Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Empowering Professional Competence and Moral Responsibility for Corporate Sustainability: Insights from Industry and University Strategic Alliance

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Miftachul Huda, Roslee Ahmad, Mohd Aderi Che Noh, Azmil Hashim, Mohd Hairy Ibrahim, Badlihisham Mohd Nasir, Siti Suhaila Ahwani, Arief Saleh Rosman, Nik Mohd Zaim Bin Ab Rahim and Monika Munirah Abd Razzak

Submitted: 08 September 2020 Reviewed: 12 October 2020 Published: 25 October 2021

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.94428

From the Edited Volume

Corporate Social Responsibility

Edited by Beatrice Orlando

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The stability of corporate sector is definitely related to the prominent firms’ conditions, where both inner and outer factor played a significant role in enhancing the value proportion in sustaining the existence. Although many was conducted in the outer part in the corporate sector, however, less attention was apparently being given to the internal point where professional and moral basis is needed for further exploration in giving insights into corporate sustainability. This chapter attempts to examine the insightful value of professional competence and moral responsibility to give the significant point in disseminating the enhancement of corporate sustainability. The literature review was carefully conducted from the referred articles: journals, books and conference proceedings on the related topic. The finding reveals that the insightful value of professional competence and moral responsibility in advancing the corporate sustainability could be achieved in particular point through industry and university alliance. The basis of this alliance of both could give insights into incorporating the particular model of strategic partnership along with the corporate social responsibility. Engaged through the higher education (HE) together with firm involvement, this aim refers to advance in achieving the quality balance on corporate social responsibility. As such, this study is expected to contribute in advancing the research development agenda on enhancing strategic partnership assigned between professional competences together with moral responsibility.


  • professional competency
  • moral responsibility
  • corporate sustainability
  • and university and industry Alliance partnership

1. Introduction

In the last decade, the paradigm shift of social responsibility and environmental concern has been considerably transmitted into Higher Education (HE) to play a significant role in disseminating the sustainability engagement through cooperating with some certain programs [1, 2, 3]. However, some considerable issues shown into the number of challenges such as environmental concern, lack of moral enhancement in the organisation sphere, and also other problematic issues should be considered into giving the cooperation on the way to expand sustainable-based arrangement in the HE context [4, 5]. This chapter is aimed at critical analysis about the strategic integration of governance enhancement in HE context in referring to concern in driving the procedural stage on sustainable development. The outstanding value of strategic governance in the way to empower sustainable-based program initiative by the HE could play a significant role in ensuring the primary contribution to shape the commitment to build the partnership into some programs to be incorporated within the institutional arrangements.

In addition, this work will give insights into the wide attempts to contribute into prudent public policy formulation in the way to implement good service along with meeting the needs to solve environmental and related issues. Moreover, strategic partnership trend incorporated with HE context at this stage would be the point of view for sustainable development agenda rooted into the way of living processes paradigm together with demonstrating the wide range of sustainable properties and patterns [6, 7]. Thus, the initial value of empowering sustainable-based strategic governance in HE context could be achieved through mutual cooperation with strategic partnership through adaptability, resiliency, awareness, creativity and flexibility interconnected to work with creating the sustainable engagement [8]. In providing the problem solving at this stage, it is important that wide range of opportunities in achieving the certain goal which HE may deal with should consequently bring the solution in generating the innovative approach in the attempts in encouraging the creative participation in working together to solve problems. Here the inner process could be transmitted into giving insights in providing the number of great potentials for planning together with implementation and monitoring the strategies as key responsibilities in the HE context to ensure the sustainable development could be achieved.


2. Incorporating strategic cooperation with management skills

In addition, the further exploration in advancing the structured cooperation amongst the various managements from the top to the ground side refers to enhance the initiative in giving the facilitation with the skills and abilities on organisational commitment. The competency element in enhancing technical management with sufficient knowledge understanding refers to develop the effective training through cooperative engagement amongst interpersonal association linked into the cultural environment awareness [9, 10]. In the attempts to begin with incorporating the approach relevant to the way to manage the individuals across the learning culture, it is important to take a note that strategic collaboration along with the mutual understanding has to go through the organisational commitment to achieve the goal [11, 12]. In terms of cooperative engagement transmitted into the organisational culture, the strategic approach should be expanded with the management skills in enabling the supportive practice to assist amongst them [13, 14]. The focus should be based on committing with the competency features in underlying the way of comprehending the sustainability assurance through allocation, where the financial sustenance has to be taken into consideration in ensuring the existence of continued practice [15, 16]. With this regard, the early control of monitoring the strategic performance along with assessing the progress should be incorporated into the systematic practice in the organisational culture.

