Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Transformation Groups of the Doubly-Fed Induction Machine

Written By

Giovanni F. Crosta and Goong Chen

Reviewed: 26 January 2022 Published: 05 April 2022

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.102869

From the Edited Volume

Matrix Theory - Classics and Advances

Edited by Mykhaylo Andriychuk

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Three-phase, doubly-fed induction (DFI) machines are key constituents in energy conversion processes. An ideal DFI machine is modeled by inductance matrices that relate electric and magnetic quantities. This work focuses on the algebraic properties of the mutual (rotor-to-stator) inductance matrix Lsr: its kernel, range, and left zero divisors are determined. A formula for the differentiation of Lsr with respect to the rotor angle θr is obtained. Under suitable hypotheses Lsr and its derivative are shown to admit an exponential representation. A recurrent formula for the powers of the corresponding infinitesimal generator A0 is provided. Historically, magnetic decoupling and other requirements led to the Blondel-Park transformation which, by mapping electric quantities to a suitable reference frame, simplifies the DGI machine equations. Herewith the transformation in exponential form is axiomatically derived and the infinitesimal generator is related to A0. Accordingly, a formula for the product of matrices is derived which simplifies the proof of the Electric Torque Theorem. The latter is framed in a Legendre transform context. Finally, a simple, “realistic” machine model is outlined, where the three-fold rotor symmetry is broken: a few properties of the resulting mutual inductance matrix are derived.


  • mutual inductance matrix
  • Blondel-Park transformation
  • exponential representation
  • infinitesimal generator
  • zero divisors
  • circulants
  • broken symmetry

1. Introduction

Three-phase, doubly-fed induction (DFI) machines have a long history [1, 2, 3, 4] and continue to be key constituents in energy conversion processes [5, 6]. Motivation for modeling a DFI generator comes from the need to deal with intermittency in the primary energy supply (e.g., the wind field) and with uncertainty in the load (i.e., the grid). Similarly, the modeling and control of a DFI motor can improve the efficiency and reliability of electric-to-mechanical work conversion. The equations modeling the ideal DFI machine have been studied for more than a century. Results in modeling and control [7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13], including those which derive from numerical simulation, demonstrate how attention to the DFI machine is being continuously paid. In essence, the ideal three-phase machine model centers on two matrices, on which this work focuses: the rotor-to-stator mutual inductance matrix, Lsr., which depends on the “rotor angle” θr and characterizes the machine itself, and the Blondel-Park transformation matrix, K., which depends on another angle and describes a change of variables, from the abc reference frame (Section 2) to the dq0 reference frame (Section 4). Both matrices, Lsr. and K., appear in the Electric Torque Theorem (ETT) which relates mechanical to electrical variables and as such represents the raison d’être of the DFI machine. Stated in the abc frame, the ETT is a straightforward application of energy balance, once a Legendre transformation (Section 5.2) has been introduced and co-energy accordingly defined. Instead, the proof, in fact the translation of the ETT in the dq0 frame (Section 5.3), requires all relevant properties of Lsr. and K. to be known. For this reason, in Section 3 the kernel, the range (Proposition 1), the classical adjoint and the left zero divisors (Proposition 3) of Lsr. are determined. Derivation benefits from Lsr. being a circulant matrix [14] (Lemma 1) and from its eigenvalues representing the discrete Fourier transform of a 3-sequence [15] (Proposition 2). Special attention need two constant matrices, A0 and its square (Lemma 2), because they relate differentiation of Lsr with respect to θr to multiplication (Theorem 1). In a suitable subspace of R3, Lsr admits an exponential representation (Theorem 2) with A0 as infinitesimal generator. Section 4 is devoted to K.: its structure, as well as its exponential representation with generator A0, is inferred by satisfying, in sequence, a list of requirements (Proposition 4 and Theorem 4). The key formula for the product of matrices (Theorem 5) is then applied to prove the ETT in the dq0 frame in one step (Theorem 6). An attempt is finally made in Section 6 to deal with a “realistic” machine model, where the three-fold rotor symmetry is broken: the b and c rotor axes are misaligned by angles ϵb and ϵc. To second-order in ϵb and ϵc there exists a constant B which relates differentiation to multiplication of the approximate inductance matrix (Proposition 7).


