Ranges and mean bond distances (Å) of Cs5.25H1.75[α-PW11MgO40]⋅6H2O and [(
1. Introduction
Polyoxometalates have attracted much attention in the fields of catalytic chemistry, surface science, and materials science because their acidity, redox property, and solubility in various media can be controlled at molecular levels [1 – 3]. In particular, coordination of metal ions and organometallics to the vacant site(s) of lacunary polyoxometalates is one of the powerful techniques to construct effective and well-defined metal centers. Among the various metals and their derivatives that can be coordinated to the vacant site(s) of lacunary polyoxometalates, magnesium and magnesium derivatives are intriguing because of their efficient properties as catalysts, reagents for organic syntheses, pharmaceutical compounds, and so on [4, 5]. However, magnesium-coordinated polyoxometalates (characterized by X-ray crystallography) are still one of the least reported compounds: Examples that have been reported include Mg8SiW9O37⋅24.5H2O [6], Mg8SiW9O37⋅12H2O [6], and Mg7(MgW12O42)(OH)4(H2O)8 [7].
In this study, we first report the syntheses and molecular structures of cesium and tetra-
2. Experimental section
2.1. Materials
K7[α-PW11O39]⋅xH2O (x = 16 and 20) [8] and K10[α2-P2W17O61]⋅14H2O [9] were prepared as described in the literature. The number of solvated water molecules was determined by thermogravimetric/differential thermal analyses. All the reagents and solvents were obtained and used as received from commercial sources.
2.2. Instrumentation/analytical procedures
Elemental analyses were carried out by Mikroanalytisches Labor Pascher (Remagen, Germany). Prior to analysis, the samples were dried overnight at room temperature under pressures of 10–3 – 10–4 Torr. Infrared spectra of the solid samples were recorded on a Perkin Elmer Spectrum100 FT-IR spectrometer in KBr disks at around 25 °C in air. Infrared spectra of the liquid samples were recorded on a Perkin Elmer Frontier FT-IR spectrometer attached to a Universal ATR sampling accessory at around 25 °C in air. Thermogravimetric (TG) and differential thermal analyses (DTA) data were obtained using Rigaku Thermo Plus 2 TG/DTA TG 8120 and Rigaku Thermo Plus EVO2 TG/DTA 81205Z instruments and were performed in air while constantly increasing the temperature from 20 to 500 °C at rates of 1 and 4 °C/min. 1H (600.17 MHz) and 31P-{1H} (242.95 MHz) nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra were recorded in tubes (outer diameter: 5 mm) on a JEOL ECA-600 NMR spectrometer (Shizuoka University). 1H NMR spectra were measured in dimethylsulfoxide-
2.3. Synthesis of Cs5.25H1.75[α-PW11MgO40]⋅6H2O
Solid K7[α-PW11O39] 20H2O (1.01 g; 0.31 mmol) was added to a solution of MgBr2 6H2O (0.18 g; 0.62 mmol) in 10 mL of water. After stirring for 10 min at 75 °C, solid CsCl (1.02 g; 6.06 mmol) was added to the solution, which was then stirred at 25 °C for 15 min. The resultant white precipitate was collected using a membrane filter (JG 0.2 μm). At this stage, 0.927 g of crude product was obtained. For purification, the crude product (0.927 g) was dissolved in 7 mL of a 3.3 mM solution of MgBr2 at 75 °C; the resulting solution was filtered through a folded filter paper (Whatman No. 5). After the product was left standing for a day at 25 °C, colorless crystals formed. The obtained crystals weighed 0.384 g (the yield calculated via [mol of Cs5.25H1.75[α-PW11MgO40]⋅6H2O]/[mol of K7[α-PW11O39]⋅20H2O] × 100% was 35.7%). The elemental analysis results were as follows: H, ≤ 0.1; Cs, 20.5; Mg, 0.65; P, 0.87; W, 58.9; Br, 0.01%. The calculated values for Cs5.25H1.75[α-PW11MgO40] = H1.75Mg1Cs5.25O40P1W11 were as follows: H, 0.05; Cs, 20.42; Mg, 0.71; P, 0.91; W, 59.18; Br, 0%. A weight loss of 3.03% was observed in the product during overnight drying at room temperature at 10-3–10-4 Torr before the analysis, which suggested that the complex contained six adsorbed water molecules (3.07%). TG/DTA obtained at a heating rate of 4 °C/min under atmospheric conditions showed a weight loss of 3.0% with an endothermic peak at 242 °C in the temperature range of 25 to 500 °C; our calculations indicated the presence of six water molecules (calcd. 3.07%). The results were as follows: IR spectroscopy (KBr disk): 1081s, 1058s, 961s, 888s, 830m, 808m, 769m, 724m cm–1; IR spectroscopy (in water): 1079m, 1056s, 1017w, 957s, 898m, 823m, 779w, 724w cm–1; 31P NMR (27 °C, D2O): δ−10.81.