In line with coordinating the operational standard on strategic cooperation, incorporating the leadership skills and well managed personal abilities is entirely a basic integration of mobilisation and organisation structure in the sustainable development. In this view, the way of managing both understanding and experienced skills refers to enhance the leadership basis together with incorporating the assessment procedure context. In the attempts to integrate the evaluation progress and continued practice, the organisational commitment here refers to engage into the active performance in achieving the efficiency and effectivity of driving the pathway to the planning goal target [17, 18]. Transmitting leadership in the basis of civic engagement aims to point out the way of disseminating the comprehensive vision configured with the contemporary circumstance in enabling the actual practice on what to do wisely and appropriately within the basic competence of organisational culture [19, 20]. Both coordination and management practice require going through organising the performance from the top to the ground level of the society. As such, attempts to manage in monitoring the appropriate practice are in line with expanding the societal basis coordinated with the programs and service to be delivered in the linkage of wider systematic direction.

In addition, managing the appropriate organisation linked into the social and personal basis has to be well constructed within the leadership skills. This particular attention attained through training programs would enable the coordination features as the strategic provision programs in deliberating the services together with monitoring standard operation [18, 21]. The actual aspect of theoretical and practical basis on incorporating the strategic management should bring along with a wide-ranging assessment of knowledge and skills capacity as noted in the basic guideline rule. The main priority given to the measurement process refers to entirely expand the organisational development linked into the personality with professional and moral responsibility [22]. In pointing out systematic procedure of what to do wisely and appropriately within main guideline of organisational skills, the engagement of coordination process and knowledge understanding transmitted into the competence outline aims to assist the practice in developing the culture atmosphere discipline [23, 24]. As such, addressing the culture strength in the organisational engagement is required to provide the role model of the way on supporting all personal and social management amongst wide range of corporate background mainly in expanding environmental responsibility [25]. With this regard, emphasising the know-how skills at the professional development should bring along with culture values in the organisational structure in order to transmit into the operation procedure management. Providing such achievement with formulating the personal, social and religious values into the organisational experience refers to expand eco-friendly support altered into the strategic approach on building the managerial cooperation [26, 27]. As the fundamental obligation of emphasising the professional progress in the organisational culture, the integrated norms of beliefs, commitment, and responsibility on developing the learning atmosphere through knowing from others’ experienced base attempts to maintain the principal organisation skills.


3. Professional competency in corporate context

The basic competencies refer to the particular area of conceptual synthesis in the basis of determining the components transmitted into the domain with policy making context [28]. The main identification could point out disseminating the core competencies regarded as the key role in distributing the professional skills mainly in organisation context. Towards the conceptual synthesis in driving the direction, the policy development basis in forming the core competencies should bring the strategic planning management in the context of coordination and negotiation [20]. In this view, attempts to advance the policy development need to incorporate the cross-coordination well prepared through considering the organisational planning in the context of management development procedure [29, 30]. With this regard, the organisation management with the particular coordination across professional competence refers to enhance the strategic communication skills as an asset in transmitting the collaboration attempt. In the professional learning for instance, attempts to develop the way of learning on what to do and how to achieve should bring along with the processes assigned into the material content in giving the care amongst the students’ learning [29, 31, 32]. Developing the organisation engagement through the various basic activities such as planning management, implementation stage, and evaluation procedure would enable the conceptualisation amongst the users in directing the professional competencies.