2. The ideal doubly-fed induction machine

Definition 1. (Three-phase, ideal DFI machine) [3, 4]. A three-phase DFI machine is said ideal whenever its stator and rotor windings exhibit three-fold symmetry. Moreover, magnetomotive forces and flux waves created by the windings are sinusoidally distributed and windings give rise to a linear electric network.

Remark 1. (Neglected phenomena). Higher harmonics, hysteresis, and eddy currents are excluded by the model. Deviations from three-fold symmetry will be addressed in Section 6.

Notation. (abc frames). The most natural frames where three-phase stator and rotor voltages and currents can be represented are the abc frames. For example, the stator currents are an ordered triple which one agrees to represent as a vector


whose components are functions of time tT. A similar notation will hold for other electric quantities. Unless otherwise specified, all vectors are understood in R3.

Hp. (Function class). Dependence of all quantities of interest on time is assumed as smooth as required.

Definition 2. (Balanced triple). An abc current triple is balanced or is a trivial zero sequence, whenever


Such sequences define the subspace BR3, a plane through the origin; the corresponding notation is jBB.


θrt02π is the electric rotor angle at a time t, formed by the rotor ar axis with respect to the stator as axis.

βrt02π is the electric rotor angle at a time t, formed by d axis with respect to the rotor ar axis (Section 4).

βst02π is the electric rotor angle at a time t, formed by d axis with respect to the stator as axis (Section 4).

jabcrNrNsjabcr is the stator-referred (ständer-bezogen) vector of rotor currents, where Nr and Ns are the rotor and stator turns.

A boldface, roman capital denotes a matrix in MNrowNcol of Nrow2 rows ×Ncol2 columns.

am,n is the cofactor of entry mn in AMNN, where Nrow=Ncol=N 2.

am,n is the corresponding matrix.

adjA is the matrix adjoint to AMNN, obtained by transposing am,n.

u)(v is the dyadic product of the column vector u by the row vector v, both R3.

13 is the 3×3 identity matrix.

The end of a Proof is marked by , that of a general statement or of a Remark by ◊.

The electrical network equations which describe the dynamics of the three-phase, ideal DFI machine are well-known [3, 4], as a consequence they are omitted.


3. Group properties of the mutual inductance matrix

By letting φ23π, the rotor-referred (läufer-bezogene) form of the mutual inductance matrix is [3, 4]


Given Lsrθr one defines the stator-referred (ständer-bezogen) rotor-to-stator mutual inductance matrix


where Lms>0 is a constant parameter. Hereinafter, the dependence of the involved matrices and of related quantities on θr will be shown only if mandatory. The following properties hold because rows two and three of Lsr are right shift-circular permutations of the first row and because all row-wise (and column-wise) sums of Lrs vanish.

Proposition 1. (Eigenvalues of Lsr and their implications).

  • The eigenvalues of Lsr are μ0=0, μ±=32e±iθr.

  • detLsr=0, θr,

  • dimKerLsr=1 and KerLsr=jR3j1=j2=j3Ksr, θr.

  • dimrangeLsr=2 and rangeLsr=B, θr,

    Remark 2. (Orthogonal decomposition of R3). The last two properties in the list translate the orthogonal decomposition


where the straight line Ksr:j1=j2=j3 is the normal to the plane B:j1+j2+j3=0 of Eq. (2).

Lemma 1 (Eigenvalues of a permutation matrix, pp. 65–66 of M. Marcus and H. Minc’s textbook [14]). For a general N2 and for an N×N matrix P, a.k.a. “circulant”, which results from the right shift-circular permutation of the first row c0cN1cN2c1, one denotes ϵei2π/N and introduces the polynomial ψ. of degree N1 in the complex variable ζ


The possibly multiple eigenvalues μk0kN1 of P are obtained by letting ζ=ϵm and evaluating ψϵm for m=1,2,,N. Since ϵmei2πm/N, there exists only one value of m, denoted by , at which all powers of ϵ appearing in ψ. are equal: ϵ=ϵ2=ϵ3==ϵN1=1. Such value is =N. Therefore


If the additional property


is exhibited by the rows of P, then


Such eigenvalue is algebraically (and geometrically) simple.