2.4. Synthesis of [(n -C4H9)4N]4.25H2.75[α-PW11MgO40]⋅H2O⋅CH3CN
The tetra-
2.5. Synthesis of K8H2[α2-P2W17MgO62]⋅15H2O
Solid K10[α2-P2W17O61]⋅14H2O (2.00 g; 0.42 mmol) was added to a solution of Mg(NO3)2⋅6H2O (0.32 g; 1.25 mmol) in 50 mL of water. After stirring for 2 h at 25 °C, solid KCl (1.57 g; 21.1 mmol) was added to the solution. The resultant white precipitate was collected using a glass frit (G3) and washed with methanol. At this stage, 1.730 g of a crude product was obtained. For purification, the crude product (1.730 g) was dissolved in 17 mL of a 2.0 mM Mg(NO3)2 aqueous solution; the resulting solution was filtered through a folded filter paper (Whatman No. 5). After standing in a refrigerator overnight, white crystals formed, which were collected using a membrane filter (JG 0.2 μm) and yielded 0.693 g of product. The percent yield calculated using [mol of K8H2[α2-P2W17MgO62]⋅15H2O]/[mol of K10[α2-P2W17O61]⋅14H2O] × 100% was 34.8 %. The elemental analysis results were as follows: H, <0.1; K, 7.17; Mg, 0.52; P, 1.34; W, 68.6; N, <0.1%; the calculated values for K8H2[α2-P2W17MgO62]⋅xH2O (x = 1) = H4K8Mg1O63P2W17 were H, 0.09; K, 6.90; Mg, 0.54; P, 1.37; W, 68.89; N, 0%. A weight loss of 5.30% was observed during overnight drying at room temperature at 10-3–10-4 Torr before analysis, suggesting the presence of 14 weakly solvated or adsorbed water molecules (5.27%). TG/DTA results obtained at a heating rate of 4 °C/min under atmospheric conditions showed a weight loss of 5.62% below 500 °C with an endothermic point at 101.4 °C; calculations showed that 5.64% corresponded to 15 water molecules. The results were as follows: IR spectroscopy (KBr disk): 1084s, 1063m, 1015m, 945s, 920s, 892sh, 823s, 786s, 736s cm–1; IR spectroscopy (in water): 1086s, 1064m, 1015w, 946s, 914s, 811s, 788s, 724m cm–1; 31P NMR (D2O, 23.9 °C): δ −7.77, −13.77. 183W NMR (2.0 mM Mg(NO3)2-D2O, 40 °C): δ −57.04, −80.87, −131.47, −176.59, −181.67, −201.40, −207.65, −208.63, −230.51.
2.6. Synthesis of [(CH3)2NH2]7.5H2.5[α2-P2W17MgO62]⋅6H2O
The dimethylammonium salt of [α2-P2W17MgO62]10− was obtained via the reaction of K10[α2-P2W17O61]⋅14H2O (2.00 g; 0.42 mmol) with Mg(NO3)2⋅6H2O (0.11g; 0.43 mmol) in 50 mL of water. After stirring for 1 h at 25 °C, solid (CH3)2NHHCl (3.44 g; 42.2mmol) was added to the solution. The resultant white precipitate was collected using a glass frit (G4). At this stage, 1.363 g of the crude product was obtained. For purification, the crude product (1.363 g) was dissolved in 32 mL of water. After filtration through a folded filter paper (Whatman No. 5), colorless crystals were obtained by vapor diffusion from ethanol at 25 °C for 4 d. The obtained crystals weighed 0.740 g (the yield calculated from [mol of [(CH3)2NH2]7.5H2.5[α2-P2W17MgO62]⋅6H2O]/[mol of K10[α2-P2W17O61]⋅14H2O] × 100% was 38.1%). The elemental analysis results were as follows: C, 3.72; H, 1.42; N, 2.50; Mg, 0.42; P, 1.34; W, 68.0; K, <0.1%; the calculated values for [(CH3)2NH2]7.5H2.5[α2-P2W17MgO62]⋅xH2O (x = 3) = C15H68.5Mg1N7.5O65P2W17 were C, 3.91; H, 1.50; N, 2.28; Mg, 0.53; P, 1.35; W, 67.86; K, 0%. A weight loss of 1.30% was observed during overnight drying at room temperature at 10–3–10–4 Torr before analysis, suggesting the presence of three weakly solvated or adsorbed water molecules (1.16%). TG/DTA results obtained at a rate of 1 °C/min under atmospheric conditions showed weight losses of 2.33% and 7.42% without clear endothermic and exothermic points in the temperature ranges of 25 to 200 °C and 200 to 500 °C, respectively; calculations showed that 2.32% and 7.42% corresponded to six water molecules and 7.5 dimethylammonium ions, respectively. The results were as follows: IR spectroscopy (KBr disk): 1087s, 1065m, 1018m, 948s, 919s, 891s, 805s, 777s, 717s cm–1; IR spectroscopy (in water): 1086s, 1065m, 1020w, 945s, 913s, 808s, 790s, 723m cm–1; 31P NMR (D2O, 21.7 °C): δ −7.73, −13.74.
