Milan Samardziski

Name and surname: Milan Samardziski MD, MsC Nationality: Macedonian Date of birth: August 20, 1962 Place of birth: Berovo, Republic of Macedonia Permanent address: Vasil Gjorgov 22/19 1000 Skopje, Macedonia Tel. Office: ++398 02 3235 137; 3162 636 Fax: ++389 02 3235 137; Profession: Medical Doctor, Orthopedic Surgeon Languages: English Employed at: University “St. Kiril and Metodi”, Medical Faculty, Clinic for Orthopaedic Surgery, University Clinical Center, Skopje, Macedonia Post: Orthopedic Surgeon Professional background: -Clinic for Orthopedic Surgery, Skopje, from June 1, 1989 up to now; -Since 1999, Head of Department for Bone Tumors and Transplantation of Bone, Clinic for orthopaedic Surgery, Skopje, Macedonia Educational background : Primary School, in Skopje, completed 1977/78, excellent result; Secondary School: in Skopje, completed 1980/81, excellent result; One year obligatory Army service, completed 1981/82. Entered Faculty of Medicine, Skopje in 1982/83, completed in March 19, 1988, (average result 8,56). One year obligatory practice with final examination in Laws and Constitution, completed June ,1989. Specialization in Orthopedic surgery started on September, 1992, completed October 2, 1996. Postgraduate studies in Medicine (Orthopaedic surgery) finished on 2 July 2003, in Skopje. PhD disertation finished on 2 December, 2009, in Skopje. Fields of interest: Bone tumors and limb reconstruction, endoprostheses, pediatric orthopaedics Specialization abroad: -Student exchange program, Italy, Sicily, Catania, Prof. Dr Masimo Gaglio, June 1986; -Balcan - Ohrid School for Echosonography, 03-10 September, 1995, Ohrid, Macedonia -Basic Course for Arthroscopy, 03-05 October, 1996, Skopje, Macedonia -Exchange program of orthopedic surgeons, Institute for Orthopedic Surgery, “Banjica”, SR Yugoslavia, Beograd, Prof. Dr Slobodan Slavkovic, December, 1997, -Maryland Center for Limb Lengthening and Reconstruction, Kernan Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, from June 01 to September 15, 1998 Prof. Dror Paley, MD, FRCSC -The 7th Annual Baltimore Deformity Course 10-15 September, 1998, Baltimore, MD, USA -Salzburg-Cornell Seminar, 07-13 Nov, 1998, Salzburg, Austria -From 29 Noember to 24 December 1999, “Algemeines Krankenhaus”, Vienna, Austria, (Univ. Prof. Dr. Reiner Kotz). - From 2nd to 29th May 2000 “Algemeines Krankenhaus”, Vienna, Austria, (Univ. Prof. Dr. R. Kotz). - From 2nd to 30th May 2001, “Algemeines Krankenhaus”, Vienna, Austria ( Univ. Prof. Dr. M. Dominkus, Univ. Prof. Dr. R. Kotz). -Course of diagnosis and Therapy of Primary Bone Tumors, University of Belgrade and University Clinic Eppendorf-Hamburg, 23-25, June 2005, Belgrade (Chairman: Prof. Günter Deling). -“Key Factors for Successful UKA and Primary TKA in Combination with Minimally Invasive Techniques” 1-2 February 2008 Landes-krankenhaus - Stolzalpe, Austria. -Modern Treatment of Chronic Wounds, Clinical Centre “Rebro”, Zagreb, Croatia, 07-09 March 2008. Projects: -Limb salvage procedures, (Project Dir.: Univ. Prof. Dr. G. Zafiroski) -Hygiene Education for Turkish Women in Rural Provinces of Macedonia, (Project Manager: Mrs. Susana Musli) Membership: -Macedonian Medical Association (MMA) -Macedonian Chamber of Medicine (MCM) -Macedonian Association of Orthopedics and Traumatology (MAOT) - Macedonian Association for Osteoporosis -BUON (Balcan Union of Oncology) -European Association of Orthopedics and Traumatology (EFORT) -SICOT member (International Association of Orthopedics and Traumatology) -American Assosiation of Orthopaedic Surgeons Skopje, 2011

Milan Samardziski

2chapters authored