This study investigates how to engage students in a blended academic writing course. We did classroom observation and analyzed the chatroom and video recordings of the class on ZOOM, the learning materials and procedure on CNMOOC, and the collaborative writing tasks submitted on CANVAS. We also analyzed data from WeChat and the interview. The results show that teacher-student, student-content, and student-student interactions can all influence students’ engagement. Teacher-student interaction in the form of questions and answers, presentations and comments, knowledge exploration using note-pen, and teacher’s written and oral feedback has effect on students’ engagement in ZOOM. Student content interaction via well-designed videos, exercises, and in-class activities influences their engagement on CNMOOC. Student-student interaction for completing project-based writing tasks and peer review in collaborative writing has an impact on students’ engagement after class. The study will have pedagogical implications for how to promote student engagement in an online blended learning context
Part of the book: Massive Open Online Courses - Current Practice and Future Trends