1. Introduction
MODI2. The modiCAS surgical assistance robot
The concept of the MODI
Utilizing a robot manipulator for such positioning tasks offers significant advantages in contrast to pure navigation systems. First, a robot manipulator guided by a precise localization system can position any surgical instrument with a very high precision for a long period of time, without tremor, exhaustion or the possibility of slipping. Second, the surgeon, who is released from the monotonous but straining positioning task, can fully concentrate on the main focus of the intervention, for instance what force he applies to the bony structure when he mills or drills using any wrist-mounted, manually controlled instrument.
One key feature of the MODI
One further research and development goal is to make a rigid fixation of the patient unnecessary by integrating an online tracking function that automatically updates the pose of the aligned instrument in real time if the patient moves. Reducing the dynamic error without degrading the stationary precision of such tracking functionality is a challenging task. In practice, the reachable dynamics and precision are bounded by technical constraints of the system components. Thus, the robot control must be carefully adopted to those system parameters. A reliable simulation model of the whole tracking procedure will be helpful to get a better understanding of the patient tracking principle and the influence of various system parameters on the tracking quality. The development of such a model and the identification of its dynamic parameters, as well as one example of use, will be the focus of this article.
3. Real time tracking of patient’s movements by the robot
Due to the fact that the MODI
The PA10 robot arm from MHI is shipped as a modular system that allows three different ways of interfacing. The easiest way is to use a dedicated MOTION CONTROL BOARD (MHI MCB) that carries out the entire basic functionality which is typically provided with common industrial robots e.g. like forward and inverse kinematics calculations, control in cartesian or joint space and trajectory path planning. The MHI MCB was utilized within the first generation of the MODI
If the robot kinematics, describing the geometric relation between the joint angles and the robot wrist pose, are exactly calibrated and further the geometric relation between the base coordinate frames of camera {
for the robot controller in order to track patient’s movements. Such assembly is defined in Kragic & Christensen (2002) as
Certainly, common uncalibrated robot manipulators have significant kinematic errors. Due to manufacturing tolerances, the real kinematics differ from their nominal model. This leads to a reduced positioning precision depending on the dimension of kinematic errors, even if the manipulator has a good repeatability (Bruyninckx & Shutter (2001)). Further it is extremely challenging to permanently guarantee an exactly fixed geometric relationship between the base coordinate systems of the robot and the camera, if the camera acts from an observer perspective (outside-in or stand-alone, as defined in Kragic & Christensen (2002), respectively). Therefore, within the MODI
In principle, due to the optically closed loop, an underlying feedback from the robot’s joint encoders is not essentially required to perform visual servoing. Omitting such joint encoder feedback would lead to a so called
Due to the fact that typical surgical optical tracking systems like the NDI-POLARIS have a relatively low bandwidth in contrast to common robot joint encoders, it is reasonable to use a so called
By the reason that surgical optical tracking systems commonly deliver full position and orientation of all tracked elements in the three-dimensional space, the robot control can be performed
Finally, due to the utilization of a stereo vision system which is not rigidly fixed to the robot wrist (like inside-out or eye in hand systems, as defined in Kragic & Christensen (2002), respectively), but acts from an observer perspective (Fig. 2), we can classify the MODI
A block diagram of the MODI
In order to follow patient’s movements, the control input for the decentralized joint control of the robot must represent the joint angle vector
where the inverse kinematics
If the determination of the patient’s pose is carried out through an
Primally when the optically measured pose of the robot wrist is exactly the same as the desired one relatively to the optically measured pose of the patient, then the equation
However, if any pose error
The functional separation of the tracking procedure into a geometrically setpoint determination and into a dynamic control exclusively in joint space facilitates the use of classical approaches from control theory for each joint in order to design a fast and robust tracking controller.
4. Simulation model describing the real time tracking procedure
Regarding the objective of tuning the MODI
4.1. Global model structure
The global structure of the offline model is directly derived from the block diagram in Fig. 3 which describes the tracking procedure. The forward and inverse kinematics as well as the tracking algorithm itself are straightly copied from the real control software that previously has been implemented within the MODI
4.2. Robot model
The model of the robot arm itself consists of a stiff kinematic model and six structurally identical dynamic joint models with individual joint specific parameters.
The kinematic model, as well as the nominal model in the robot controller, are based on the so called
Regarding the dynamics, any disturbances or physical effects like e.g. gravity, that act on the gear sides of the real robot joints, are strongly reduced at the motor sides through high gear ratios and therefore relatively small in relation to the inertias of the joint servo rotors. Further, due to the fact that, within the MODI
Those parameters that cannot be determined straightly from available technical data sheets of the robot, are identified by fitting the velocity step response of every joint model into its corresponding measurement from the real system. The estimation of the unknown parameters is carried out through fmincon() from the MATLAB OPTIMIZATION TOOLBOX
which manipulates all unknown parameters within user defined constraints and performs a simulation per each parameter set, until a quality function, defined as
reaches a minimum, where
Fig. 5 shows the result of the described identification procedure, exemplarily for the first shoulder joint of the robot (S1). Due to the simple structure of the joint model, the torque curve is strongly idealized. However, the model reproduces the angle and angular velocity trajectories of the real joint drive very well, if stimulated with the same velocity command like the real one. In order to check if these characteristics are reproducible over the full workspace of the robot, independently from payload, robot arm configuration or input signals, several verification tests were done. Exemplarily, Fig. 6 shows a verification result where, due to a changed robot arm configuration (see Fig. 7), a lower moment of inertia acts on the joint S1 and further the velocity command is 0.1
4.3. Localizer model
At the actual state of development, the localizer model merely simulates the time performance of the NDI-POLARIS-System and normally distributed spatial measurement noise, whereas the sampling time ΔTots as well as the measurement lag tlots can be globally changed and the standard deviation for each component of a measured pose (x,y,z,,,) can
be individually manipulated for each simulated reference body. Further, miscalibration between the robot wrist {tcp} and its optical reference body {rrb} can be simulated through multiplying a corresponding error transformation matrix T.