2.7. X-Ray crystallography
A colorless prism crystal of Cs5.25H1.75[α-PW11MgO40]⋅6H2O (0.090 × 0.070 × 0.060 mm), colorless platelet crystal of [(
2.8. Crystal data for Cs5.25H1.75[α-PW11MgO40]⋅6H2O
H13.75Cs5.25MgO46PW11; M = 3525.27,
2.9. Crystal data for [(n -C4H9)4N]4.25H2.75[α-PW11MgO40]⋅H2O⋅CH3CN
C70H160.75MgN5.25O41PW11; M = 3809.93,
2.10. Crystal data for [(CH3)2NH2]7.5H2.5[α2-P2W17MgO62]⋅3H2O
C15H68.50MgN7.50O65P2W17; M = 4605.92,
2.11. Computational details
The optimal geometries of [α-PW11{Mg(OH)}O39]6– and [α-PW11{Mg(OH2)}O39]5– were computed using a DFT method. First, we optimized the molecular geometries and then applied single-point calculations with larger basis sets. All calculations were performed using a spin-restricted B3LYP method with the Gaussian09 program package [17]. The solvent effect of acetonitrile was considered using the polarizable continuum model. The basis sets used for geometry optimization were LANL2DZ for the W atoms, 6-31+G* for the P atoms, and 6-31G* for the H, O, and Mg atoms. LANL2DZ and 6-31+G* were used for the W and other atoms, respectively, for the single-point calculations. Geometry optimization was started using the X-ray structure of [α-PW12O40]3– as the initial geometry, and was performed in acetonitrile. The optimized geometries were confirmed to be true minima by frequency analyses. All atomic charges used in this text were obtained from Mulliken population analysis. Zero-point energy-corrected total energies were used to consider the structural stabilities of [α-PW11{Mg(OH)}O39]6– and [α-PW11{Mg(OH2)}O39]5–.
3. Results and discussion
3.1. Syntheses and molecular structures of cesium and tetra-n -butylammonium salts of α-Keggin mono-magnesium-substituted polyoxotungstate Cs5.25H1.75[α-PW11MgO40]⋅6H2O and [(n -C4H9)4N]4.25H2.75[α-PW11MgO40]⋅H2O⋅CH3CN
The cesium salt of [α-PW11MgO40]7– was formed by the direct reaction of magnesium bromide with [α-PW11O39]7– (at a Mg2+/[α-PW11O39]7– ratio of ~2.0) in aqueous solution, followed by the addition of excess cesium chloride. The pure cesium salt was not obtained by a stoichiometric reaction of Mg2+ with [α-PW11O39]7– in aqueous solution. Crystallization was performed via slow-evaporation from a 3.3 mM MgBr2 solution at 70 °C. Here, single crystals suitable for X-ray crystallography could not be obtained in water because a mono-lacunary polyoxoanion formed upon the removal of magnesium ions from [α-PW11MgO40]7– in water at around 70 °C. In contrast, the tetra-
Samples for the elemental analyses were dried overnight at room temperature under a vacuum of 10–3 – 10–4 Torr. The elemental analysis results for H, Cs, Mg, P, and W were in good agreement with the calculated values for the formula of Cs5.25H1.75[α-PW11MgO40]. Br analysis revealed no contamination of bromide ions from MgBr2. The weight loss observed during the course of drying before the analysis was 3.03% for Cs5.25H1.75[α-PW11MgO40]⋅6H2O; this corresponded to six weakly solvated or adsorbed water molecules. TG/DTA measurements also showed a weight loss of 3.1% in the temperature range of 25 to 500 °C, which corresponded to six water molecules. For the tetra-