In line with elucidating the basic point of professional know-hows, addressing the overall competencies materials in developing the individual management should bring along with promoting the organisation sustainability. In the attempts to expand the basic competency through conceptualising professionalism with the entire context of teaching material in addressing the level of thinking skills, it is necessary to enhance in developing such attainment in the organisational activities [33]. In terms of identification basis on addressing the overall context on professional competence, corporate sustenance in following the overall point of organisational sustainability should be taken into account promoting the core competencies wisely and appropriately [34]. With this regard, the way of understanding the basic points of competency elements refers to the detailed conceptualizations in the perspective of variety of essential part of professional in line with providing the individual and social management on what to do and how appropriately within the basic principle [35]. This should do with the attempts on elucidating the guideline material on professional basis together with suitability into application procedure. In this context, the entire identification towards material sources in conceptualising the various bases on synthesis in highlighting the main concern and also mutual link needs to be described in particular way in having a look at the possible link of professional competencies into the basic theoretical framework.

In addition, the particular point of giving the guidance through the strategic plan management could be expanded with the professional competency basis referring to the wider detail on the rule advance. It is important to note that the attempts on theorising the main category of knowledge understanding and practical pattern has to do with the focus on skills improvement transmitted into the human abilities in the organisational context. Both knowledge basis and practical skills are the key point on promoting the strategic abilities linked into the policy management in underlying the organisational context of learning enhancement [29, 36]. As a result, it is necessary to enlarge the basic assessments of professional capabilities in fitting to the elements of professional competency in underlying the strategic planning management context. Adopted into the technical basis on the organisation sustainability, the need to fully have the suitability in following the environmental condition has to be expanded with the strategic design on wellbeing circumstance and training program [37]. The essential conceptualisation on knowledge expertise and practical skills are the key line in directing the role of professional competence in driving the wisdom components together with developing the strategic appointment of building harmony [38, 39, 40, 41]. At this point of view, balance between knowledge and skills should bring into the policy making with the health accomplishment into the organisational sustainability.


4. Expanding professional competence-based knowledge skills

The committed awareness on enhancing the professional competence referring to the material sources of conceptualising the knowledge and skills assigned into the professional competence could have a strategic point in transforming the policy making fitted into the practice [42]. In following the health condition procedure for policy making, it is necessary to take note as an important point in transmitting the knowledge understanding and practical skills in the way to transform individual and social awareness in accepting the rule and guideline point. Towards the essential components of knowledge understanding and practical skills in the professional competence, attempts to link the point of policy into practice have to develop the theoretical framework basis referring to such both attainment in getting clear goal of achieving the objectives in line with the vision [43, 44]. Through expanding the wider accessibility in providing the appropriate guideline in running the organisational stability, the professional skills assigned into emphasising the leadership management role have a necessary point with the attempts to transform the policy outcome into practical stage. In particular, the extensive point of knowledge understanding together practical skills refer to give insights into developing the featured detail on expanding the awareness through the identification and description towards strategic management planning.

In terms of giving the clear picture on key point of implementation stage, basic understanding on the way to develop the procedure from the macro to the micro stage should bring along with strategic point in enlarging the true information and the key stages of translating such rule into the local context. The mutual link of policy making and environmental concern needs to have a balance through the systematic approach of both development and management, in the sense that is explicitly determined into the wider context of organisation, mainly in the corporate capacity [20, 35]. With this regard, cooperative expense and competitive advantage has to be applicable into the context of social approach with the cultural empowerment within the learning environment [45, 46]. Explicitly articulated into the stage of social culture approach, determining the professional competence could be viewed into the various points including the basis of comprehending the administrative environment [47, 48]. As such, the number refers to the extensive point of understanding the governmental atmosphere in how to manage properly in such way within the organisational sustainability. In this view, the following point of giving the beneficial feedback raises the way of having the decision making assigned into getting clear about the goal achievement through the involvement on managing the overall vision of corporate sector.

In the attempts to incorporate the strategically objective point through formulating the number of goals to be achieved within the visions, professional skills expressed into measuring the health procedure of policy making need to incorporate in employing the effective strategy together with appropriate means in expanding the social and individual balance along with planning management. In this view, the strategic appointment in getting accessibility in transmitting the information relevant to the customer need in the basis of the entire methods on expressing the corporate governance should bring along with the strategic organisation plan formulated in the basis of emphasising the organisational sustainability technique [49, 50]. As such, the essentials of strategic competency as the culture in expanding the social elements with organisational development would be the key assessment of determining the policy making together with establishing the management procedure structured into the technical based governance.


