Masaki Kanao

National Institute of Polar Research Japan

Dr. Masaki Kanao obtained his Ph.D. from Kyoto University. He is currently working at the National Institute of Polar Research in Tokyo. He is chiefly interested in the Earth\'s structure and evolution from geoscience studies. Polar regions, both in Arctic and Antarctic, have been investigated by geophysical investigations particularly by passive and active seismic sources. He is also interested in the present Earth’s dynamics and tectonics of the continental lithosphere. The Antarctic continent, as a member of the past Gondwana super-continent, has been the main target to reveal lithospheric evolution history. Recently, inter-disciplinary studies in terms of glacial earthquakes, cryoseismic events in Greenland and Antarctica have been focusing on involving environmental changes associated with global warming. These investigations in polar regions have been contributing to the development of all kinds of global Earth sciences.

Masaki Kanao

6books edited

18chapters authored

Latest work with IntechOpen by Masaki Kanao

Glaciers and Polar regions provide important clues to understanding the past and present status of the Earth system, as well as to predict future forms of our planet. In particular, Antarctica, composed of an ice-covered continent in its center and the surrounding Sothern Ocean, has been gradually investigated during the last half century by all kinds of scientific branches; bioscience, physical sciences, geoscience, oceanography, environmental studies, together with technological components. This book covers topics on the recent development of all kinds of scientific research on glaciers and Antarctica, in the context of currently on-going processes in the extreme environment in polar regions.

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