Advertising Policy

In line with the Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing, below is a more detailed description of IntechOpen's Advertising Policy. 

1. IntechOpen partners with third-party companies to serve ads and/or collect certain information when you visit our website. These companies may collect non-personally identifiable information (not including your name, address, email address or telephone number) during your visit to IntechOpen's website.

2. All advertisements and commercially sponsored publications are independent from editorial decisions.

3. IntechOpen does not endorse any product or service marked as an advertisement on IntechOpen website.

4. IntechOpen has blocked all the inappropriate types of advertising.

5. IntechOpen has blocked advertisement of harmful products or services.

6. Advertisements and editorial content are clearly distinguishable.

7. Editorial decisions will not be influenced by current or potential advertisers and will not be influenced by marketing decisions.

8. Advertisers have no control or influence over the results of searches a user may conduct on the website by keyword or topic search.

9. Types of advertisments:

- Advertisements in the Physical Sciences, Engineering and Technology, and Social Sciences and Humanities sections of the IntechOpen website are programmatic (based on user behaviour such as web pages visited, content viewed, etc.)

- Advertisements in the Life Sciences and Health Sciences sections of the IntechOpen website are programmatic as well as contextual based on the content of the respective books and chapters. IntechOpen's third party partner eHealthcare Solutions (EHS) is a unique marketing platform that specializes in connecting niche audiences with healthcare brands.

You may view their privacy policy here:

10. IntechOpen Advertising Sales department makes the decisions about the types of advertisements to include or exclude. Placement of advertising is at the discretion of IntechOpen. IntechOpen retains the right to reject and/or request modifications to the advertisement. An advertisement that is visible online, will be withdrawn from the site at any time if the Editor(s) or Author(s) request its removal.

11. Users can make decisions about accepting advertisements. Users can block all the advertisements by using ad blockers. Users can send all the complaints about advertising to:

12. IntechOpen Journals do not accept advertising.

Policy last updated: 23 January 2023