5. Strengthening moral responsibility for corporate sustainability

The basis of committing with the moral responsibility refers to the focused alignment in enabling knowledge and wisdom integrated within the corporate sustainability through the procedural context. The moral engagement assigned into the professional skills requires the understanding way on enhancing the accountability awareness [51]. Balanced with the learning process committed in enhancing the moral responsibility, the responsiveness on possessing the manners quality the context of organisational context should bring along with transmitting the personal capacity together with social accountability. Personal quality with moral standard could give insightful value in underlying the appropriate manners in the social community, apart from the corporate base [41, 52, 53]. The need to emphasise the moral ethics has to be taken into consideration in transmitting the individual quality assurance together with expanding know-how association in the organisational sustenance in the corporate context. The particular attention on committing with moral behaviour to give the strategic incorporation in the individual and social concern needs to engage with incorporating the organisational culture [54]. In engaging with the moral manner standard to underlie the strategic incorporation of corporate responsibility awareness, it is important to take into consideration in dealing with the integrity commitment of balancing between individual and social accountability.

In addition, the particular attention of possessing the moral standard assigned with the professional development refers to deal with sustaining the individual quality to enhance the responsible awareness committed to maintain the environmental concern towards the pollution. Attempts to commit in behaving moral manner standard in line with corporate sustenance and social community refer to the strategic incorporation of balancing between individual quality and promise in ensuring the moral values responsibility [38, 55, 56]. With this regard, the certain principle in dealing with the community development through committing with the moral manners has to be incorporated into the basis of personal expansion’s moral responsibility. In the wider context, the transmission process of quality assurance between individual performance and social responsibility should bring along with stressing corporate social responsibility (CSR), where the platform could be assigned with service learning [19, 25]. In achieving such transformation in the balance between professional and moral accountability, the extent of CSR based workplace in the firms’ environment should be emphasised with expanding the responsibility awareness together with the knowledge understanding in underlying the way to conduct appropriately within the guideline [57, 58]. With the proper inclusion in emphasising the essential foundation towards the moral principle, the wide-ranging responsible engagement is considerably in raising personal and social awareness.

In addition, taking responsibility commitment with the strategic awareness undertaken between personal and social engagement is widely determined as the actual practice framework in facilitating the appropriate conduct with the particular attempts in determining proper knowledge appropriately related to the manner standard. In order to be implemented in corporate community and social concern, the additional responsibility components might be determined in transmitting the firm’s practice together with environmental care as a comprehensive process with the continuous support in attaining the respectful responsibility [59, 60, 61, 62]. Since the engagement process in achieving the understanding stage about the moral manners, the mutual connection between industrial practice and its environmental community incorporation has to be transformed into realising the goal as the main objective of plan management decision. In terms of incorporating the special attention to incorporate the moral manner standard in underlying the proper way with decision making process, the committed awareness of applying for the production process and supply chain management refers to the careful engagement of maintaining the strategic principles of making transparent in the procedural process [63, 64]. As a result, the firms’ goal orientation on the certain plan management should ensure in achieving the knowledge transfer from the top to the bottom amidst the corporate community. It is important to take note that understanding basis, practical stage, and commitment enhancement could be properly transmitted into obtaining the continuity of corporate sustainability.


6. Expanding professional competence and moral responsibility in advancing corporate sustainability

Attempts to empower the corporate sustainability through professional and moral balance are in line with the strategic principles of oriented quality standard as the basis on expanding individual and social quality assurance [65, 66]. With the orientation of standard quality in achieving the nurturance of principles of corporate sustainability, the need to incorporate professional competence and moral responsibility should be taken into consideration in advancing the environmental concern in the worldwide. The wider attempts on achieving the standard quality in committing with the main principles of professional and moral engagement should bring along with continued learning procedure transformed into the mutual accountability in ensuring the proper solution with a wise approach basis [39, 67, 68]. As such, getting advance towards the appropriate solution of transmitting individual quality with the social responsibility refers to expand the progression in responding the challenging issues on the professional competence, such as lack of digital native towards information management, communication strategy for harmony, and also environmental concern. With this regard, the committed awareness in possessing the responsible engagement to determine the standard quality of firm’ manufacturing process and production procedure should be wisely consolidated within the main principle as in the design plan [69, 70]. In this view, the continued assessment should be conducted properly in achieving the responsible continuance together with bringing professional and moral orientated procedure.

