Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Optimal Heat Distribution Using Asymptotic Analysis Techniques

Written By

Zakaria Belhachmi, Amel Ben Abda, Belhassen Meftahi and Houcine Meftahi

Reviewed: 22 March 2021 Published: 10 May 2021

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.97371

From the Edited Volume

Engineering Problems - Uncertainties, Constraints and Optimization Techniques

Edited by Marcos S.G. Tsuzuki, Rogério Y. Takimoto, André K. Sato, Tomoki Saka, Ahmad Barari, Rehab O. Abdel Rahman and Yung-Tse Hung

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In this chapter, we consider the optimization problem of a heat distribution on a bounded domain Ω containing a heat source at an unknown location ω⊂Ω. More precisely, we are interested in the best location of ω allowing a suitable thermal environment. For this propose, we consider the minimization of the maximum temperature and its L2 mean oscillations. We extend the notion of topological derivative to the case of local coated perturbation and we perform the asymptotic expansion of the considered shape functionals. In order to reconstruct the location of ω, we propose a one-shot algorithm based on the topological derivative. Finally, we present some numerical experiments in two dimensional case, showing the efficiency of the proposed method.


  • Topological optimization
  • Asymptotic analysis
  • Coated inclusion
  • Heat conduction

1. Introduction

The concept of topological derivative is a powerful tool for solving shape optimization problems constrained by partial differential equations. The method has a great potential of applications in the field of non-destructive control. In this chapter, the topological derivative is applied in the context of optimization of a heat distribution. More precisely, we consider the problem of locating circular coated inclusions in order to get an appropriate layout with minimized maximum temperature distribution. This problem can be encountered in the design of current carrying multicables and in some devices in hybrid and electric cars. The mathematical problem is similar to the mixture of materials with different conduction properties extensively studied in the case of two materials; see for instance [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].

The topological derivative measure the sensitivity of a given shape functional with respect to the insertion of a small hole inside the domain. More precisely, we consider a domain ΩR2 and a cost functional JΩ=jΩuΩ, were uΩ is the state variable, i.e. a solution of a given partial differential equation in Ω. For ε>0, let Ωε=Ω\x0+εD¯ be the domain obtained by removing a small part x0+εD¯ from Ω, at a location x0Ω, and D is a fixed bounded subset of R2 with 00D.

Then, the shape functional JΩε associated with the topologically perturbed domain, admits the following topological asymptotic expansion


where J(Ω is the shape functional associated to the unperturbed domain Ω and fε is a positive function such that fε0 as ε0. The function x0gx0 is called topological gradient of J at x0. Note that the topological derivative is defined through the limit passage ε0. However, according to (1), it can be used as a descent direction in an optimization process similar to any gradient-based method. This concept has been applied for geometrical inverse problems [7], in linear isotropic elasticity [8], and in the context of solving some design problems in steady-state heat conduction [9]. Another situation addressed in [10, 11, 12], consists in studying the influence of the insertion of a small inhomogeneity which is nonempty, but whose constitutive parameters are different from those of the background medium. This approaches was successfully investigate in the case of inhomogeneities conductor materials. For more details, we refer the reader to the recent works on shape reconstruction and stability analysis for some imaging problems with the topological derivative [13, 14, 15].

In this chapter, we extend the asymptotic analysis with respect to the insertion of local small inhomogeneity to the case of the insertion of local small coated inclusion. An asymptotic expansion of a given shape functional is derived with the help of a relevant adjoint method. The computed topological derivative allows us to solve numerically the minimization problem.

The chapter is organized as follows. In Section 2 we present the model problem and the shape optimization formulation. In Section 3 and 4 we perform the asymptotic expansions of the shape functional. The numerical results are presented in Section 5. The paper ends with some concluding remarks in Section 6.


