Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Discrete-Time Nonlinear Attitude Tracking Control of Spacecraft

Written By

Yuichi Ikeda

Submitted: 16 March 2019 Reviewed: 02 June 2019 Published: 30 July 2019

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.87191

From the Edited Volume

Gyroscopes - Principles and Applications

Edited by Xuye Zhuang and Lianqun Zhou

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Recent space programs require agile and large-angle attitude maneuvers for applications in various fields such as observational astronomy. To achieve agility and large-angle attitude maneuvers, it will be required to design an attitude control system that takes into account nonlinear motion because agile and large-angle rotational motion of a spacecraft in such missions represents a nonlinear system. Considerable research has been done about the nonlinear attitude tracking control of spacecraft, and these methods involve a continuous-time control framework. However, since a computer, which is a digital device, is employed as a spacecraft controller, the control method should have discrete-time control or sampled-data control framework. This chapter considers discrete-time nonlinear attitude tracking control problem of spacecraft. To this end, a Euler approximation system with respect to tracking error is first derived. Then, we design a discrete-time nonlinear attitude tracking controller so that the closed-loop system consisting of the Euler approximation system becomes input-to-state stable (ISS). Furthermore, the exact discrete-time system with a derived controller is indicated semiglobal practical asymptotic (SPA) stable. Finally, the effectiveness of proposed control method is verified by numerical simulations.


  • spacecraft
  • attitude tracking control
  • discrete-time nonlinear control

1. Introduction

Recent space programs require agile and large-angle attitude maneuvers for applications in various fields such as observational astronomy [1, 2, 3]. To achieve agility and large-angle attitude maneuvers, it will be required to design an attitude control system that takes into account nonlinear motion because agile and large-angle rotational motion of a spacecraft in such missions represents a nonlinear system.

Considerable research has been done about the nonlinear attitude tracking control of spacecraft [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12], and these methods involve a continuous-time control framework. However, since a computer, which is a digital device, is employed as a spacecraft controller, the control method should have discrete-time control or sampled-data control framework.

Although a sampled-data control method for nonlinear system did not advance because it is difficult to discretize a nonlinear system, a control method based on the Euler approximate model has been proposed in recent years [13, 14] and is applied to ship control [15]. Although our research group has proposed a sampled-data control method using backstepping [16] and a discrete-time control method based on sliding mode control [17] for spacecraft control problem, these methods are disadvantageous because control input amplitude depends on the sampling period T as the control law is of the form u=ax+bx/T.

For these facts, about the spacecraft attitude control problem that requires agile and large-angle attitude maneuvers, this chapter proposed a discrete-time nonlinear attitude tracking control in which the control input amplitude is independent of the sampling period T. The effectiveness of proposed control method is verified by numerical simulations.

The following notations are used throughout the chapter. Let R and N denote the real and the integer numbers. Rn and Rn×m are the sets of real vectors and matrices. For real vector aRn, aT is the vector transpose, a denotes the Euclidean norm, and a×R3×3 is the skew symmetric matrix


derived from vector aR3. For real symmetric matrix A, A>0 means the positive definite matrix. The identity matrix of size 3×3 is denoted by I3. λAmaxR and λAminR are the maximal and the minimal eigenvalues of a matrix A, respectively.


2. Relative equation of motion and discrete-time model for spacecraft

In this chapter, as the kinematics represents the attitude of the spacecraft with respect to the inertia frame i, the modified Rodrigues parameters (MRPs) [5] are used. The rotational motion equations of the spacecraft’s body-fixed frame b are given by the following equations:


where Eq. (1) is the kinematics that represents the attitude of b with respect to the i, Eq. (2) is the rotation dynamics, σtR3 [−] is the MRPs, ωtR3 [rad/s] is the angular velocity, utR3 [Nm] is the control torque (input), wtR3 [Nm] is the disturbance input, and JR3×3 [kg m2] is the moment of inertia.

We consider a control problem in which a spacecraft tracks a desired attitude (MRPs) σdtR3 and angular velocity ωdtR3 in fixed frame d. The MRPs of the relative attitude σetR3 and the relative angular velocity ωetR3 in the frame b are given by


where CtR3×3 is the direction cosine matrix from b to d that expresses the following Eq. [7]:


Substituting Eqs. (3) and (4) into Eqs. (1) and (2) using the identity Ċt=ωet×Ct yields the following relative motion equations:

ω̇et= J1[ωet+Ctωdt×Jωet+CtωdtJCtω̇dtωet×Ctωdt+ut+wtE7

Hereafter, we assume that the variables of spacecraft σt and ωt are directly measurable and J is known. In addition, regarding the desired states σdt, ωdt, ω̇dt, and the disturbance wt, the following assumption is made.

Assumption 1: the desired states σdt, ωdt, and ω̇dt are uniformly continuous and bounded t0. The disturbance wt is uniformly bounded t0.