Remark 3. (Features of ψ., k and n). The polynomial ψ. shall not be confused with any of the polynomials annihilated by P. There is no correspondence between the eigenvalue label k and the ordering of powers induced by m.

Proof of Proposition 1. Since Lsrθr is a circulant matrix of the sequence c0c2c1




then Lemma 1 applies with N=3. Hence =3. In the first place, μ0 is independent of θr. Next, one verifies the other two eigenvalues, μ±=32e±iθr, are respectively returned by ψϵ and by ψ[ϵ2] and do instead depend on θr. The property dimKerLsr=1 derives from the algebraic simplicity of μ0=0. From Eq. (11) one deduces KerLsr=Ksr. The properties of rangeLsr are not independent of those of KerLsr: namely, they follow from orthogonality, as highlighted by Eq. (5).

Proposition 2. (Eigenvalues of a circulant as the discrete Fourier transform of a 3-sequence [15]). Let ϵ be as in Lemma 1. The discrete Fourier transform b3b0b1b2 of a 3-sequence c3c0c1c2 is obtained, in terms of row vectors, by


The circulant Pc3 assembled from c3 is diagonalized by T according to


Application to Lsr of Eq. (10) requires a permutation of the first row:


Lemma 2 (The matrix A0 and its properties). Let the matrix A0 be defined by


Its properties are the following.

  • (Determinant, rank, eigenvalues, eigenspaces).


There is an eigenspace of dimension one, X0A0, which corresponds to λ0:


  • (Left zero divisors). The constant, nontrivial left zero divisors of A0 are given by dyads


where ck, k=1,2,3, are real constants with ck0 for at least one k.

  • (Dyadic representation). The matrix A0 admits no “algebraic” dyadic representation of the form


with constant ak, bkR, k=1,2,3.

  • (Sign reversal). There exists no left zero divisors of A0 which, added to A0, reverses its sign.

  • (Recurrent formula for powers of A0). Given A0 and


the powers of A0 are obtained from


where n3%4 stands for the remainder from integer division of n3 by 4 and the “/” (slash) denotes division between integers; similarly, n2%2 stands for the remainder from integer division of n2 by 2.

Proof of Lemma 2. The properties described by Eqs. (16)(19) are immediately verified, as well as the nonexistence of an algebraic dyadic representation. The statement about sign reversal is proved by contradiction. To obtain the recurrent formula for powers of A0 one computes A03 (=A0) and A04 (=A02), then one examines the higher powers A0 and the sequence formed by their signs. Since the sequence has period 4 and reads ++++, then the exponents of both A0 and 1 in Eq. (22) can be determined.

Remark 4, to Lemma 2.

  • Let a) in Eq. (20) be replaced by ), then there exists a C1, divergence-free vector field f giving rise to the “differential” dyadic representation of A0


The system of first-order linear partial differential equations to which f is the solution is obtained by comparing like terms in the arrays.

  • As already noticed in the proof, A0 cannot be a left zero divisor of itself. (In fact, A02 is given by Eq. (21)).

  • Obviously, there is no way of including n=0 in any recurrent formula for the powers of A0, of which Eq. (22) is an example because detA0=0.

  • As one can easily verify, the eigenvalues of A02 are λ0=0, λ1=1. The latter has algebraic multiplicity α1=2 and geometric multiplicity γ1=1. As a consequence, its eigenspace, X1A02, not only has a dimension α1γ1+1=2 but complies with


as well. In other words, by recalling Eqs. (5), (18), and (21),


i.e., A02 coincides with 13 restricted to the subspace B. ◊

Proposition 3. (The matrix Lsr.: trigonometric decomposition and classical adjoint; the left zero divisors of Lsr., their kernel and range).

  • (The matrices C and S). Lsrθr is a linear combination of trigonometric functions according to


where C and S are the constant, 3×3 matrices


  • (Relations between A0, C and S).


  • (The classical adjoint matrix). The classical adjoint to Lsrθr ( transpose of the cofactor matrix) is


  • (Left divisors as dyads). If fk., k=1,2,3, denote real-valued functions of class CM02π (for some M), one of which, at least, does not vanish identically, then a left zero divisor Z (linker Nullteiler) of Lsr is a rank one dyad


forming an algebra Z.