The localizer model is actually kept that simple because the current focus lies in exploring how the time performance of any (replaceable) localizer influences the overall tracking behaviour. If a strongly detailed measurement error model of the NDI-POLARIS with its anisotropic measurement characteristics will be desired, mathematical models like e.g. from Wiles et al. (2008), an extension of Fitzpatrick et al. (1998), can be integrated into the dynamic model of the MODICAS patient tracking procedure in the future.
4.4. Model verification
The full dynamic model that is described above, consisting of the robot model, localizer model, kinematics and tracking algorithms, is verified against measurements from the real MODICAS assistance system while tracking random patient movements. In order to better enable the recognition of dynamic transients in the laboratory, the applied patient motion is much faster than typically expected during any surgical intervention. The results of one verification experiment are presented in Fig. 8 as cartesian trajectories. The corresponding time trajectories of the robot joint angles are further illustrated in Fig. 9. As it can be seen in Fig. 9, especially in the plots for the joints E1 and W1, there are noticeable differences between the simulated and the measured time trajectories of the joint angles. What firstly seems to be a weak point of modelling, is a valuable feature of the tracking principle from equation (3). Not only does the observed level deviation occur in the joint responses, but it also occurs in the joint angle command trajectories. The reason for that phenomena is that, for the exemplarily presented simulation, no kinematic error has been considered in the model. While the real uncalibrated robot has significant kinematic errors, in the simulation all parameters for link length errors and joint offsets (Fig. 4) were set to zero. Although the real robot has significant kinematic errors, the tracking algorithm within the real system
adjusts the joint angle trajectory commands such that the cartesian trajectories match those of a kinematically precise robot (as simulated in Fig. 8). Accordingly, there will not remain any kinematically caused deviation between the actual and desired pose of the robot wrist in steady state. All in all, Fig. 8 clearly indicates that the simulation of the MODICAS patient tracking function represents the real system behaviour very well and the developed simple model is fully adequate for further investigations, in presence of a joint velocity interfaced robot.
5. Application example: model-based controller design
One of the first simulation experiments that have been performed using the novel offline model environment was aimed to compare different control strategies, especially adopted to the time performance of the NDI-POLARIS, at first under the consumption of zero measurement noise. A more general investigation on different control structures within (image based) visual closed loop systems has been already presented in Corke & Good (1996). However, our investigation is specially aimed at finding the best possible control strategy
for the MODICAS patient tracking procedure with its functional principle like shown in Fig. 3. As communicated through the manufacturer, only a proportional controller per each joint is generally implemented into the original MHI MCB. With the help of the model-based simulation environment we found out that, regarding the patient tracking function, a specially tuned proportional feedforward controller enhances the overall tracking behaviour, although the feedforward velocity signal, that can be derived from the NDI-POLARIS through a simple differentiation, is poor due to the relatively low sample rate in relation to the time response of the robot.
A further enhancement has been carried out by the use of a pole placement controller, especially developed and adopted to the time performance of the NDI-POLARIS. The results of the two enhanced controllers may be compared to the original one from the MHI MCB by reckoning Fig. 10. In the experiment, a patient dummy is rotated around a defined axis that is assumed to be the principal axis of the patient. The measurement of the patient dummy’s reference body is fed into the offline model, where the patient tracking procedure is simulated three times using three different controllers. First, the proportional controller with the original controller gains from the MHI MCB, second the specially tuned proportional feedforward controller and third, the specially developed pole placement controller. As the plots show, in the exemplary tracking experiment, the maximum 3D positioning error is reduced when using the proportional feedforward controller and further reduced when using the pole placement controller. Upcoming experiments will further show how far those controllers can be sufficiently be utilized in the presence of measurement noise or how to then find the best compromise between fast dynamics and high accuracy as well as precision in steady state, respectively.
6. Conclusion
The investigation that is described in this chapter has derived an offline model that simulates the system dynamics of the real MODICAS patient tracking procedure very well, independently from the operating point of the system. The model enables the developer to better understand the functional principle of the tracking procedure and to perform a specific tuning of its parameters in order to increase its overall dynamic performance. One model-based experiment has already delivered an improvement of the tracking control strategy. In the future, further experiments will show how the improvement of the localizer device, especially by means of noise reduction and a faster data aqcuistion, can enhance the overall dynamic performance of the tracking procedure.
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