Chris Idzikowski

Dr Idzikowski's formal interest in sleep began in Edinburgh where he earned his PhD working with Emeritus Professor Ian Oswald, the UK's founding father of sleep research. He was Hon Treasurer of the British Sleep Society when it was first set up and subsequently became the founding Chairman of the Royal Society of Medicine Forum on sleep and its disorders and guided its transition to become the Sleep Medicine Section. He has held many honorary appointments, both health authority (Oxford) and University (e.g Queen's University of Belfast, Visiting Professor, Surrey University) and has also contributed to various sleep-related charitable organizations (e.g. Finland's Unettomat) as well as published numerous papers and books on sleep, including Learn to sleep well (Duncan Baird, 2000) and Sleep” (HarperCollins, 2007). Currently he is the Director of Edinburgh Sleep Centre, a Consultant Psychologist at the London Sleep Centre and the Director of Sleep Assessment and Advisory Service in Belfast.

Chris Idzikowski

2books edited

1chapters authored

Latest work with IntechOpen by Chris Idzikowski

This book consists of a diverse set of topics which cover not only the predominant interests in sleep medicine such as sleep apnoea but also the more esoteric areas such as forensic sleep medicine. The chapters provide contemporary reviews and analysis of the existing literature. They are useful not only for the general and specialist practitioner who is trying to get up to speed or keep up with their area but also for researchers who are trying to understand these areas for the first time. Where necessary, the authors have highlighted areas that need further research and also those areas that should concern both medical and public health authorities.

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