The molecular structures of cesium and tetra-
Although a hydroxyl group and/or water molecule should be coordinated to the magnesium site in [α-PW11MgO40]7–, it could not be identified by X-ray crystallography. On the basis of the Cs analysis results, Cs5.25H1.75[α-PW11MgO40]⋅6H2O should contain species with hydroxyl groups in at least 25% of the molecules. To investigate the coordination spheres around the mono-magnesium-substituted sites containing a hydroxyl group and water molecule, optimized geometries of [α-PW11{Mg(OH)}O39]6– and [α-PW11{Mg(OH2)}O39]5– were computed by means of a DFT method, as shown in Fig. 3. The bond-length ranges, mean bond distances, and Mulliken charges for DFT-optimized [α-PW11{Mg(OH)}O39]6– and [α-PW11{Mg(OH2)}O39]5– are summarized in Tables 2 and 3. As shown in Fig. 3, the ligands coordinated to the mono-magnesium-substituted site caused remarkable distortion of the α-Keggin molecular structure: The Mg–P distance of [α-PW11{Mg(OH)}O39]6– was 3.652 Å, which was longer than that of [α-PW11{Mg(OH2)}O39]5– (3.330 Å). The charges of all atoms in [α-PW11{Mg(OH)}O39]6– and [α-PW11{Mg(OH2)}O39]5– were also influenced by the ligands, as shown in Table 3.
Cs5.25H1.75[α-PW11MgO40]·6H2O | |
W(Mg)-Oa | 2.426 – 2.521 (2.478) |
W(Mg)-Oc | 1.827 – 2.426 (1.945) |
W(Mg)-Oe | 1.827 – 2.426 (1.945) |
W(Mg)-Ot | 1.688 – 1.712 (1.696) |
W(2)-Oa | 2.423 |
W(2)-Oc | 1.859 – 1.979 (1.927) |
W(2)-Oe | 1.859 – 1.979 (1.927) |
W(2)-Ot | 1.726 |
P-O | 1.544 – 1.590 (1.562) |
[( |
W(Mg)-Oa | 2.483 (2.483) |
W(Mg)-Oc | 1.894 (1.894) |
W(Mg)-Oe | 1.894 (1.894) |
W(Mg)-Ot | 1.703 (1.703) |
P-O | 1.511 (1.511) |
Here, the sum of the zero-point energy-corrected total energies (Hartree) of ([α-PW11{Mg(OH)}O39]6– + H3O+) and ([α-PW11{Mg(OH2)}O39]5– + H2O) was –4377.185183 and –4377.287786, respectively; the thermal energy of ([α-PW11{Mg(OH2)}O39]5– + H2O) calculated on the basis of zero-point energy was 64.4 kcal/mol lower than that of ([α-PW11{Mg(OH)}O39]6– + H3O+). Thus, [α-PW11{Mg(OH2)}O39]5– was more stable than [α-PW11{Mg(OH)}O39]6–. It was noted that the Mg-Oc and Mg-Oe bond lengths of the optimized [α-PW11{Mg(OH)}O39]6– structure were longer than those of [α-PW11{Mg(OH2)}O39]5–, as shown in Table 2. In the X-ray crystal structures of Cs5.25H1.75[α-PW11MgO40]⋅6H2O and [(
The 31P NMR spectrum in D2O of Cs5.25H1.75[α-PW11MgO40]⋅6H2O showed a signal at −10.8 ppm that corresponded to the internal phosphorus atom; this demonstrated the high purity of Cs5.25H1.75[α-PW11MgO40]⋅6H2O in water. However, the presence of polyoxoanions possessing Mg−OH and/or Mg−OH2 moieties could not be identified by 31P NMR spectroscopy in water. For the 31P NMR spectrum in acetonitrile-
W-Oa | 2.42491 – 2.50502 (2.45747) | 2.43078 – 2.49519 (2.46749) |
W-Oc | 1.77745 – 2.06287 (1.92795) | 1.78987 – 2.04292 (1.92730) |
W-Oe | 1.77336 – 2.06166 (1.92035) | 1.78511 – 2.03477 (1.92000) |
W-Ot | 1.72294 – 1.73069 (1.72654) | 1.72076 – 1.72696 (1.72356) |
P-O | 1.54748 – 1.56478 (1.55930) | 1.55541 – 1.55857 (1.55763) |
