Olga Petrucci

National Research Council Italy

Olga Petrucci is a Researcher of the Research Institute for Geo-Hydrological Protection (IRPI) working in Cosenza Section of the Institute (Italy). She works on both triggering conditions and effects caused by damaging hydrogeological phenomena as landslides and floods. She carried out several researches on the occurrence of these phenomena, thus realizing a database which currently is made of more than 11,000 records describing the occurrence, during the last two Centuries, of damaging landslides and floods in Calabria (Italy). The results of historical researches that have been published reveal the occurrence of not widely known hydrogeological phenomena, thus contributing to the dissemination of information on them. Moreover, she has been working on the impact of these phenomena, even elaborating damage assessment methodologies. She is currently in charge of the Historical Archive of IRPI Section of Cosenza and is author of several articles published on international journals and books also available on Google Books.

Olga Petrucci

1books edited

1chapters authored

Latest work with IntechOpen by Olga Petrucci

This book is an overview of the complex and multifaceted topic of natural disasters impact. Several possible approaches can be undertaken to assess economic, psychological, societal or environmental damage caused by natural disasters, aiming to reduce the effects of future events on the whole of these sectors. This book proposes a range of studies realized in different continents, showing various aspects from which natural disasters can be view, thus giving a measure of the complexity and multidisciplinary of the topic. It starts with a paper presenting a possible strategy to either avoid or reduce the vulnerability of concrete buildings during floods. Then, it continues with an insight into the communication during post-disaster emergency phase and with two chapters concerning the assessment of two different kinds of impact on people everyday life. The book ends with an analysis of the role of stakeholder participation in post-disaster reconstruction.

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