Kostas Fountas

University Of Thessaly Greece

Kostas N. Fountas has earned his Medical Degree from the National and Capodistrian University of Athens, Greece. He completed his neurosurgical training at the Medical Center of Central Georgia and the Medical College of Georgia in Augusta, GA, USA. He has joined the Faculty of Medicine, School of Health Sciences of the University of Thessaly, in Larisa, Greece since 2007. He has been the Head of the Department of Neurosurgery of the University Hospital of Larisa, since 2009. His scientific interests are focused on functional imaging, electrophysiology, and neuro-oncology. He has contributed 120 publications in peer-reviewed journals, as well as 20 chapters in textbooks. Dr. Fountas has given more than 250 oral and poster presentations in national and international scientific meetings.

Kostas Fountas

1books edited

5chapters authored

Latest work with IntechOpen by Kostas Fountas

Emerging imaging modalities continuously increase the diagnostic sensitivity and accuracy of neuroimaging, and have transformed diagnostic radiology into a powerful research and clinical tool. Various novel neuroimaging modalities have become of paramount importance, not only in establishing diagnosis but also in guiding surgical intervention, and in evaluating the treatment effect. Advanced MR based techniques such as Fractional Anisotropy, Diffusion Tensor Imaging, Proton Spectroscopy, and task-generated as well as resting-state functional MRI have tremendously increased the power of the modern neuroscientist’s armamentarium. The employment of advanced neuroimaging techniques have been expanded in the scientific fields of neuropsychology, consumer’s psychology, and forensic medicine. Our current textbook presents exactly a collection of such innovative work, and explores new frontiers, and future applications of neuroimaging

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