  • (Kernel of the Z’s).


Proof of Proposition 3. The identification of C and S follows from expanding the cos.±23π entries in Lsr. In order to determine adjLsr one starts from a relation which is one of the many formulas due to Laplace [16]


and holds for a general AMN×N; then one recalls detLsr=0 and the θr-invariance of μ0 of Eq. (9): one can thus compute the classical adjoint to either constant matrix, C or S, whichever is simpler to deal with; the result is the dyad on the right side of Eq. (29), a result which holds θr. The search for left zero divisors of Lsr as dyads like that of Eq. (30) is suggested by Eqs. (29) and (32) because adjLsr must be a zero divisor of Lsr. The most general form of a left zero divisor Z is inferred from Eq. (11): since all column-wise sums of Lsr vanish, the columns of Z must be equal. Therefore such divisor, if non-trivial, has rank one and is obtained from the dyadic product of Eq. (30). Finally, Eq. (32) and the orthogonal decomposition Eq. (5) imply


Remark 5. (Duality; divisors; other properties of Lsr).

  • From Eqs. (3234) one says Lsr and adjLsr are dual to each other.

  • The constant, nontrivial left zero divisors of Lsr are those of Eq. (19). By consistency, the matrices C and S of Eq. (26) not only have the same classical adjoint as Lsrθr has but have all and the same zero divisors, because Eq. (26) holds θr.

  • Right zero divisors are obtained by transposing the left ones.

  • Nonexistence of the representation of Eq. (20) prevents A0 it from being a left zero divisor of Lsr.. Nor can A0 be, as Eqs. (28) and (22) show, a divisor of either C or S taken separately.

  • If Lsr stands for the subspace of functions f.C002π3 complying with Lsrθrfθrdθr=0, and if amk, m=0,1,2,, bmk, m=1,2,, are the cosine and, respectively, the sine Fourier coefficients of the (real-valued) components fk., k=1,2,3 of f., then


Remark 6. (The physical meaning of Lsr, C and S). As Eq. (5) suggests, given any instantaneous current vector jtR3, left multiplication by Lsrθrt returns a balanced current triple jBtB. This follows from the three-fold symmetry of the ideal DFI machine, mirrored by the structure of Lsr.. Moreover, the C term of Eq. (26) represents the opposite of reactive torque, whereas the S term represents active torque.◊

Theorem 1. (Differentiation of Lsr with respect to θr). Let A0 and Zc be respectively given by Eqs. (15) and (19). Then the derivative of Lsr with respect to θr is the set-valued map


Notation: a convenient notation is LsrθrθrMθr.

Proof of Theorem 1. Differentiation of Lsrθr as represented by Eq. (26), and the use of Eq. (28) yield


One seeks for a constant matrix B1 which complies with


The application of Eq. (22) leads to


Then, the whole set of constant matrices B complying with LsrθrBLsr is obtained by adding to B1 a left zero divisor Zc as of Eq. (19)


The result justifies the notation for Lsrθr of Eq. (36) as a set-valued map.

The above Eq. (36) means Lsrθrθrj=A0+ZcLsrθrj, jR3. In spite of this last relation, the search for an exponential representation of Lsr. and for a one-parameter (θr) group acting on the whole of R3 is ill-posed. Namely, Lsr0 is not invertible, hence one cannot normalize Lsr by Lsr0 and no unit element of the group can be defined. To a greater extent, the search for a generator for the group would make no sense. Nonetheless, an exponential representation is obtained in the subspace B.

Theorem 2. (Exponential representations on B). If jB then the following hold.






Proof of Theorem 2. A matrix Jθr is sought for, which, like Lsrθr, splits into a cos. and a sin. term as in Eq. (26) and, unlike Lsr., satisfies J0=13. As Eqs. (28) suggest, one solution is


Next, one requires θr-differentiation to coincide with the multiplication of J. by a constant matrix H


By identifying terms like trigonometric functions one obtains the pair


One solution, modulo left zero divisors, comes from the properties of A02 in Eq. (25):


Hence Jθr=eθrA0. The proposed representation of Lsr. is


Consistency with Lsrθr. implies


Since jB, then the rightmost dyads in Eqs. (48) and (49) return 0 when right multiplied by j. Replacing A0 in Eq. (47) by the B of Eq. (40) does not change the results (Eqs. (48) and (49)) because


Theorem 3. (Symmetry properties).