In line with expanding professional competence in advancing corporate responsibility, moral responsibility progression is determined as an essential element to bring along with considering the individual and social balance transmitted into the committed awareness. The subsequent orientation of gaining the extent of standard quality on the goal achievement refers to have a sufficient enhancement towards the overall production process together the service management performance [71, 72, 73]. It is important to take note that social and individual quality assurance should bring along looking into the whole context of purpose-based instruction strategy. Determining the main point of basic application on professional skills, the overall production process could incorporate with continuing experiential-based learning, referring to the service learning enhancement [19, 25, 30]. In this view, the real application basis assigned into taking the mutually beneficial value from the entire process of production instruction needs to potentially fit into the strategic purpose as in the plan decision. In enhancing the instructional purpose by bringing the commitment awareness on professional expertise and moral duty, having the mutual responsibility with particular attention on obtaining the appropriate solution towards the certain challenging issues possibly emerged has to go through wisdom-basis. As such, this specific incorporation basis as the strategic way to look into the whole context of the particular issues could bring the particular means to find out the proper answer. It is sure to acknowledge that the extensive point of systematic approach will give insights in allowing the appropriate solution in giving the response on the challenging issues, for instance conflict between individual and social concern. With this regard, the corporate social responsibility (CSR) may play its role in giving the appropriate way in managing the multi-human with their unique diversity background within one venue in the certain firm.

In terms of intensifying the solving progression towards the certain problematic issues, the prominent element of knowledge skills referring to both professional and moral competence should bring along with designing the principles in line with the phase of production and service. As such, the particular attention on instructing the commitment on determining the goal achievement together with firms’ procedural context has to go through balancing the alignment on taking benefit along with intensifying concern of personality and community in assisting the readiness into the firms’ environmental basis [74, 75, 76]. With this regard, addressing the wider context of achieving the accessibility in assessing the profit assigned into the societal concern is potentially needed to have a sufficient measurement on the quality process and outcome. The certain standard quality in attempting to incorporate the solving problem towards the issues possibly occurred refers to expand a sufficient preparation in managing professional and moral responsibility within the social community [77, 78, 79]. Apart from this, the consolidation on transmitting into the production service needs to point out disseminating the principal requirement in achieving target through mentoring procedure in the form of dynamic approach. In the contextual basis, determining the societal approach with the balance between quality and duty amongst the firms’ team should bring along with the committed awareness in maximising the appropriate manners actually comprehended in enabling what to do in line with right and responsibility in corporate sustainability [67, 80, 81]. In ensuring the sustainable development in continuing the process together with matching to the proper way, the procedural context in emphasising the strategic enhancement to cooperate into the entire process of firms should do with empowering the personal and social responsibility within the continued performances in achieving the planned aim together with providing them the solving-based strategy. Through maximising the knowledge-based comprehension together with actual practice incorporation, the basic systems in empowering the corporate sustainability is really linked into the problem-based management assigned into incorporating the stage of firms’ objective plan to lead into the sustainable development.


7. Empowering strategic partnership between university and industry collaboration

The strategic partnership between Higher Education (HE) and industry refers to widely transmit the central role to raise the innovative approach in founding the mutual consistency towards the plan arranged in the agreement. In the recognition context, universities are central to ensure the knowledge transfer from the theoretical basis to the actual performance [65]. With this regard, the innovation-based mutual cooperation is potentially involved into the sufficient consolidation to have an arrangement of playing the key role through research and development (R&D). Moreover, the particular attention should bring along with an innovation on the basic research agenda together with know-how assignment and knowledge dissemination to the firms’ creative innovation enhancement. Thus, professional and moral responsibility should be incorporated through knowledge expertise under university alignment and real practice under firms’ production and process. Disseminating the entire process of strategic alliance of university-industry refers to attempt in maximising the jointly published research from the real-practice carried from the theoretical idea background [35]. In this view, maximising the diffusion to expand the firms’ processes to underlie the university–industry (UI) connections should bring along with making a value to empower the key role amongst academics and strategic creators. As such, the beneficial value policymakers can make is potentially engaging into the proper way in maximising the efficiency and effectiveness on the practical stability amongst the firms’ production together with enhancing the academic activities.

