To protect human and environmental health, wastewater treatment is one of the important activities in urban and industrial areas. Urbanized increasing population with industrialization demands more amount of wastewater treatment. Despite wastewater treatment’s positive impact on human and environmental health, it also produces sludge as a by-product of the process. Characteristics of the sludge mainly depend on the source of wastewater and the process applied for its treatment. Domestic sludge generally contains a large number of pathogenic bacteria carrying biodegradable compounds. Characteristics of industrial sludge vary greatly. It may contain biodegradable, non-biodegradable, toxic compounds, heavy metals, etc. The sludge may be in the form of liquid or semisolid with 0.25–12% solids. Thus, the handling and disposal/reuse of sludge may become a complex task due to its large volume and infectious and/or toxic nature. This chapter analyses the characterization and quantity estimate of the sludge produced during the application of various municipal and industrial wastewater treatment options. Current practices for the disposal and reuse options such as anaerobic digestion for biogas production, composting to utilize as a fertilizer, brick production, filler material, and bioplastic production will be reviewed and the suitability of each option in terms of benefit and risk will be critically analyzed.
Part of the book: Sewage Management