Mg-Oa | 2.52990 (2.52990) | 2.18152 (2.18152) |
Mg-Oc | 2.10554 – 2.11671 (2.11113) | 2.04263 – 2.05034 (2.04649) |
Mg-Oe | 2.08702 – 2.09720 (2.09211) | 2.06585 – 2.08177 (2.07381) |
Mg-OH/OH2 | 1.93732 (1.93732) | 2.12343 (2.12343) |
Oa (W) | –0.752 – –0.731 (–0.740) | –0.789 – –0.752 (–0.768) |
Oc (W) | –1.166 – –0.975 (–1.084) | –1.170 – –1.009 (–1.095) |
Oe (W) | –1.359 – –1.143 (-1.300) | –1.366 – –1.194 (–1.314) |
Ot (W) | –0.774 – –0.725 (–0.748) | –0.743 – –0.708 (–0.730) |
P | 6.849 | 7.192 |
W | 2.105 – 2.474 (2.304) | 2.151 – 2.460 (2.313) |
Oa(Mg) | –0.489 | –0.481 |
Oc(Mg) | –0.694 – –0.680 (–0.687) | –0.749 – –0.690 (–0.720) |
Oe(Mg) | –0.638 – –0.616 (–0.627) | –0.674 – –0.636 (–0.655) |
Ot(Mg) | –0.961 | –0.844 |
Mg | –0.253 | –0.274 |
H | 0.428 | 0.556 – 0.564 (0.560) |
The FT-IR spectra measured as KBr disks of Cs5.25H1.75[α-PW11MgO40]⋅6H2O and [(
The spectral pattern of solid Cs5.25H1.75[α-PW11MgO40]⋅6H2O was different from that of solid [(
3.2. Syntheses and molecular structures of potassium and dimethylammonium salts of α-Dawson-type mono-magnesium–substituted polyoxotungstate K8H2[α2-P2W17MgO62]⋅15H2O and [(CH3)2NH2]7.5H2.5[α2-P2W17MgO62]⋅6H2O
The potassium salt of [α2-P2W17MgO62]10– was formed by the direct reaction of magnesium bromide with [α2-P2W17O61]10– (at a Mg2+/[α2-P2W17O61]10– molar ratio of ~3.0) in aqueous solution, followed by the addition of excess potassium chloride. Pure potassium salt was not obtained by the stoichiometric reaction of magnesium ions with [α2-P2W17O61]10– in aqueous solution, as was observed for Cs5.25H1.75[α-PW11MgO40]⋅6H2O. In contrast, the dimethylammonium salt was formed via a stoichiometric reaction of magnesium nitrate with [α2-P2W17O61]10– in aqueous solution, followed by the addition of excess dimethylammonium chloride. Crystallization was performed by vapor diffusion from water/ethanol at around 25 °C.
The elemental analysis results for H, K, Mg, P, and W were in good agreement with the calculated values for K8H2[α2-P2W17MgO62]⋅H2O. N analysis revealed no contamination of nitrate ions from Mg(NO3)2. The weight loss observed during drying before the analysis was 5.30% for K8H2[α2-P2W17MgO62]⋅15H2O; this corresponded to 14 weakly solvated or adsorbed water molecules. TG/DTA data also showed a weight loss of 5.62% in the temperature range of 25 to 500 °C, which corresponded to 15 water molecules. For the dimethylammonium salt, the C, H, N, P, Mg, and W elemental analysis results were in good agreement with the calculated values for [(CH3)2NH2]7.5H2.5[α2-P2W17MgO62]⋅3H2O. The K analysis revealed no contamination of potassium ions from K10[α2-P2W17O61]⋅14H2O. The weight loss observed during drying before the analysis was 1.30% for [(CH3)2NH2]7.5H2.5[α2-P2W17MgO62]⋅6H2O; this corresponded to three weakly solvated molecules. TG/DTA data showed weight losses of 2.33 and 7.42% observed in the temperature ranges of 25 to 200 °C and 200 to 500 °C, respectively; these values corresponded to six water molecules and 7.5 [(CH3)2NH2]+ ions, respectively.
