Anthony Ananga

Florida A&M University - Florida State University College of Engineering United States of America

Dr. Anthony Ananga is an Assistant Professor in Food Science at Florida A&M University in Tallahassee Florida, USA. He has 10 years of teaching and 15 years of research experience. Dr. Ananga’s research program focuses on grape vinification and bioprocessing, concentrating on analyzing the antioxidant capacity of phytochemicals in muscadine grapes. His lab investigates the bioavailability and efficacy of these phytochemicals in preventing chronic diseases and understanding their effect in fighting obesity. He also uses the functional genomics platform to improve nutraceutical compounds in muscadine grape cells for human health benefits. In addition, Dr. Ananga’s lab is focused on food safety, emphasizing fruit and peanut allergens. He strives to understand, characterize, purify, and investigate major food allergens in grapes and peanuts.

Anthony Ananga

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