This chapter summarizes the successes and challenges of catfish farming in the small-scale industry in Southern Africa. Given that capture fisheries have been declining steadily over the years in many countries, aquaculture is generally expected to grow to meet demand. However, catfish production in most Southern African countries is low. This is despite the region having the most suitable temperature for the culture of freshwater fish species. In Southern Africa, catfish farming is one of the most important components of inland aquaculture, and it is mainly dominated by the small-scale sector. Production in the small-scale sector is affected by several constraints, which affect the profitability of the sector. These challenges include, among others, quality of production systems, supply of quality fingerlings, feeds, management of diseases, education and training of farmers, marketing and development of products, access to finance, research capacity, extension services, and, to some extent, regulatory frameworks and policies. The chapter proposes interventions that are needed to improve the production of catfish in Southern Africa. For instance, there is a need for the small-scale sector to move from intensive to advanced culture systems, such as recirculating aquaculture systems and integrated aquaculture systems, such as aquaponics, in order to boost catfish production.
Part of the book: Catfish