Proof of Theorem 3. The first two relations are immediate. The third one follows from the representation of Lsr as linear combination of powers of A0 according to Eqs. (26) and (28).


4. The Blondel-Park transformation and the rotation group

4.1 Axiomatics of the transformation

The Kirchhoff voltage and current laws bring redundancy into the abc frame representations. In order to remove said redundancy, another frame, called dq0, is introduced, where only two components of a vector shall matter, the direct one, d, and the quadrature component, q.

Definition 3. (The dq0 frame). Let dq0 denote a reference frame for electric quantities of axes d and q, subject to five specifications.

d.1) The new frame shall be suitable to represent both stator-referenced and rotor-referenced quantities.

d.2) The component of a stator-referenced quantity with respect to both the direct or d axis and the stator as axis shall be represented by the same function of angle, evaluated at arguments which differ by βs. Similarly for variables pertaining to the rotor ar: the phase difference shall be βr.

d.3) The above angles are related by


d.4) The quadrature or q axis shall be orthogonal to d in the L202π sense: if wd. and wq. are the d- and q-components of a (generally complex-valued) signal w. which depends on η, then: 02πwdηwqηdη=0.

d.5) The third entry w0. of a vector w. in the dq0 frame shall be equal to the sum of its abc components. (For this reason, such a sum is called “zero sequence”, or Nullfolge, and may be trivial or not).

Problem 1. (The abc to dq0 transformation problem [3, 4, 6]). Find a transformation K. that maps a vector wabc (a physical quantity) from the abcs and, respectively, the abcr frames to a vector wdq0 in the dq0 frame, as specified by Definition 3 and

K.1) is invertible and linear;

K.2) conserves instantaneous electric power;

K.3) has the same functional form for both stator and rotor quantities,

K.4) depends at most on one real parameter, an “electric angle”, which may be different for stator or rotor quantities;

K.5) is of class C1 at least with respect to that parameter;

K.6) magnetically decouples flux linkages [6].

Proposition 4. (Matrix representation). A solution to Problem 1 which applies to a three-phase machine exists and is the Blondel-Park [1, 2, 7] transformation K.


where η stands for an electrical angle. One has


and w0t=wa+wb+wct,t and, if wt has a period 2π, wdtwqtdt=0.

Proof of Proposition 4. The structure of K. can be inferred by satisfying, in sequence, requirements K.1, K.2, K.6, d.4, d.5. The Ansatz


where K0K0 and F is a constant matrix, is shown to be consistent with all requirements, hence the entries of K0 and F can be identified. No further details can be provided for reasons of space.

Remark 7 to Proposition 4. (On the exponential representation of Kη). As a result of work at proving Proposition 4, Kη defines a one-parameter (η) group of unitary (power preserving) transformations, represented by Eq. (57). Since K0 is invertible, then


and R0 is the unit element. The existence of the composition law is implied by the Ansatz. Obviously, detKη=1 implies detRη=1,η. .

Theorem 4. (Infinitesimal generator). The infinitesimal generator F of K. is K0-similar to the opposite of the infinitesimal generator A3 of rotations about the x̂3 axis of R3 according to


and is related to the A0 of Eq. (41) by


Proof of Theorem 4. From Eq. (55)


and the constant matrix B satisfying dKηdη=BKη reads


Next, the infinitesimal generator of R. Eq. (58) is identified according to


In other words, the matrix FK01BK0 is the sought for infinitesimal generator of the group R.. This proves Eq. (59). The relation between F and B is to be expected (e.g., § 2.5 of Altmann’s textbook [17]). Finally, Eq. (60) follows from direct verification.

4.2 The product of matrices formula

Theorem 5. (The formula). Equations (54), (57) and (42) imply


Proof of Theorem 5. The proof branches out according to which current triple is being dealt with.