In line with managing the continued stability of UI strategic partnership, the proper arrangement of decision making process involving the academic skills together with an innovative practice of firms’ regional and local stability should be carried in a continued transmission. It is important to take note that expanding the significance of enhancing the crucial aspect of academic contribution into the industry’s continued performance should bring along with the multidisciplinary enhancement. With this regard, attempts to consider in a particular alignment of UI partnership will result in expanding the outcome linked into the plan arrangement [82], in the sense that can be announced with the innovation policy the stakeholders can access to conduct wisely and appropriately [83]. Strategic alignment incorporated between academia and industrial expansion refers to consider the proper arrangement in looking into the available space to fulfil in line with the agenda of commercialisation [84]. Moreover, the principal incorporation of UI in the basis of academic agenda and policy making in the firms’ procedural context should look into the innovative approach on characterising the sectors of theoretical and practical side as an ultimate point in taking into account the corporate strategy. With this regard, the strategic partnership here should enable the mutual line of conducting the structured research activities through the facilities provided by the corporate sector, where the scientific product and service could be expanded in a particular approach. It indicated that the mutual link of UI is consolidated into recognising the pattern significantly aligned into highlighting the pattern from the research agenda as arranged in the plan. The particular linkage of scientific approach together with technology engagement refers to expand continued sustenance on staying relevant, in the sense that is established into innovation.

In addition, the subsequent point in determining the relation in highlighting the diverse patterns to raise the innovation together with scientific expertise on knowledge basis refers to have a sufficient characterisation of strategic partnership. With this regard, enhancing the academia and industrial partnership should go through the mutual line of scientific style assigned into the actual firms’ following practice [85], production and service [86], together with exchanging strategic idea [87]. As such, the industry role in implementing the knowledge understanding towards the scientific discipline in expanding the fundamental research collaboration refers to expand the outcome based achievement incorporated through commercialization. The ultimate point of disseminating the construction process of industry and academia in increasing the number of collaboration through cross sector discipline needs to enhance the strategic plan to innovate the main component of cooperation in the wider form. For instance, both social sciences and applied one may have their own decision for selecting the venue in establishing the research area of technology allocation to get beneficial value [88].

In the further incorporation process of enhancing the strategic partnership, attempts to improve the sufficient contribution on getting the crucial design for UI strategic partnership should be taken into consideration in empowering the complementary procedure to organise in a proper way together with cooperating innovation and creativity. As such, this attainment refers to raise the production process transmitted into creating the new normal amidst the digital age, where all rules and regulation through data transmission could be accessible through an online platform [89, 90]. Thus, digital governance dimension is potentially putting forward the electronic basis together with an online platform to enlarge the technology transformation and knowledge transfer to sustain the innovation in underlying the effectiveness and effectivity of firms’ production. As arranged into the principal strategy of UI collaboration, the continued agenda of dealing with the policy making procedure should have a sufficient proportion on strengthening the mutual line of goal achievement through diverse norms and implementation stage. It is important to note that cooperative engagement of UI strategic partnership could restore the essential element on outcome-based research to assist in enhancing the productivity and efficiency.


8. Implications for university and industry’s strategic partnership

The strategic partnership of university and industry alliance could be improved in the attempts on building the collaboration initiative for sustainable governance. This is to ensure the environmental concern issues may be handled together with achieving the wide range of corporate values in facing the sustainable problems [91]. With considering the emerging issues on complex circumstance of environmental problems, university and industry-strategic alliance partnership should be addressed into demanding the active engagement for the society basis in resolving the issues appropriately within the wise basis. Sustainable awareness in governing the systems in running the program project is entirely rooted with the mutual achievement of fulfilling the need for sustainability-based moral quality. In this view, the encouragement process of governing the sustainable expansion should bring along with stressing the responsibility awareness in attaining the environmental conduciveness [92]. The way of getting improved with a real implementation of corporate values attainment assigned into the social responsibility should be committed to enhance the initiative of responding the environmental concern. Critical exposure on committing with the responsibility awareness has to begin with gaining the societal community through joining partnership alliance between private and public sector in ensuring the integrity development for sustainable development.

