magnetic disturbances distribution is determined by ionospheric Hall currents, in full agreement with the theorem of
Relationship between the
3. Response of PC index to the EKL field changes
Comprehensive analysis of relationships between the
To ascertain possible influence of the solar wind parameters on the value of ΔT, the relationships between ΔT and such solar wind parameters as the IMF vertical (
To reveal the solar wind parameter actually controlling the ΔΤ value, the 1-min values of
As Figure 4 demonstrates, the solar wind speed by itself is not a decisive factor in the ΔT setting (1st panel): the speeds values, as large as
4. PC index as an indicator of the magnetospheric substorms development
Energy and dynamics of magnetic substorms are commonly estimated by
The following classes of magnetic substorms were selected in [8, 51]:
The results [8, 51] demonstrated that substorms commonly start when the
In case of minor dissipation, when the threshold level is low, the required excess of the energy input over the “storage” energy is insignificant and intensity of the corresponding magnetic substorm will be weak (isolated “magnetic bays” starting against the background of full magnetic quiescence). In case of major dissipation, when the energy crucial level is high, the required excess of the energy input should be significant and the intensity of magnetic disturbance will be, correspondingly, largest (powerful “sawtooth substorms”). In case, when the
Figure 6 shows relationships between the
5. PC index as a precursor of the magnetic storms progression
Term geomagnetic storm is designated for the geomagnetic field depression produced by ring currents flowing in the inner magnetosphere [1]. Intensity of magnetic storms is estimated by 1-hour Dst index [56] or its 1-min analog -
Three types of magnetic storms were separated in [9, 57] based on peculiarities of the
Figure 8 shows relationships between the
The mean values of
Delay times ΔT in response of
Thus, the intensity of magnetic storms (
6. PC index as a verifier of the solar wind geoefficiency
In spite of statistically justified agreement in response of
Figure 10a demonstrates concerted changes of
It should be reminded that
7. Relationships between EKL field and PC, AL, Dst indices in 23/24th cycles of solar activity
Invariability of relationships between the
To display relationships between the
The daily
As Table 1 shows, the correlation between
Year | a | b | R | Year | a | b | R |
PCN = a + b * EKL | PCS = a + b * EKL | ||||||
2000 | −0.19 | 1.01 | 0.85 | 2000 | −0.096 | 1.04 | 0.87 |
2008 | −0.08 | 1.34 | 0.89 | 2008 | −0.098 | 1.29 | 0.91 |
2015 | −0.07 | 1.02 | 0.81 | 2015 | −0.16 | 1.16 | 0.88 |
2019 | −0.20 | 1.26 | 0.87 | 2019 | −0.21 | 1.33 | 0.91 |
1998–2020 | 0.098 | 1.106 | 0.85 | 1998–2020 | 0.167 | 1.161 | 0.85 |
AL = a + b * PCmean | Dst = a + b * PCmean | ||||||
2000 | −37.9 | −86.7 | −0.94 | 2000 | −1.6 | −14.8 | −0.69 |
2008 | 9.4 | −111.1 | −0.93 | 2008 | −1.6 | −11.9 | −0.72 |
2015 | −18.0 | −104.8 | −0.93 | 2015 | 2.4 | −15.1 | −0.74 |
2019 | −0.4 | −114.5 | −0.91 | 2019 | 2.6 | −11.0 | −0.73 |
1998–2020 | −12.35 | −100.99 | −0.93 | 1998–2020 | 1.7 | −13.8 | −0.72 |
Correlation between the yearly values of
Results of analyses [60, 61] indicate that calibration coefficients determining relationship between the
8. Discussion
According to the first concept, put forward by [49], the IMF carried by the solar wind contacts with the terrestrial magnetic field at the dayside magnetopause, where the geomagnetic field is northward. When the IMF is southward, the terrestrial field lines will interconnect with the interplanetary field lines, and the electric potential
It should be noted that the original Dungey hypothesis does not even mention the field-aligned currents owing to absence of any information about their existence in those times. At present, the FAC systems registered in the satellite experiments are commonly regarded as favoring the Dungey concept. Indeed, the NBZ FAC system fixed in the near-pole area and BY FAC system fixed in the day-time cusp area [30, 32, 34, 35] can be regarded as a result of interconnection of the interplanetary and terrestrial fields under influence of the IMF northward BZ and azimuthal BY components. However, it is well to bear in mind that these FAC systems are always observed against the background of the permanent R1 FAC system, which continues to exist even under condition of the northward IMF. Moreover, the R1 FACs are positioned far inside the magnetosphere, within the plasma sheet boundaries [39, 62]. The permanent availability of the R1 FAC system (affected by
The second concept, known as a “viscous-like interaction”, was put forward by
The third concept, formulated ten years later by [65], was elaborated in [66, 67]. According to this concept, the solar wind impact on magnetosphere violates the magnetostatic equilibrium in the outer magnetosphere resulting in the formation of the plasma pressure gradients within the magnetosphere. Redistribution of the plasma pressure leads to generation of large-scale dawn-dusk electric field and initiates the magnetospheric field-aligned currents responsible for cross-polar cap electric potential. The concept of the field-aligned currents generated in the equatorial magnetosphere due to formation of the plasma pressure gradients was supported later by statistically justified data on the plasma gradients distribution in the plasma sheet [40, 41]. Thus,
Thus, the experimental results unambiguously testify that the geoeffective solar wind generates, through the field-aligned currents, magnetic activity in the polar caps. The
9. Conclusions
A special procedure agreed in 2011 by the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute (responsible for the production of
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