  • (Balanced current triple trivial zero sequence). Let jabcB, then, by Eqs. (42), (57), and (60) and applying transposition


  • (General current triple). For general jabcR3 no exponential representation is available. In analogy with Eq. (26) one identifies the constant matrices P,Q and R giving rise to Kη=23Pcosη+23Qsinη+13R. The product MθrK1βr, after simplification, turns out to be an affine function of cosθr+βr and sinθr+βr which in turn depend on angle sums: products of the involved matrices hide an addition formula for angles on which trigonometric functions depend. Taking Eq. (54) into account, left multiplication by Kβs leads to a polynomial in cosβs and sinβs with coefficients like PCQTrs, RCPTrs and so forth. All βs-dependent terms in the polynomial disappear. Eventually, the only non-zero term is 23PCQTrs=32A3, a constant.

Remark 8. (Prior results). To the best of the authors’ knowledge, the role of the Blondel-Park transformation in realization theory was pointed out by J.L. Willems [8], who derived the exponential representation of K. while obtaining a time-invariant system from time-varying electric machine equations. The group properties of K. have been known for some time (e.g., [9], p. 1060). Instead, the relation of F to A0, at least in the form of Eq. (60), the relation between exponential representations of K. and Lsr., and the roles played by the left zero divisors of Lsr. and by the subspace B, seem to have been overlooked so far.◊


5. Electric torque

5.1 The electric torque law in the abc frame

From the principles of analytical mechanics, the following relation can be deduced [3, 4] for the ideal DFI machine in generator mode. The relation involves previously defined quantities, namely stator and rotor currents and a machine parameter, the Lsr. of Eq. (4), and a quantity, the electric torque Tel,g, which has not yet been mentioned herewith. As a consequence, the relation can be regarded as the physical “law” which defines Tel,g.

Definition 4. (Electric torque in the abc frame). Let the ideal DFI machine have P poles and be described by current vectors jabcs and jabcr. The electric torque in generator mode is defined by


The relevance of Eq. (66) sits in the link it establishes between electric quantities and a mechanical one: in generator mode, it is the torque produced by, usually a working fluid, on the DFI machine shaft which, through a suitably excited rotor, gives rise to electric currents in the stator coils; in motor mode power flow from machine coils to the shaft is reversed. All machine control laws rely on Eq. (66) in order to be implemented.

5.2 Co-energy and the Legendre transform

Ansatz. (Internal energy). If S is entropy and T is temperature, then the first differential of internal energy U of an electric machine with one mechanical degree of freedom, θm, at constant volume V and numbers of moles N, is


where λ is the vector of flux linkages, Tel,m is mechanical torque in motor mode (opposite to that in generator mode), and θm is the shaft angle.

A consequence of the Ansatz is the following.

Proposition 5. (Relation between motor torque and internal energy).


Definition 5. (Legendre transform of energy with respect to flux linkage). Let ΛIR3 be a subset where U is at least twice differentiable and convex with respect to λ and let p denote the variable conjugate to λ. Then the Legendre transform Y of energy U with respect to λ is defined by


Remark 9. (Conjugate variables; motor torque; differential geometric setting).

  • p coincides with j and one has


  • Motor torque can thus be rewritten as


  • The extensive variables on which energy depends are S, N, λ and θm, and as such are coordinates of the dynamical system’s manifold N. Instead, the intensive variables T, μ (vector of chemical potentials), j and Tel,m belong to the system’s co-tangent bundle TN [11, 13]. Upon a multivariate Legendre transformation, as many extensive variables can be replaced by their conjugates, which are intensive variables.◊

Remark 10. (Y vs. Wfld'). By identifying U with “the energy Wfld stored in the coupling fields” of an electric machine having P poles, the rotor of which forms the mechanical angle θm in the stator frame, one has the following relations:

  • the electrical angle θr is related to the mechanical angle θm by θr=P2θm (multiplier effect of P);

  • usually [3, 4] Tel,m is related to “co-energy” Wfld'jabcsθr by


In other words,


Remark 11. (Models of real machines). The relation between Y and torque applies to any machine and can, in principle, deal with any functional dependence between λ and j. Nonlinear λj relations [9, 10, 12] become of interest when saturation of the magnetic circuit has to be modeled. Hysteresis and the related energy losses pose further difficulties. ◊

5.3 The electric torque theorem in the dq0 frame

Translating Eq. (66) into the dq0 relies on relations between K.-transformed current vectors which involve all three angles, βs,βr,θr. Translation is made remarkably simpler by Theorem 5.