From Eqs. (A4) and (A5) in Appendix, the exact discrete-time model of relative motion equations is obtained as


and the Euler approximate model of relative motion equations are obtained as


3. Discrete-time nonlinear attitude tracking control

We derive a controller based on the backstepping approach that makes the closed-loop system consisting of the Euler approximate modes (10) and (11) become input-to-state stable (ISS), i.e., the state variable of closed-loop system xk=σe,kTωe,kTT satisfies the following equation:


where ρ· is the class KL function and γ· is the class K function. To this end, assume that ωe,k is the virtual input to subsystem (10), and derive the stabilizing function αk that σe,k is asymptotic convergence to zero. Then, derive the control input uk that closed-loop system becomes ISS. Here, regarding the variable σe,k, the following assumption is made.

Assumption 2:σe,k lies in the region that satisfies the following equation:


Remark 1: from the relational expression


where εe,kR3 and ηe,kR are the quaternion (εe,kTηe,kT=1,εe,k1,ηe,k1,k). Assumption 2 is equivalent to ηe,k01.

In addition, Lemmas when using the derivation of the control law are shown below.

Lemma 1: for all σR3, the following equations hold [5]:


Lemma 2: when the quadratic equation


has two distinct real roots x=α,βα<β, if a>0, then the solution of the quadratic inequality


is α<x<β.

3.1 Derivation of virtual input αk

Assume that ωe,k is the virtual input to subsystem (10), and define the stabilizing function such that


where f1R is the feedback gain. The candidate Lyapunov function for (10) is defined as


From Lemma 1, the difference of Eq. (13) along the trajectories of the closed-loop system is given by


From Lemma 2, ΔV1k becomes negative, i.e., the range of f1 that holds the following equation


is obtained as


In addition, since 21/bk4 under Assumption 2, the range of f1 that holds Eq. (15) is obtained as


Therefore, if f1 satisfies Eq. (17) and ωe,kαkk, then σe,k0.

3.2 Derivation of control input uk

The error variable between the state ωe,k and αk is defined as


The control input uk that makes the closed-loop system becomes ISS is derived.

From Eq. (18), subsystem (10) becomes


From Eqs. (18) and (19) and the following equation


the discrete-time equation with respect to zk is

zk+1=zk+Tf1Gσe,kzkf1bkσe,k+ TJ1zk+α,k+Ckωd,k×Jzk+α,k+Ckωd,k JCkω̇d,kzk+α,k×Ckωd,k+uk+wk.E20

Now, by setting uk to

uk= zk+α,k+Ckωd,k×Jzk+α,k+Ckωd,k+ JCkω̇d,kzk+α,k×Ckωd,k f1JGσe,kzkf1bkσe,kf2Jzk,

Eq. (20) becomes


where f2R is the feedback gain. The candidate Lyapunov function for Eqs. (19) and (21) is defined as


As Eq. (14) is given by


from Eq. (18), by using completing square, the difference of Eq. (22) along the trajectories of the closed-loop system is given by

ΔV2k= T2f222Tf2+T2bk2zk2+Tf1bk22Tf1bkσe,k2+2Tbk1Tf1bkzkTσe,kT+T2wkTJ2wk+2T1Tf2wkTJ1zk2T2f224Tf2+T2bk2+1zk2+Tf1bk22Tf1bkσe,k2+2Tbk1Tf1bkzkTσe,kT+2TλJ2wk2= XkTQkXk+2TλJ2wk2,E23



In Eq. (23), if Qk<0, then


where λQkmin<0R is the minimum eigenvalue of Qk and the condition of ISS holds [18]. Hereafter, conditions of f1 and f2 which the matrix Qk holds Qk<0 are derived under Assumption 2.

From Schur complement, condition Qk<0 is equivalent to the following equations:


Condition (24) is the same as Eq. (15), and assume that Eq. (24) holds. From Lemma 2, the range of f2 that holds for Eq. (25) is obtained as


and the following Eq.


must hold true in order to obtain a real number. As the denominator of Eq. (27) is the same as Eq. (24), the following equation must hold


in order to hold Eq. (27). From Lemma 2, the range of f1 that holds for Eq. (28) is obtained as


and the following Eq.


must hold in order to have the real number. As 21/bk4 under Assumption 2, T must satisfy the condition


In addition, since


under Assumption 2, the condition (29) is given by


Therefore, if f1 satisfies Eq. (32) under Assumption 2, Eqs. (27) and (28) hold. Furthermore, since


under Assumption 2, the condition (26) is given by.


Therefore, if f1 and f2 satisfy Eqs. (32) and (33) under Assumption 2, then Qk<0.

Summarizing the above, the following theorem can be obtained.

Theorem 1: if sampling period T and feedback gains f1 and f2 satisfy Eqs. (31), (32), and (33) under Assumption 2, then the closed-loop systems (10) and (11) with the following control law

uk= zk+α,k+Ckωd,k×Jzk+α,k+Ckωd,k+JCkω̇d,kzk+α,k×Ckωd,kf1JGσe,kzkf1bkσe,kf2Jzk= ωk×Jωk+JCkω̇d,kzk+α,k×Ckωd,kf1f2Jσe,kJf1Gσe,k+f2I3ωe,kE34

becomes ISS.

