Antoni Pérez-Navarro
PhD in Physics at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). Teacher of electromagnetism in the Physics Department at UAB between 1996 and 2000. Between 2000 and 2005 worked in AURENSIS (SYGISA) as Project manager in Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Since 2003 I collaborate with Universitat Oberta da Catalunya, first as a consultant and, since 2005, as a lecturer at the Department of Computer Science, Multimedia and Telecommunications, where I am responsible for subjects of physics and GIS, and Academic Director of Postgraduate Studies in GIS. Since 2007 also collaborates with the School Salesian Univesitat Sarrià teaching Physics. Working as a lecturer at UOC, I have participated in several projects related with e-learning, mainly: how to integrate laboratories in an e-learning environment; the problem of formulae communication in for e-elarning estudents; and development of a platform to allow virtual students to make presentations.