Kaneez Fatima-Shad

University of Technology Sydney Australia

Professor Kaneez Fatima Shad, an Australian neuroscientist with a medical background, earned her Ph.D. in 1994 from the Faculty of Medicine at UNSW, Australia. Following her doctoral studies, she pursued a postdoctoral fellowship at Allegheny University of Health Sciences in Philadelphia, USA. With a rich academic background, Professor Shad has shared her expertise in medical and biological sciences across various esteemed institutions worldwide, spanning Australia, the USA, UAE, Bahrain, Pakistan, and Brunei. Throughout her career, she has been actively involved in cutting-edge research, securing both local and international grants totaling over US$2.5 million. Her research endeavors have led to the development of innovative products, including a rapid diagnostic test for stroke and other vascular disorders such as schizophrenia. Professor Shad’s contributions to academia extend beyond research, with over 76 articles published in refereed journals, nine books edited, and 10 book chapters authored. She is also a seasoned presenter, having shared her insights at over 100 international conferences. Furthermore, Professor Shad has played a crucial role in nurturing the next generation of scholars, having mentored 34 postgraduate students. Known for her dedication to education and research, Professor Shad serves as a mentor to students and a specialist in protocol development. Her expertise and passion for advancing knowledge in the field of neuroscience continue to inspire and shape the future of medical science.

Kaneez Fatima-Shad

9books edited

10chapters authored

Latest work with IntechOpen by Kaneez Fatima-Shad

According to the World Health Organization, nearly 80% of people with epilepsy live in low- and middle-income countries and could live seizure-free if properly diagnosed and treated. Among the structural and genetic triggers that may lead to epilepsy are head trauma, abnormal synaptic connectivity, receptor subunits anomalies, and atypical ionic channel function. Developing brains are specifically susceptible to seizures for many reasons, for example, the presence of enhanced excitation due to the early production of excitatory neurotransmitters, and the fact that the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA causes excitation early in life. These studies help to clarify why the very young brain is exceptionally prone to seizures. The chapters presented in this book describe how structural, genetic, infectious, and metabolic abnormalities can lead to epileptogenesis. Nevertheless, many underlying disease mechanisms that can lead to epilepsy remain unknown.

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