In addition, the significant approach in empowering the sustainable development through strategic partnership engagement in determining an important instrument to adopt the positive feeling involved with optimistic mechanism progression to achieve the societal balance. Through the critical mechanism on considering the initiative of sustainability enhancement, the commitment on expanding the rise of partnerships in the setting of societal steering mechanisms could be initially incorporated with self-control management systems in enabling the accessibility of decision making policy to open recommendation for new progress initiative reform [93]. The variety of joining the cooperation along with the environmentally sustainable concern should be provided with the new arrangement assigned into the distinctive engagement process for strategic mechanisms in achieving the goal achievement. In this context, joining strategic partnerships incorporated with the emerging trends and approaches on the environmental governance arrangements should be employed with framing the appropriate instrument to deal with problem solving skills together with rational thinking scale [94]. As such, this emerging trend combined with the nature point of determining the partnership to accelerate the goal decision refers to attain the necessity of knowledge understanding on the way to maximise on the functioning of partnerships. With exploring the perspective from focusing on the framing initiative as the strategic instruments to support the goal achievement, the individual actors in advancing the skills of problem solving should be transmitted into the knowledge understanding with the partnership engagement.

In line with incorporating the partnership engagement through academia and industry alliance, the goal achievement of sustainable responsibility could expand the entire assessment in organising the mutual commitment to advance the initiative of knowledge base on the current academic trend within the contextual comprehension [95]. In the effort to advance the strategic partnerships to enlarge the commitment initiated in the context of sustainable development, the way of organising the procedural context should be addressed along with reviewing the current basis in addressing the knowledge type gained through identifying the principal understanding on environmental issues. Through fulfilling the components of this knowledge gap, the critical exposure in the attempts of reviewing process should bring along with beginning into the basic issues reflected through contextual approach in order to determine the necessary goal achievement dealt with the strategic plan to be applied amongst the emerging issues wisely and appropriately within the principal guideline of sustainable development responsibility [96]. In this view, the role of strategic planning management is important to give an insightful value of what to do and how to achieve in the context of sustainability enhancement for environmental context. This is to ensure in enabling the balance between content and context within a mutual line into the practical and theoretical engagement assimilated with enlarging the characterisation of the significant way to explore the knowledge understanding basis. In the attempts on building the valuable points of strategic partnership, the comprehensive assessment should be undertaken in a mutual line of examining the necessary contribution to be achieved through elaborating the significant essence in sustainability commitment.


9. Conclusion

In this chapter, the expansion of enhancing the stability of corporate sector and academic potentials refers to cooperate with the prominent conditions in both inner and outer factor. As such, the interplay amongst them could give a significant role in enhancing the value proportion in sustaining the existence. Adopted with the outer part in the corporate sector, the internal point of professional and moral basis should be taken into consideration to further explore in giving insights into corporate sustainability. This chapter did examine the insightful value of professional competence and moral responsibility to give the significant point in disseminating the enhancement of corporate sustainability. The insightful value of professional competence and moral responsibility in advancing the corporate sustainability could be achieved in particular point through industry and university alliance. The basis of this alliance of both could give insights into incorporating the particular model of strategic partnership along with the corporate social responsibility. Engaged through the higher education (HE) together with firm involvement, this aim refers to advance in achieving the quality balance on corporate social responsibility. As such, this study is expected to contribute in advancing the research development agenda on enhancing strategic partnership assigned between professional competences together with moral responsibility.


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Written By

Miftachul Huda, Roslee Ahmad, Mohd Aderi Che Noh, Azmil Hashim, Mohd Hairy Ibrahim, Badlihisham Mohd Nasir, Siti Suhaila Ahwani, Arief Saleh Rosman, Nik Mohd Zaim Bin Ab Rahim and Monika Munirah Abd Razzak

Submitted: 08 September 2020 Reviewed: 12 October 2020 Published: 25 October 2021