2. The model problem

Let Ω be a bounded domain in R2 with Lipschitz boundary ∂Ω and let ω be an open subset of Ω composed of two different subdomains Ω1 and Ω2 where the subset Ω2 is surrounded by the subset Ω1. We denote by Γ2Ω2 and Γ1Γ2Ω1 as depicted in Figure 1 and we set Ω0Ω\Ω1Ω2¯.

Figure 1.

The domain Ω=Ω0Ω1Γ1Γ2Ω2.

Throughout the chapter, we consider piecewise constant thermal conductivity


where σ0,σ1,σ2R+ and χE denotes the indicator function of the set E. We assume further that there exists two constants c0, c1 such that


For a given source term fL2Ω and the Dirichlet data gH1/2∂Ω, the temperature uω satisfies the following problem


For simplicity we take g=0 by choosing a lifting function GH2Ω, G=g in ∂Ω and modifying the left hand side that we still denote f. Then, the weak solution to problem (3) is defined by:

FinduωH01Ωsuch thatauωv=lv,vH01Ω,E4



The existence and uniqueness of the weak solution uω follows from the Lax-Milgram Lemma.

We consider the following shape minimization problem

Determine the position ofωΩto obtain an appropriate layout temperature.E5

To deal with numerical computation of problem (5), we consider two shape functionals. The first shape functional corresponds to the maximum temperature


Since the functional M is not differentiable, we can not use the topological derivative framework to perform the sensitivity analysis. Thus we use the shape functional Jp, for large p2 instead of the functional M:


The second shape functional may appear as a particular case of Jp but has its own physical and mathematical interests, corresponds to the minimization of the L2 mean oscillations of the temperature:


Then, the optimization problems read:

minimizeJpωuω1pΩuωpdxsubject toωOanduωsolves problem3,E6


minimizeKωuωΩuω1ΩΩuωdx2dxsubject toωOanduωsolves problem3.E7

Where O is the admissible set:


and PωΩ is the relative perimeter:


3. Topological derivatives

Now, we assume that the domain Ω2x0+αεB and Ω1 is such that Ω1Ω2=x0+εB, where B is the unit ball in R2, ε>0 and 0<α<1. We rewrite Ω1ε and Ω2ε instead of Ω1 and Ω2. This allows to perform an asymptotic expansion of the shape functional Jpωε where ωεΩ2εΩ1ε. We also introduce Γ2εΩ2ε and Γ1ε the outer boundary of Ω1ε.

In the perturbed domain, the state uε is solution to the following problem:




The functions fi are in L2. The variational formulation associated with the problem (8) is defined by:

finduεH01Ω,such thataεuεv=lεv,vH01Ω,E9



We denote by u0 the background solution of the following problem:


The following proposition describes in an abstract framework the adjoint method we will use to derive the asymptotic expansion of a given shape functional. For more details the reader is referred to [16] and the references therein.

Proposition 1 Let H be a Hilbert space. For all parameter ε[0,ε0[,ε0>0, consider a function uεH solving a variational problem of the form


where aε is a bilinear form and lε is a linear form on H. For all ε[0,ε0[, consider a functional Jε:HR that is Fréchet differentiable at u0. Assume that the following hypotheses are satisfied.

H1 There exist a scalar function fε0 and two numbers δa, δl such that


where vεH is an adjoint state satisfying


H2 There exist two numbers δJ1 and δJ2 such that


Then the first variation of the cost function with respect to ε is given by


3.1 Application to the model problem

In this subsection, we will give explicitly the variations δa,δl,δJ1,δJ2 and we perform the asymptotic expansion of the shape functional Jp. Analogously, we can derive in the same manner the asymptotic expansion of the shape functional K.

3.1.1 Variation of the bilinear form

In this subsection, we look on the asymptotic analysis of the variation


Let us first look at the behavior of the adjoint state vε solution of the following boundary value problem


Since uω is Hölder continuous, uωuωp2 is at least in L2Ω. Therefore problem (20) has a unique solution vεH01Ω.