Then, we show that the pair ukV2k is semiglobal practical asymptotic (SPA) stabilizing pair for the Euler approximate systems (10) and (11). Hereafter, suppose that sampling period T and feedback gains f1 and f2 satisfy Eqs. (31), (32), and (33) under Assumption 2. By using the following coordinate transformation


Lyapunov function V2k and its difference ΔV2k can be rewritten as


Since R>0 and Q¯k<0, V2k and ΔV2k satisfy following equations:


In addition, X¯k is bounded, and V2k is radially unbounded from Eqs. (35) and (36). Hence, the control input (34) satisfies the following equation under Assumption 1:


where M is a positive constant. Furthermore, V2k also satisfies the following equation for all x,zR6 with maxxzΔ:


where Δ is a positive constant. Therefore, from Eqs. (35) to (38), Lyapunov function V2k and control input uk satisfied Eqs. (A8)(A11) in Definition 2 under Assumptions 1 and 2, and the pair ukV2k becomes SPA stabilizing pair for the Euler approximate systems (10) and (11). Then, the following theorem can be obtained by Theorem A.1 in Appendix.

Theorem 2: control input (34) is SPA stabilizing for exact discrete-time systems (8) and (9).


4. Numerical simulation

The properties of the proposed method are discussed in the numerical study. For this purpose, parameter setting of simulation is as follows:


The moment of inertia J is from [1]. The initial values σ0 correspond to Euler angles of 1–2-3 system of θ0=θ10θ20θ30T=000Tdeg. The feedback gains f1 and f2 satisfy Eqs. (25) and (28) for all cases of T. The desired states σdt, ωdt, and ω̇dt in this simulation are the switching maneuver as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1.

Switching maneuver.

The results of the numerical simulation are shown in Figures 25. The relative attitude σet and relative angular velocity ωet converge to the neighborhood of σetωet=00, and the control input amplitude ut does not depend on the sampling period T although there is a slight difference in the maximal value of ut.

Figure 2.

Time histories of MRPs σt and σet (solid line, case 1; dashed-dotted line, case 2; dashed line, and case 3; dotted line, σdt).

Figure 3.

Time histories of attitude angles θt and θet (solid line, case 1; dashed-dotted line, case 2; dashed line, and case 3; dotted line, θdt).

Figure 4.

Time histories of angular velocities ωt and ωet (solid line, case 1; dashed-dotted line, case 2; dashed line, and case 3; dotted line, ωdt).

Figure 5.

Time histories of control input ut (solid line, case 1; dashed-dotted line, case 2; and dashed line, case 3).


5. Conclusion

This chapter considers the spacecraft attitude tracking control problem that requires agile and large-angle attitude maneuvers and proposed a discrete-time nonlinear attitude tracking control that the amplitude of the control input does not depend on the sampling period T. The effectiveness of proposed control method is verified by numerical simulations. Extension to the guarantee of stability as sampled-data control system will be subject to future work.


This section shows preliminary results for nonlinear sampled-data control [13, 14, 19].

Let us consider the following nonlinear system:


where xtRn is the state variable and xtRm is the control input. The function fxtut in Eq. (A1) is assumed to be such that, for each initial condition and each constant control input, there exists a unique solution defined on some intervals of x0τ.

The nonlinear system (A1) is assumed to be between a sampler (A/D converter) and zero-order hold (D/A converter), and the control signal is assumed to be piecewise constant, that is,


where T>0 is a sampling period. In addition, assume that the state variable


is measurable at each sampling instance. The exact discrete-time model and Euler approximate model of the nonlinear sampled-data systems (A1)(A3) are expressed as follows, respectively:


where we abbreviate xk and uk to xk and uk. For the stability of the exact discrete-time model (A4) (FTe) and Euler approximate model (A5) (FTEuler), the following definitions are used [13, 14, 19].

Definition 1: consider the following discrete-time nonlinear system:


where xkRn is the state variable and uTxkRm is a control input. The family of controllers uTxk SPA stabilizes the system (A6) if there exists a class KL function β· such that for any strictly positive real numbers Dν, there exists T>0, and such that for all T0T and all initial state x0 with x0D, the solution of the system satisfies


Definition 2: let T̂>0 be given, and for each T0T̂, let functions VT:RnR and uT:RnRm be defined. The pair of families uTVT is a SPA stabilizing pair for the system (A7) if there exist a class K functions α1, α2, and α3 such that for any pair of strictly positive real numbers Δδ, there exists a triple of strictly positive real numbers TLMTT̂ such that for all x,zRn withmaxxzΔ, and T0T:


In addition, if there exists T>0 such that Eqs. (A8)(A11) with δ=0 hold for all xRn and T0T, then the pair uTVT is globally asymptotic (GA) stabilizing pair for the system (A6).

Using the above definitions, the following theorem is obtained by literatures [13, 14, 19].

Theorem A.1: if the pair uTVT is SPA stabilizing for FTEuler, then uT is SPA stabilizing for FTe .

Hence, if we can find a family of pairs of uTVT that is a GA or SPA stabilizing pair for FTEuler, then the controller uT will stabilize the exact model FTe.


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Written By

Yuichi Ikeda

Submitted: 16 March 2019 Reviewed: 02 June 2019 Published: 30 July 2019