belt units (W(3) –W(8)) | |
W-Oa | 2.338 – 2.374 (2.359) |
W-Oc | 1.874 – 1.962 (1.908) |
W-Oe | 1.904 – 1.935 (1.924) |
W-Ot | 1.698 – 1.733 (1.717) |
cap units (W(Mg) (1), W(Mg)(2), W(Mg)(9), W(Mg)(10)) | |
W(Mg)-Oa | 2.348 – 2.393 (2.369) |
W(Mg)-Oc | 1.909 – 1.966 (1.934) |
W(Mg)-Oe | 1.910 – 1.948 (1.930) |
W(Mg)-Ot | 1.73 – 1.788 (1.760) |
P-O | 1.505 – 1.584 (1.538) |
The molecular structure of [(CH3)2NH2]7.5H2.5[α2-P2W17MgO62]⋅6H2O determined by X-ray crystallography is shown in Fig. 6. This molecular structure was identical to that of monomeric α-Dawson-type polyoxotungstate [α-P2W18O62]6- [23], which was constructed from cap (W(Mg) (1, 2, 9, 10)) and belt (W(3 – 8)) units. The bond lengths are summarized in Table 4. Because of the high symmetry of the space group, the six tungsten(VI) atoms at the two cap units were disordered and the partial structure around the magnesium site in [(CH3)2NH2]7.5H2.5[α2-P2W17MgO62]⋅6H2O was not identified by X-ray crystallography, as was observed for Cs5.25H1.75[α-PW11MgO40]⋅6H2O and [(
The 31P NMR spectrum of K8H2[α2-P2W17MgO62]⋅15H2O in D2O showed signals at –7.8 and –13.8 ppm, which were the same as those of [(CH3)2NH2]7.5H2.5[α2-P2W17MgO62]⋅6H2O (–7.7 and -13.7 ppm); this was also confirmed by the two-line spectrum observed for a mixture of the potassium and dimethylammonium salts in D2O. These signals were different from those of K10[α2-P2W17O61]⋅14H2O (δ –6.8 and –13.9), suggesting that a magnesium ion was coordinated to the vacant site of [α2-P2W17O61]10–. The 183W NMR spectrum of K8H2[α2-P2W17MgO62]⋅15H2O in 2.0 mM Mg(NO3)2-D2O showed nine signals at –57.04, –80.87, –131.47, –176.59, –181.67, –201.40, –207.65, –208.63, and –230.51, as shown in Fig. 7. These signals were also different from those of K10[α2-P2W17O61]⋅14H2O (δ –117.1, –140.4, –151.7, –181.0, –183.1, –218.1, –220.5, –224.0, and –242.6) observed in D2O [28]. These results also supported that a magnesium ion was coordinated to the vacant site of [α2-P2W17O61]10‒, resulting in an overall
The FT-IR spectra of K8H2[α2-P2W17MgO62]⋅15H2O and [(CH3)2NH2]7.5H2.5[α2-P2W17MgO62]⋅6H2O measured as KBr disks are shown in Fig. 8. The potassium and dimethylammonium salts showed bands at 1084, 1063, 1015, 945, 920, 892, 823, 786, and 736 cm–1 and 1087, 1065, 1018, 948, 919, 891, 805, 777, and 717 cm–1, respectively. These bands were different from those of K10[α2-P2W17O61]⋅14H2O (1084, 1051, 1016, 940, 918, 887, 811, 740, and 601 cm–1), which also supported that a magnesium atom was coordinated in the vacant site of [α2-P2W17O61]10–. The spectral pattern of solid [(CH3)2NH2]7.5H2.5[α2-P2W17MgO62]⋅6H2O was quite similar to that in water (1086, 1065, 1020, 945, 913, 808, 790, and 723 cm–1); this suggested that the molecular structure of [(CH3)2NH2]7.5H2.5[α2-P2W17MgO62]⋅6H2O observed in a solid was maintained in an aqueous solution. In addition, the FT-IR spectrum of [(CH3)2NH2]7.5H2.5[α2-P2W17MgO62]⋅6H2O observed in water was the same as that of a liquid sample of K8H2[α2-P2W17MgO62]⋅15H2O (1086, 1064, 1015, 946, 914, 811, 788, and 724 cm–1). These results showed that the molecular structure of potassium salt was the same as that of the dimethylammonium salt, as suggested by the 31P NMR spectra of the salts in D2O.
4. Conclusion
In this study, we synthesized α-Keggin-type mono-magnesium-substituted polyoxotungstate Cs5.25H1.75[α-PW11MgO40]⋅6H2O and [(
This work was supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan.
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