We split in (19) vε into v0+vεv0 and introducing the” small” terms (which will be checked later)


we obtain




We will now study the asymptotic of F1 and F2. Introducing the variation v˜εvεv0, we obtain from (20) that v˜ε solves


We set Vv0x0 and we approximate v˜ε by the solution hεV of the auxiliary problem


By shifting the coordinate system, we can assume for simplicity that x0=0. For our case, we can compute explicitly the function hεV using polar coordinates:






Its gradient is given by






Then we obtain


Using polar coordinates and integrating by parts, yields


After rearrangement, we get




3.1.2 Variation of the linear form

Let us now turn to the asymptotic analysis of the variation


We can rewrite (35) as




Again, it will be proved that E7 and E8 are small terms. Consequently we set


3.1.3 Variation of the cost function

Expression of Jp,εuεJp,εu0. For simplicity of the calculus, we assume that p is even, then we have






We will prove in the next section that E9ε=oε2, and thus δJ1=0.

Expression of Jp,εu0Jp,0u0. We have


Consequently δJ2=0. Now, we are ready to state the main result of this paper.

Theorem 1.1 The topological asymptotic expansion of the functional J with respect to the insertion of small coated inclusion ωε is given by






Remark 1 When σ1=σ2 and α=0, the topological derivative defined in (36) becomes


Expression (37) is known in the literature when the inclusion ω is an homogenous disk; see for instance ([17], Thm 4.3).


4. Estimates of the remainders

In this section the estimation for the remainders on the topological asymptotic expansion are presented. The results are derived by using simple arguments from functional analysis.

4.1 Preliminary lemmas

Lemma 1

i. For any vector VR2, x0Ω and positive radius R, we have


ii. Given a function ψ:ΩR2 which is θ Hölder continuous (0<θ<1) in a neighborhood of x0 and consider the solution wε of the system:


Then, we have


Proof. The estimates i) in Lemma 1 follow directly from (28) and (29). Now, we prove the second part. Let φH01Ω be an arbitrary test function, then from (38), we have


Using Green’s formula together with (27), we obtain


Denote Θεwεhεψx0. It follows that


Using the change of variable, the θ-Hölder continuity of ψ in the vicinity of x0 and the trace theorem, we get for ε small enough


From the Hölder inequality and the Sobolev imbedding theorem, we obtain




Analogously, we can prove that


From (40) and the first part of Lemma 1, we deduce that


Choosing φ=Θ and p111θ in (41), yield


and the proof is completed.

Lemma 2 We have the following estimates


Proof. From the Poincaré inequality, we deduce that


for some constant C independent of ε. Then, it suffices to show that


From (9), we obtain immediately that


According to (19), we get


Using the fact that u0 is uniformly bounded on Ω1ε and Ω2ε, we obtain


and from (47), we obtain


This proves the asymptotic formula (42). Analogously we derive the estimate 43. The proof of (44) and (45) follows straightforwardly from [4, Lemma 9.3].

4.2 Asymptotic behavior of the remainders

In this subsection, we shall prove that Eiε=oε2 for i=19. We have


Using the regularity of u0 and v0 near x0 and Taylor-Lagrange expansion, we straightforwardly obtain E2εcε3, and thus E2ε=oε2. Similarly, we can prove that E1ε=oε2. Let’s now prove that E4ε=oε2 and E6ε=oε2. We have




Using Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, yields


From the regularity of u0 near x0 and Taylor-Lagrange expansion, we obtain the bound E6εcε5/2. Analogously, we can show that E4ε=oε2. Let’s now focus on E3 and E5ε. Using Hölder inequality, we obtain


From Lemma 1, we deduce that


Therefore, we conclude that E3ε=oε2. By the same techniques, we prove that


Let’s now check that E7ε=oε2 and E8ε=oε2. We have


From the Hölder inequality, we obtain


for all r,s1+ satisfying 1r+1s=1. Due to Lemma 2, we conclude that E7ε=oε2. Similarly, we obtain


Let’s now focus on


The Hölder inequality combined with the estimates in Lemma 2, yield


5. Numerical experiments

For the numerical computation of the state and the adjoint, we use the finite element method. The computational domain Ω is the unit disk centered at the origin. The term source and the conductivities are given by


All the numerical computations are done under Matlab R2018a. To solve the optimization problem, we apply a fast non-iterative algorithm, based on the following steps:

Non-iterative algorithm.