Theorem 6. (Electric torque in the dq0 frame). For an ideal DFI machine, the electric torque in generator mode and in the dq0-frame is the following bilinear form for the matrix A3:


which simplifies to


Proof of Theorem 6. It suffices to combine Eqs. (66), (56) and (64). The matrix A3 makes the 3rd entries of current vectors not relevant ().


6. A “realistic” machine model

Real machines deviate from the hypotheses which have led to the relatively simple form of the equations discussed so far. A satisfactory model shall account for one or more of the following features:

  1. (a) the effects of tooth saliency and slots on the linked fluxes,

  2. (b) deviations from three-fold symmetry,

  3. (c) the instantaneous dependence of self-and mutual inductances on current, when the magnetic material is not linear,

  4. (d) memory effect in a non-linear, hysteretic magnetic material.

Models which, step-wise, account for features a to d are “realistic” in the sense of Fitzgerald and Kingsley [3]. Features listed under a are relatively simple to model if three-fold symmetry is assumed: very briefly, higher harmonics are introduced which, because of linearity, can be dealt with separately. Instead, broken symmetry may be of some interest: the model outlined herewith focuses on feature b and consists of constructing a “realistic” mutual inductance matrix, then determining its algebraic (determinant, eigenvalues) and analytical (θr-derivative) properties.

Definition 6. (Broken symmetry in the rotor). At fixed θr the rotor ar axis forms angles θr, θrφ and θr+φ with the as, bs and cs axes respectively. With ϵb and ϵc satisfying


the rotor br axis forms angles θr+φ+ϵb, θr+ϵb and θrφ+ϵb with the as, bs and cs axes respectively. Similar relations hold for the rotor cr axis in terms of ϵc.

As a consequence the mutual inductance matrix is


Because of broken symmetry, Lsrθrϵbϵc is no longer circulant. However, its column-wise entries add to zero and the following properties hold.

Proposition 6. (Kernel, adjoint, zero divisors for general ϵb and ϵc).


To second order in ϵb and ϵc, Lsrθrϵbϵc is approximated by


where the four new matrices have to be defined. Cϵb,ϵc2 and Sϵb,ϵc2 are obtained from C and S of Eq. (27) when their second columns are multiplied by 112ϵb2 and their third columns are multiplied by 112ϵc2. Similarly, Cϵb,ϵc1 and Sϵb,ϵc1 derive from splitting the cosθr and sinθr terms in the following matrix


As a consequence, a property can be stated about the derivative of Gϵb,ϵc2.

Proposition 7. (Differentiation as multiplication). At least to second order in ϵb and ϵc, there exists a matrix B, independent of θr, by which the differentiation of Gϵb,ϵc2 is represented as multiplication


Such matrix complies with


In particular, to 1st order in ϵb and ϵc


7. Conclusion

In view of the large amounts of power converted from electric to mechanical or vice-versa, mathematical methods for electric machinery have to undergo continuous investigation and, possibly, improvement. Model errors, although “small” in relative terms, may translate into large amounts of mishandled power. To date, control methods and the corresponding algorithms are satisfactory in the low frequency (tens of Hz) range: better performance is needed to deal with the higher (thousands of Hz) frequency components of a transient [18]. This work has focused on the basics of the ideal DFI machine model, where linearity and three-fold symmetry are the main features. As a result, the electric torque theorem has been stated in the dq0 frame without any restriction on the j’s. The product of matrices formula has accordingly simplified the proof. Some of the properties derived in the ideal case have been shown to hold even if symmetry is broken.


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  2. 2. Park RH. Two-reaction theory of synchronous machines - Part I. AIEE Transactions. 1929;48(2):716-730
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Written By

Giovanni F. Crosta and Goong Chen

Reviewed: 26 January 2022 Published: 05 April 2022