Ali Leylavi Shoushtari

Wageningen University & Research

He received his PhD in Biorobotics from Scuola Superiore Sant\'Anna, Pisa and MSc in Mechatronics from South Tehran Branch, Azad University. During his PhD he designed and developed Bio-inspired inverse kinematic algorithm for anthropomorphic robotic manipulators, and designed and developed a unified motion planning and compliance control framework for upper-arm Neuro-rehabilitation robotic task. Persued research on design, fabrication and modeling or soft origami actuators in Center for Micro-BioRobotics (CMBR), IIT as a postdoctoral researcher. In 2019, the Farm Tech Group joined Wageningen University & Research and is currently working on soft adhesive grippers for delicate crop handling. The project is in collaboration with the Department of Experimental Zoology, WUR to take inspiration from adhesive properties of tree frog fingertip and Department of Physical Chemistry and Soft Matter in order to develop fabrication methods for soft actuators and sensor.

Ali Leylavi Shoushtari