As part of the syndromic surveillance of fever in Senegal, the virology department at Institut Pasteur de Dakar (IPD) in collaboration with the Epidemiology Unit and the Senegalese Ministry of Health conducted syndromic surveillance of fever in Senegal. Sample are from all suspected arboviral infections patients attending any of the sentinel sites. Collected blood samples were sent on a weekly basis at WHOCC for arboviruses and hemorrhagic fever viruses for screening of seven medically important arboviruses, including dengue virus (DENV). From January to December 2021, 2010 suspected cases were received among them 124 for confirmed to be DENV+ by RT-qPCR attempt of serotyping led to the detection of atypical DENV case from Sare Yoba area (Kolda region) which is unable to be correctly assigned to a serotype by the available tools (TIB Molbiol Modular Dx Dengue typing kit). Performed genome sequencing et phylogenetic analysis leads to the identification of a sylvatic DENV-2 strain closely related to a virus previously detected in Guinee-Bissau in 2009. This finding constitutes proof of the contemporary circulation of DENV-2 strain belonging to the sylvatic cycle in addition to well-known epidemic strains; this adds a piece of complexity to dengue management in Senegal. Alarmingly, it calls for improved genomic surveillance of DENV to know the genetic diversity of circulating strains in order to strengthen future vaccination policies.
Part of the book: Dengue Fever in a One Health Perspective