A virus when replicates itself from one generation to another, tends to change a little bit of its structure. These variations are called mutations. History says that SARS CoV-2 originated from the virus reservoirs of animals, specifically non-human mammals like bats and minks. Since then, there are evolutionary changes in its genome due to recombination in divergent strains of different species. Thus, making the virus more robust and smarter to sustain and evade immune responses in humans. Probably, this has led to the 2019 SARS CoV-2 pandemic. This chapter tracks the evolutionary trails of the virus origin, its pathogenesis in humans, and varying variants with the coming times. Eventually, the chapter overviews the available vaccines and therapies to be followed for SARS CoV-2.
Part of the book: Current Topics in SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19