  1. Compute the solution of the problem (8) and the solution of the adjoint problem (20) in the unperturbed domain.

  2. Compute the topological gradient G in (36).

  3. Find the point x0 where the topological derivative is the most negative.

  4. Locate the inclusion ω at the point x0.

5.1 Example 1

In this example, the Dirichlet boundary condition is given by g=sinθ,θ02π. We present some numerical experiments using the functional Jp for different values of p (p=2,10,50) and the functional K. The coated inclusion ω to be located in order to minimize the objective function, is composed of two concentric disks Ω1 and Ω2 with radius r1=0.2 and r2=0.1. We compute the position x0 of ω using the proposed algorithm.

In Figures 25, the x1-coordinate of the center of the inclusion is fixed to zero and the x2-coordinate 0. We observe that the shape functional is decreasing with respect to the variation of the second coordinate x2. Figures 68 show the image of topological gradient and the image of temperature distribution after the minimization process. Figure 9 shows the image of the topological gradient corresponding to the shape functional J50. For p50, we observe that the shape functional tends to zero and the image of the topological gradient is most negative on the boundary ∂Ω. A suitable boundary condition that takes into account the effect of radiation and convection could be relevant in this case to solve properly the minimization problem.

Figure 2.

Values of the objective function J2 for variation of the x2-coordinate of the center of the inclusion.

Figure 3.

Values of the objective function J10 for variation of the x2-coordinate of the center of the inclusion.

Figure 4.

Values of the objective function J50 for variation of the x2-coordinate of the center of the inclusion.

Figure 5.

Values of the objective function K for variation of the x2-coordinate of the center of the inclusion.

Figure 6.

On the left the topological derivative of the functional J2 and on the right the temperature distribution relative to the position x0=0.01150.6915 of the coated inclusion given by Algorithm.

Figure 7.

On the left the topological derivative of the functional J10 and on the right the temperature distribution. x0=0.00350.9109 is the position given by Algorithm. In order to locate the inclusion far from the boundary ∂Ω, we have taken an approximation of x0, that is xa=00.75 for the optimization process.

Figure 8.

On the left the topological derivative of the functional K and on the right the temperature distribution with respect the position x0=0.00460.5850 given by Algorithm.

Figure 9.

The topological derivative of the functional J50.

5.2 Example 2

In this example, the Dirichlet boundary condition is given by g=sin2θ,θ02π. We show some numerical experiments in the case of two coated inclusions using the proposed algorithm corresponding to the shape functional K.

Figure 10 depicts the image of the topological gradient of the shape functional K and the image of temperature distribution after the optimization process.

Figure 10.

On the left the topological derivative of the functional K and on the right the temperature distribution when the positions of the coated inclusions are given by Algorith.


6. Conclusion

In this chapter, we have considered an optimization problem for a heat distribution in order to get a suitable thermal environment. We have performed the asymptotic expansion of the proposed shape functions with respect to the insertion of small coated inclusions. We have used a one shot algorithm based on the topological derivative to solve numerically the optimization problem. Numerical results are presented showing the efficiency of method. The proposed method can be extend to solve practical problems, like the thermal optimization of electrical multicables.


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Written By

Zakaria Belhachmi, Amel Ben Abda, Belhassen Meftahi and Houcine Meftahi

Reviewed: 22 March 2021 Published: 10 May 2021