3 Open Access Books

167 Authors and Editors

251 Web of Science Citations

295 Crossref Citations

857 Dimension Citations

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Open Access Peer-reviewed Chapters

Photocatalytic Degradation of Organic Pollutants in Water

By Muhammad Umar and Hamidi Abdul Aziz

Part of the book: Organic Pollutants

Advances in Electrokinetic Remediation for the Removal of Organic Contaminants in Soils

By Claudio Cameselle, Susana Gouveia, Djamal Eddine Akretche and Boualem Belhadj

Part of the book: Organic Pollutants

Application of Different Advanced Oxidation Processes for the Degradation of Organic Pollutants

By Amilcar Machulek Jr., Silvio C. Oliveira, Marly E. Osugi, Valdir S. Ferreira, Frank H. Quina, Renato F. Dantas, Samuel L. Oliveira, Gleison A. Casagrande, Fauze J. Anaissi, Volnir O. Silva, Rodrigo P. Cavalcante, Fabio Gozzi, Dayana D. Ramos, Ana P.P. da Rosa, Ana P.F. Santos, Douclasse C. de Castro and Jéssica A. Nogueira

Part of the book: Organic Pollutants


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Open Access Peer-reviewed Chapters